What is the best way to get certification points?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DestructoidZ, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. DestructoidZ

    I'm looking to get a lot fast. I get maybe 50-150 per day but I want MOAR seeing as everything is so damn expensive.
  2. exLupo

    Can you fly?
    ESF > *

    Speccing infantry?
    Good shot: HA
    Bad shot: Medic

    Speccing vehicles?
    MBT/Lightning: AI cannon, farm infantry
    • Up x 1
  3. Tasogie

    Just play, the game isnt a race. Certs come very easily.
    • Up x 4
  4. exLupo

    Pretty much this. Unless you bang your head against a wall doing something decidedly cert poor like being a Fury Assault Hero or loading in as the 10th Engineer in an area with no vehicles or anyone that needs ammo.
  5. Akfourtys

    Playing Fury Light Assault Hero i can do 9-10k score in an hour with luck. If its not my lucky day score gain falls to 5-6k. To play it effective you are supposed to think. Not to choose suicidal tactics for nothing, f.e. running with double c4 bricks to a swarm of magriders, being annihilated 15 meters to your target.
    Medic though is very needed person. It makes assaults sustained, keeping fights closer to enemy base, so ur sundies can longer be safe. Can still do 4-5k with no certs on med.
  6. Maximilious

    Learn to fly (not my best score)

    Note: I stopped playing for 20 minutes because I had to serve / eat breakfast.

  7. Themagikz

    Play a tank with HE rounds and camp Sundys from a moderate distance.
  8. DestructoidZ

    i can fly but i dont have any upgrades for the scythe :/
  9. Aaralyn

    Drop an ammo pack when you're assaulting a Bio-Dome and repair the MAX units.
  10. ed_anger

    Follow the Zerg as it caps undefended bases to take a continent and then move to the next continent. Combat optional.
  11. igorthir

    drop ammo packs in the spawn room at the warp gates. people are forever shooting and reloading in there. I can pick up xp just standing there
  12. Rolfski

    Repairing and ammo spamming as engineer is definitely one of the easier ways to gain XP/certs. Medic isn't too bad either. Just make sure you ride along with the zerg for the extra capping points.
  13. Purp


    Plus the engi repair and ammo suggestions too!

    Best to have fun though, don't worry about the certs, they will come with time, and I plan on playing this game a LONG TIME!!! Kinda like watching a pot of water waiting for it to boil- if you don't worry about it you'll have what you need before you know it!

    I just started a new toon on a different faction (went TR after playing VS since beta) and I feel your pain! Once you get the engi scope and underbarrel grenade launcher it starts to get going a bit faster.
  14. Kris Patel

    i got around 125 once a day, spawn as engineer, find a friendly large army of tanks and repair the first damaged tank you see, then take a look around and if its a large enough army there will be a another one somewhere needing repair, repeat and keep looking for tanks to repair, note your percentage also slowly increases so if you do it for long enough you can reap the benfits
  15. Vixxing

    Make friends with a skilled pilot with a dalton :p (my nephew is a new player but with decent aim he earns heaps of CR)
  16. Ronin Oni


    Engineer dropping ammo packs and repairing MAXes in a inner facility infantry fight (particularly biolabs) just rake in XP

    Medics reviving and healing can rake in XP in an infantry fight

    Destroying vehicles can earn some wicked XP as well... but this requires generally upgraded equipment, skill, and often at least a buddy or 2
  17. VSDerp

    well for me sniping. hard at first but once you get good at it cert gaining machine. but that's just me.
  18. Ronin Oni

    Dalton OR Zephyr depending on target enemy type

    Dalton for busting vehicles

    Zephyr for farming infantry
  19. Vixxing

    Nah, Dalton for everything, then your always prepared....
  20. ent|ty

    I'll bet its
    #1 Camping enemy spawns (with any method)

    #2 sitting in a Lib blasting everything on the ground that moves, especially spawn points.

    Also with some of the skill of Lib pilots out there, who can actually outmaneuver and outrun some ESFs (ask Comatoast (connerY) what his certs are in ), I'm sure before the plethora of lock-ons, it was quite the farming tool.