NC Infantry have no AV weapon that can engage fast moving targets at long range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    With the exception of the Annihilator, which everyone gets.

    Vanu get the Lancer with a 700 m/sec projectile speed. TR get the Striker which has the incredible ability to hit even a very high speed harasser at full deflection.

    Phoenix's have a 290 m range limitation and poor maneuverability, making it difficult to hit a fast moving target unless you pretty much predict where he'll be and fire towards that position and hope by the time your missile gets there he's actually there.

    Even the AV MAX weaponry is good for NC. TR get Fractures, very fast moving projectiles, and the VS get Vortex's - near instant delivery like the Lancer. Meanwhile NC get Falcons which are painfully slow and Raven's which while guided, are still quite slow and simply disappear at around 300 m. Falcons don't even reach 300 either - not that you could hit anything moving at that range with them anyway.

    The end result is that the NC are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to long range AV work with infantry weaponry.
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  2. Crashmatusow

    this is a large part of the reason NC hurt so much... vehicle zergs can stop them hard.
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  3. Oreo202

    Use Titan AP. Problem solved...?
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  4. Vanudrax

    Maybe the NC outfits should start using Annihilators. They're actually pretty good, and as proven by numerous videos, dominating when used in mass. So what if it isn't quite as good as a Striker. It gives you an accurate, longer range weapon. A squad using Anni's will wreck any armored convoy it comes across, and deny the enemy air same as Strikers do.

    Yes I know you want some empire specific long range launcher. But you do get the Phoenix, which has plenty of advantages. I can't fire my lancer around rocks or over hills and hit targets I can't even see, so don't whine too much.
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  5. deggy

    The Annihilator is good and so is the MANA AV if you can aim.

    The Vanguard Titan-150 AP is also the fastest tank round in the game, so there's that.
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  6. Rohnlex

    The annihilator sucks badly. Harassers, lightnings and even tanks can dodge the missile.
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  7. Izriul

    TR/VS have no wire guided AV weapon with precision accuracy

    With the exception of the AV turret, which everyone gets.

    Swap you the phoenix for the lancer then....Oh wait, no need, I have both, and use the Phoenix A LOT more.

    Making a mountain out of a molehill again, ignoring all the great stuff NC actually have. Nothing new here then.
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  8. Spookydodger

    The Annihilator also has a significantly lower damage than the Striker and a longer lock-on time. I've found it quite hard to lock onto Harassers with the Annihilator if there is any appreciable intervening terrain.
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  9. BadAsElite

    The phoenix does not have that many advantages over the dumbfire rockets.

    The rocket itself handles like a hippo. It struggles at hiting things behind cover, due to the last set of nerfs on its steering.
    What the phoenix needs is an sort of afterburner. Where it can be guided onto a target and then fired again, a bit like an ATM.
  10. CrashB111

    NC may not have long range, but no other faction has a 300 meter death bubble around their spawn rooms.

    You cannot drive a Tank or Sunderer close to an NC base without being constantly bombarded by Phoenix Missiles coming out of the spawn room.
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  11. phreec

    Go try that and report back how well you managed to deploy a 300m wide no-vehicle-bubble from the spawnroom with Phoenixes...

    I'll be awaiting your results patiently.
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  12. Pax Empyrean

    This is because the Striker is busted.

    Try the Crow for long range anti-vehicle work if you don't want to use the Annihilator or the AV turret.
  13. Spookydodger

    How does the Striker going through terrain pertain to what I posted? The Striker doesn't lockon in less time than the Annihilator because of a bug or anything, the made the Annihilator take longer intentionally.

    I use the Nemesis (The VS G2A) launcher quite a bit. I never bought the Hades (VS AV lockon) because the Lancer is pretty good at hitting fast-moving vehicles and can hit longer.

    Probably I would buy the Crow on my NC Character.
  14. NC_agent00kevin

    1. Its says 'Infantry' - not 'Armor'

    2. The Annihilator is a joke - its takes a whole squad using one, focusing fire on the same target, to accomplish what 2 guys with Strikers can do. Not only that, but every faction has both the Annihilator and the AV Turret.

    3. The Phoenix is a pretty good ESRL - but it requires the enemy to pretty much stop moving entirely to be of any real use. At which point you might as well equip a Devastator.

    Not complaining here, just pointing some things out. I've been primarily a vehicle driver (mostly AP Lightnings) and Gunner lately anyway.
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  15. Chipay

    600*m/s making it as hitscan as a sniper rifle.

    Now, this balance issue wouldn't really be a problem since the AV MANA turret can hit any tank with ease as much as the Lancer can.
    any TANK...

    Harassers are so small, so agile and so fast, the weaponry of the NC wasn't made with the idea that the harasser would exist...
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  16. Pax Empyrean

    By "busted" I mean from a balance perspective. The Striker has ridiculous damage output compared to the other lock-ons. The Annihilator's damage is fine; a bit weaker than the Crow, but it's more versatile. As NC, the Crow is your best open for a guided long range anti-vehicle launcher. The Annihilator will work in a pinch, but if you're not shooting aircraft with it occasionally you'd be better off with the Crow.
  17. FateJH

    Point: the Striker as we know it is going away - a "nerf," as some would hope to call it - and will no longer be as viable soon. Asking for it is just aasking for this whole fiasco to repeat all over again intentionally. "Outrun?" the only reason the Striker can't be outrun is the bugged nature of its tracking, owing to the fact that so many have complained about it that they've changed it almost every GU since it was released that it's code is probably spaghetti.

    I use the SKEP for all Ground AV purposes and flak for my Air AV purposes, and both work just fine. There should be nothing wrong with the Crow and the Hawk?
  18. Vashyo

    Yeah the only issue NC struggles with is the speed of harasser and in some cases lightning. We do have the Ravens for max but they're extremely weak and we have to pay resources to use them as an option, resource we don't necessarily have. Ur better of using AV turret.

    Best option for NC when fighting anti-vehicle at longer ranges right now is the AV turret cause of its high damage and control, phoenix is ok but it does have limited range and it's hard to control after the nerf so u can't really get hits if the vehicle driver is too unpredictable.

    Besides phoenix makes infantry sniper fodder for using it at bad places
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  19. UNSCSpartan051

    Phoenix having 300m bc of game limitations is BS. Try getting i. The back seat of a harraser, shoot a rocket and have your mate drive in the opposite direction. By the time you exited the camera, you'd be at least 500m away from the impact site. Use the personal waypoint for this. Biolab jump pads work too. So the loading screen after 300m is BS.
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  20. LowTechKiller

    LOL...but a wire guided hippo would hit harder, and definitely one-shot infantry.:rolleyes:
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