Disable XP When Shooting From Spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harbinger, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Can't disagree with the removal of XP

    But should work both ways .. And you are not worth any XP for 5 seconds after leaving the spawn room
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Removing xp alone will not solve the issue.

    Some people camp purely as it is a safe way for them to buff their K/D, xp isn't the only advantage from doing it. Yes it would stop some people but it wouldn't solve the whole issue.

    Also the issue is you have to have the ability to shoot through the shields. When you are camped by the other side in the spawn it would be impossible to break out if you couldn't at least take down hose directly facing the spawn.

    You can imagine if shooting through the spawn shields was not possible how difficult it would be if you had a formation of TR MAX units all in lock down with their Mutilators all pointing towards the door for the very second your nose pops through. You wouldn't stand a chance.

    What I also think needs to happen is there needs to be more exit points, yes the enemy force could camp them all but at least their force would be spread thinner around the base. That said 9/10 times I use the tunnels in a tech plant there is no one guarding the exits anyway.
  3. ent|ty

    Thats the problem with base design, it always turns the defender into an attacker, but from a predictable source- the spawn.

    I agree with you that it is BY DESIGN. That design has failed, so time to try something else, lets go with your original statement 'attackers push defenders back to their spawn'.. well lets make the cap point near their spawn, defenders do their best and when they get pushed back, the enemy caps it instantly.
    Problem solved.
  4. ent|ty

    Players like you keep asserting this, with absolutely not proof or ability to back up such a claim. And really, who cares why anyway.
  5. Mxiter

    Fresh spawned players gives less XP to kill, no reason they get 100% XP when they kill something until they leave the spawn (also limit drop pods cheese farm).
  6. TheGreatOne80

    I always liked tower fights and never understood people who were sitting behind the shield in the garage. I was very happy when SOE changed those shields but after a couple of tower fights I just realised now it's impossible to defend the base if you are outnumbered. Why? Because the enemy can park tanks and sunderers in the garage and means no way to "sneak" out and turn B or C point.

    I know there are several doors on towers but all of them can be camped by tanks and aircrafts. I don't know how SOE could solve this spawn system but now it is just bad.
  7. ent|ty

    To keep it simple, just leave it as is. Why do you care whether someone else gets XP and how.
  8. MonnyMoony

    Not at all - as you will see if you take a look at some of my other posts on this subject and I can use the certs (i'm saving up for a Lancer). There have been a few threads bashing spawn defense camping - but IMO, attacker camping is just as bad - i'm simply adding some balance to the debate. If people are happy to sit outside a spawn room farming certs - i'll happily do the same from within the spawn room.

    Either spawn camping/farming is acceptable - or its not, full stop. You can't have defender camping/farming considered unacceptable to the point it gets penalised - but then let attacker camping/farming continue unabated. If camping is counter to good gameplay - it should be tackled from both sides.

    As for letting the defenders out of the spawn room - yes there is a risk they will retake the base - but then surely that would make for better gameplay (which a lot of people seem to be using as the basis of their argument against camping). If its for the good of the gameplay - then why not let them out, surely it's more fun to fight a pitched battle than to sit lol podding a spawn room door?
  9. NinjaTurtle

    Why else would a group of NC players larger than the attacking force sit in a spawn instead of taking back the base? When the number say Allies 48+ and Enemy forces 12 - 24 what else does that suggest to you?

    I have been in numerous battles where we have the numbers to win but instead of rushing the point most people sit in the spawn firing out as people peeking round corners.

    If it's not to buff their K/D and/or to get easy safe certs it is instead lack of awareness and is stupid.

    You're right though I have no "evidence" to link here as to prove this, but I know what I see when I play. I am sure many others can attest so similar situations.... either that or I am unlucky enough to be following around the idiots
  10. ent|ty

    If your read these forums there are many reasons why they are there that are presented. Its just that people who seem to care whether or not an enemy player stays in spawn or not ignore those details.

    And I always ask anyways:
    "Why do YOU care if the enemy stays in their spawn anyway?"

    It has absolutely no dire effect on you as an attacker; you should be happy they are in there, so you can cap with ease.
    I really dont understand why people care about this!!!!!!


    Come on, man. get real.
  11. MonnyMoony

    Or if your opportunity to farm certs was being scuppered by the fact that the defenders stay safely behind the spawn shield (I suspect this is the prime motivation for much of the anger against defender spawn camping - all that juicy XP just out of reach).

