Disable XP When Shooting From Spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harbinger, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Zar

    no this is just a bad game mechanic that should have never made it past beta if you get traped in a spawn room you lost and should fall back and regroup and try and assault from the outside ....good lord tactics... forgot what community i was talking to lol.
  2. makrome

    lol, this still going ?

    This whole thread somewhat boils just down to XP/cert/KDR other people get for whatever reason.
    If there's something you don't want to be part of - go elsewhere.
    If you see people doing stuff you don't like, look somewhere else.
    Don't like other people numbers/stats/whatever? Why are you even looking there at first place ?
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  3. ent|ty

    That is where the responsibility and attention lies... at SOE. after all, they've designed it this way, and apparently beta-tested it, so I'm going to assume it is 'working as intended'.

    It happens.

    Happens to me too, so what do y ou want to do the next time?
    You learn that if you run out, you're going to be alone, and die. I know where you're coming from, but in most cases, it is futile to leave.
    My inability to leave and actually do as you say makes me angry, so therefore I take it out by doing everything I can to kill the spawn campers, cause damage and take away their toys and such, and then sit in there and either die to the pain field while taking a couple more out, or just /suiciding.

    Thats all I can do until the base gives me options. And that may never come. "This... is.... PS2!!!!".

    So thats why I say, dont worry about WHY they're in there, or if they get XP or not.. who cares. Do your best to get out if you can to recap, and camp or not camp however you want, it doesn't matter.
  4. ent|ty

    Most bases turn the defender quickly into the attacker (except the attack is coming from an easily predictable source).

    What we are truly looking for are bases that can be defended, and have options to, OR if impossible, to simply 'wrap up the experience' and all the silly spawn camping scenarios, and flip the base to the enemy as soon as they reach the cap point.

    Oh I do. Its the primary reason why I dont like lattice, because it's usually the Zerg doing this,and its hella boring.
  5. XeoWolf

    Typical.. 3 Defenders against a squad of you goofballs in libs, tanks, maxes and such. Stay out of line of sight from spawn, lamer.
    If you "want" a fight give them a chance to come out of the spawn room. Otherwise, get popped over and over while you're looking for your Cheap Kills.
    Nothing wrong with the system until the defenders have plenty of numbers to come out and have a chance to re-cap yet sit in spawns scared to come out because when he calls out "move out on 3, 1.. 2.. 3!" he's the only one moving out.

    Again, it's not the system. It's the window lickers IN the system.
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  6. Mxiter

    Or remove the spawn to remove every kind of spawn campers.
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  7. MonnyMoony

    I did kinda suggest such a thing a few months ago with a modification to the drop pod system. Perhaps a hybrid of the two systems, keep spawn points - but add drop pods that can be bought for vehicle resources and that can be used to pod into any area of the map (or at least any area owned by your faction) - rather than just at squad spawn points and "instant action" areas.

    This would allow defenders to drop pod to an unpopulated area or to the outskirts of the base they are trying to defend, giving them time to form up - rather than spawning into a kill box. Being based on vehicle/air resources though would mean it can't really be spammed since there would only be so many times you can do it.

    The problem with the current spawn system is that unless you spawn in the base you are trying to defend - you have to spawn at an adjacent base (if one is available) then trek cross country for many minutes. This gets tedious if you get killed immediately upon arrival and have to do it all again.
  8. fumz

    That works both ways and makes as much sense as disabling xp for shooting into spawns: none. Since you don't actually have to camp the spawn room, and since you're not locked down into one narrowly defined position, what makes shooting into spawns any less cheap?
  9. Mxiter

    Or maybe just someone can spawn to a close base, spawn a sunderer and counter attack by a 2nd spawn point.

    Spawn rooms are a bad mechanics. Sunderers arn't.
  10. Bastid721

    I'm all for this if the reverse is also true. No xp from kills made 5-10m around/in spawn room or a mechanic to that effect.
  11. CaptainYamerica

  12. CaptainYamerica

    I will agree that while I find camping inside the spawn room annoying, at some times it can be necessary evil as well. People should never be punished for being "forced" into certain situations.
  13. IonCannons

    If only that was the punishment, public shaming works!
  14. ent|ty

    One cannot 'camp' inside their spawn.
    "Camping" is waiting for an enemy to come by so you can ambush them and get an easy kill.

    The players on the outside of spawn are the one's 'camping'.. Man this gets tedious constantly having to educate people on the terms the use incorrectly, always making their own definitions of words to support their argument.

    If I'm on the outskirts, I'm not defending anymore, I'm attacking.
  15. CaptainYamerica

    What does the terminology really matter? And yeah it IS camping. you're not going anywhere. It's like camping in a corner waiting for someone to run by so you can shoot them in the ***. Sitting in one place for a prolonged period of time = camping regardless where it is or under what connotation.

    Man, this is so off-topic.
  16. Zar

    if you give people a place where they can shoot out and not get shot at they will not leave as long as they have something to shoot out at. put spawns under ground with hallways to defend them shields are no longer there if you get pushed back to the spawn you lose period regroup and counterattack fixed.
    and to all of you who say "well its not camping the guys who are outside are camping." no they are not camping they won you lost and are to dumb to do anything about it.I do it all the time in my outfit "guys they have has surrounded! Pull back and pull armor to counter attack GREAT PLAN BOSS!" and we do and win you losers on the other hand sit farm kills and wait till the base is caped to lose and get as many stat pading kills and certs you can.... you people are the problem.
  17. Lazaruz

    I was ready to come here and give the OP a piece of my mind when I read the title "Double XP When Shooting From Spawn"...

    Lucky I stopped and read it again :D
  18. ent|ty

    Yes it does, in order for everyone to communicate about something effectively. Agreeing on a definition and usage of a word is really helpful, and dictionaries were created with that in mind, so we wouldnt always be confused with one another.

    No, it is not camping, and it is not off topic, especially if you're trying to imply that those 'trapped' in spawn are somehow doing anything wrong shooting YOU in the face for hanging out there, instead of on the cap point, where you belong.

    Hopefully SOE sees this madness and fixes it. There first mistake was taking the 0/6 thing out, because now it means 6 more people sitting around the defender's spawns like vultures, all ironically /yelling "Come out cowards, come out campers" ROFL.
  19. Fredfred

    You get 25 xp for spawn killing. Why not get 25 xp for killing from the spawn room too?
  20. Madly

    Do away with the K/D ratio stat --- and I promise you, this will stop (at least to a greater degree).

    *someone may have already had this response posted - if so, I congratulate you. :) *