NC Infantry have no AV weapon that can engage fast moving targets at long range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. LynxFury

    Ideally none of the factions would have infantry weapons that can engage fast moving targets at long range--they should need to call in vehicle support or plan to get closer to intercept on the next pass. Hawk and Pheonix are excellent at both close and medium range.
  2. PieBringer

    Change the Phoenix to instead of firing a rocket, fire a beacon that calls down an entire squad of Mattock MAX via drop pod at the impact location. The beacon would obviously travel exactly like the rocket, camera guided.
  3. Zenanii

    "the NC have no Lancer" would have been a proper title for the topic. Of course, Vanu have no AV weapon that can be fired from cover. TR have neither, which they make up for with the strongest overall AV weapon (that lacks niche applications).

    It's called faction diversity.
  4. NC_agent00kevin

    You have to pick one with the Crow and Hawk; air or ground targets. Neither are very good either, which is why you tend to see more dumbfire missiles than either of those choices. Also, each faction has a counterpart to those as well. We are talking AV weapons that are specific to each faction here, not things that every faction has or has a clone of.

    TR has the best selection of AV options, hands down.

    VS is a decent 2nd Place

    NC has utter garbage for AV options outside of the Phoenix, which I discussed in my 1st post and will not repeat here. Ravens arent terrible either; its just the other factions' MAX options are better IMO.

    Perhaps those factions' AV options better fit my playstyle while NC vehicles and Infantry weapons better suit my style. This is my opinion, it is not up for debate, and it is neither right nor wrong.
  5. HadesR

    I dunno .. I think NC have a pretty good combination when used in a coordinated manner .. A mix of Nix's, AV turrets and anni's were wrecking any armour or air than came close to us the other night.
  6. FateJH

    This has always been my beef about the designation. The SKEP and the Crow are just as much ES as the Striker and Phoenix, whether or not they have close or equivalent stats. I suppose it's neither a here nor there.

    I think there are two closely related problems here. The first is, PS1 be d amned, the Phoenix just doesn't fit the NC playstyle. It's a harassment weapon, not a hard-hitting combat weapon, and only aspires to the latter role because the strength of its denial within its range can be severe. It's denial used to be so great than it was a great non-Infiltrator sniping weapon. This game has a fetish for harassment tools to be honest, but aural ones especially. Headshots make special plinks to the person being shot, AV turrets sound different (so you know there's probably no way to engage that thing killing you from two hexes away), Falcons and Phoenixes have their dreadful whistling, all the ESFs make distinct whoosh sounds, Infiltrator cloaks, the Lock-on warning ...

    And this is the other one. The NC really haven't receieved any AV weapons of note for a long time. All you have had are modifications of existing weapons, more or less. The Falcons are about on the same footing as the TR Fractures in AV terms, save that you have to either commit your shots or learn how to follow doritos behind cover. I'd personally like to argue that Falcons may be better than Fractures at distance AV since they can be guided and you don't have to suffer from the insane drop of pseudo-rocket-propelled rockets but I can understand how it must suck to feel like you're only better than an AV turret by being able to out-DPS it. I can't make comparisons to that VS MAX weapon - the one they hold rather than trade one set of claws for another when equipping - because I've never seen it in action (or can't tell when I see it in action).

    "Asymmetric balance?" Sorry, I'm sympathetic to your concerns, but I have no other consolation for you. Perhaps that, when in a tank, I fear Vanguard AP as much as a Vanguard may fear other factions' secondaries?
  7. Bill Hicks

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Anihiliators suck against harrassers
  8. Bill Hicks

    NC has the worst AV weapons of any faction.
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    Im not looking for consolation; and I am not concerned. Im pointing things out and will continue to do so.

    Its a game.

    Ill play it.

    Ill discover things that devs never thought of, and I will point them out. What I post will be personal observations - no stats, no BS. Whether or not others share my opinion is irrelevant. Im the one who decides how far to open my wallet to this game.
  10. Luighseach

    Infantry get that weapon....

    Honestly I do not want more incompetent tankers on my server. I've seen so many tank forces die because NC on Waterson have no idea how to tank. Thank god I run with two of the TOP 10 NC tankers in the game(at least with the Titan AP that is).
  11. Bape

    This is so true the reason why NC looses so many battles is due to tanks pushing us back. I notice this since the phoenix came out that we are loosing to tanks more then infantry.
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  12. ent|ty

    Yes you do, its called skill.
    A guided rocket can help greatly, or skilled use of a dumbfire, or waiting for an opportunity to get closer.
    You also have the NS AV turret for engineer.
    I dont see a problem. Consider it an interesting strength/weakness you get to learn to deal with.
  13. Revanmug

    If your sunderers are being destroyed by phoenix launch from the spawn room, any dumbfire would have done the same.

    The maneuvrability of the phoenix is being exaggerate as usual.
  14. Vanudrax

    I'm sorry, I thought there were other things to shoot at on the battlefield than Harrassers. My bad. NC has the highest scoring ESRL, and yet they fill the forums with whining. You do realize that if you leave the spawn room, you can advance and get into range of other targets. But that would kinda mean risking your kdr. I know so many NC who won't do that. Better to stay in spawn and use the Phoenix. Poor NC. SOE, buff the Phoenix to a 700m range so they don't have to risk lowering their KDRs please.
  15. Scorponok

    the phoenix is fine...people are just sad they cant one shot things wonder NC is doing worse and worse...people should just switch sides.
  16. FigM

    No faction should have infantry weapons that can engage armor at long range
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  17. deggy

    I came back to this thread for the purpose of posting something like this...

    But I had my post all thought up, so I'm gonna type it anyway.

    The problem isn't that NC doesn't have these options, it's that VS and TR do. Nobody should be able to ensure good accuracy against a moving, distant target.
  18. theholeyone

    NC gets the best long range AV tank main cannon, so it makes sense not to have such good infantry options.
  19. Sen7rygun

    My favourite complaint threads are the ones that defeat themselves on the inside of the first paragraph. You managed it inside the first sentence. Well done OP, have yourself a free thumbs up for all the wrong reasons.

    There's also the lock on G2G launchers that everyone conveniently forgets while whining about not being able to lock up and strike (kek) fast moving things lik the flashes and harassers.
  20. Hibiki54

    NC Falcons need to be buffed in terms of velocity. It should be equal if not greater than Fractures.