    Personally - i'd like to see an end to the spawn camping and zergs (both sides) from a gameplay perspective (I have even made suggestions as to possible fixes) - but whilst the game mechanics promote spawn camping - i'll happily play along.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    Do you not know how boring it is to cap a base for 6 minutes with no one to put up a fight?

    I play a fps game to shoot people not watch them cower behind shields
  13. HadesR

    I don't .. but if it stops people moaning about their inability not to be a target then all is good
  14. MonnyMoony

    If "gameplay" is your primary motivation - fall back and let them out. What does it matter if it takes longer to cap the base - or even if you lose it - surely that makes for better gameplay. This game has no real objective other than to fight - so what's the problem? Chances are, the base will flip to another faction within the hour anyway (especially those near the centre of the map).

    A zerg spawn camping and laying down a firewall gives the defenders no chance to put up a fight anyway - so it would be just as boring even if they come out (briefly) - the only thing you are being denied is farming XP.

    Also - if there is no XP to be had picking off attackers through a spawn door - people will likely just respawn at a different base. Its not going to make them come out of the spawn room just to be farm fodder - so you'll likely still be sat there bored anyway.
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  15. NinjaTurtle



    The problem is no one wants to fight
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  16. ent|ty

    That's understandable, and we should work on issues to correct this stuff, so that both sides are happy.
    But you still didnt answer why you care about them getting XP or not, because you did call them 'cert farmers', when I would actually contest that it is the spawn campers themselves doing the farming.

    Thats why they're there and not on the cap point..
  17. FABIIK

    99% of these 'Spawn Kills' are either people who have just been revived by a medic or fresh spawns who step on a mine set up inside the spawn.
    People farmed coming out of the spawn room are NOT 'Spawn Kills' and grant full XP to the killer.
  18. deggy

    Just don't let them get anything for it. No kill stat, no XP. Firing out of spawn shields should be a last resort, not something you try to do.

    Problem solved.
  19. NinjaTurtle

    Both sides do it, I won't deny that point. More needs to be done on SOE's part to prevent it for both teams.

    But as I said there are times when the defending team clearly has the numbers and still doesn't push. They are in this case allowing the attackers to try and farm by staying in the spawn trying to farm themselves

    And as per your sig, yes I am an an Auraxium subscriber..... and I'm paying to play a game that makes me watch the seconds tick by rather than having people try to kill me :(

    When I am defending I run out doing my best to make something happen, maybe people will follow, maybe if I say stuff in /yell they will do something but no. Time and time again I am defending and there is only me and a few others actually rushing in a futile effort to break the attackers hold because 80% of the team is not content with playing aggressive
  20. Aegie

    I see, this helps clarify.

    Personally, I feel as though the game is designed in such a way as to make camping the spawn as an attacker to be productive whereas camping inside the spawn is not productive (at least, not from a gameplay perspective). In this, I see a difference.

    I am not sure if attackers are happy about spawn camping either. Personally, if I am an attacker the last thing I want to do is camp the spawn room because that is boring and bears little resembles to a genuine FPS. In fact, as an attacker I feel cheated moreso than when a friendly spawn is being camped because at least if a friendly spawn is being camped I know the base is lost and I can redeploy elsewhere and/or launch a counter attack from the next base. As an attacker, when there is nothing left to do but camp the spawn until the base flips, I feel caught between my boredom and the objective of the game (capture the point). True, I can leave the base or redeploy before it flips but this is essentially ignoring the primary objective of the game whereas at least as a defender you can feel you tried to defend, got camped, and were forced to come up with a different strategy- all still centered around the primary objective of the game (capturing points).

    Clearly, camping/farming on both sides is acceptable from a gameplay perspective as there are no TOS or rules regarding doing or not doing these actions. In fact, an argument can be made that, whether intentional or not, the gameplay mechanics actually promote this kind of behavior.

    I think what is really being debated here is whether the current game mechanics involving spawn rooms need to be adjusted in some way and IMO the answer is yes, very much so.

    The existence of spawn rooms necessitates that they be an integral part of the gameplay and that means playing a FPS against a spawn room and that means dull.

    Also, you should not have to risk the primary objective of the game simply to try and squeeze decent gameplay out of the game. This, IMO, is a clear indication that the mechanics of the gameplay are faulty. Why? Because you are being forced to choose between playing to the objective of the game or having fun and in any decent game these two things should be synonymous.