Is there one class or ability on any empire..that an unskilled noob can own with?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Kimble

    If you had to pick any class..ability... any empire..that is so powerful that people who have no skill can become an overpowered cert farm with?

    Or does it take skill for most everything?

    Lock ons don't count because you usually wont shoot down dozens of planes unless pilots stupid.
  2. Comenius

    I don't know about overpowered cert farm, but if you want to work for your certs then I would say engineer or medic. My eyesight is not that great so being in the thick of battle just gets me killed but I can work behind the lines and repair or heal and get a lot of certs!
  3. TerryTenMen

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  4. Stew360

    ZOE maxs , HA Nanoweave armor + resistshield , especially on VS side with insanely fast ttk and accurate LMG ( AKA orion Bs )
  5. deggy

    Anything with a shotgun as long as you can get close.

  6. khai

    depends on who you talk to, usually they will say whoever has been killing them lately but on the whole NO. There is not any superclass nor any empire that has a definite advantage simply by existing. The empires are more a matter of preference, do you like big guns, rapid fire or dub step. There are some more forgiving classes compared to others but again it depends on what your good at. The general consensus seems to be go HA with resist shields since you will have something for almost any situation but don't expect to own everyone your going to be disappointed. Wait if you can master flying get a lolpod ESF that's always a good way to feel like your master of all you survey, and you can join the faction on the forums calling for the removal of all AA and become an instantly accepted member of forumside.
  7. Phrygen

    The ZOE max thing is BS. An inexperienced player will do better with 4 or 5 ranks in charge to escape. Any max with mercies or blueshifts will work well.

    As for normal infantry. I would suggest medic just for the certs, but HA is going to get more kills. Also, don't use resistshield if you are new. The default is better for inexperienced players.

    And try to ignore all the faction crying.
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  8. Larolyn

    Being able to revive MAXs an infinite amount of time meaning no matter how many times you kill them in a bio lab, they will just get up again if there is a medic nearby. Makes the numbers game and suicide charging the front lines with more numbers than they have pretty much the only viable tactic.
  9. Canaris

    want certs? go medic!
  10. Chipay

    Oh great almighty and totally unbiased Stew, thy forgot the NC MAX :eek:
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  11. Mr_Giggles

    This is the second thread that you've made where you are asking for people opinions of what the best of something is. It doesn't work like that. An item might be good but in the hands of a bad player it is a bad item. No amount of singling out what is best and what isn't is going to help you in the long run, only training yourself up will.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    If you suck at shooting, play as medic or pocket engineer for a max.
    If you suck at shooting, but want to shoot anyways, play Heavy Assault.
  13. Stew360

    Sorry but scat maxs for beginers is awefull , a Scat maxs whiout fully extended magazine and fully cert kinectic worth nothing ,
    You clearly know nothing about maxs usages my dear friend , scat maxs as a huge learning curve atached to it in order to be any good , a ZOE or quasar maxs is a easymode spam maxs
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  14. MadMurf

    This doesn't have to do with the thread but I absolutely love Neo fighting Sub Zero. That is just awesome.
  15. PieBringer

    Totally counts.
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  16. Sneakier


    Heavy+Rocket Launcher

    Engi+Nub tube

    You can't go wrong with those, easy farm
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    Oh cmon Stew. I'm NC and I think this is ridiculous. The learning curve isn't very high for ANY Max, let alone a max that uses shotguns. Here's my stats to prove that I've used ZOE and Scat:
    GeorgeWBushTRON (NC)!/5428011263433987409/classes
    HerroPrea (VS)!/5428044677970311953/classes

    The only time ZOE is effective is when it's certed to at least the third level. Any level before and you are literally a glass cannon. Certed to the 5th level however, with Kinetic upgrades, and this thing gets overpowered. Especially with dual blueshifts, which are too damn accurate. But note, I said too accurate, this means the user will still have to aim to get kills. The aiming reticule for the ZOE is the dot, and you have to be dead on the dot to hit your target, whereas your margin of error is much larger an an NC MAX.

    The main issue I have with a ZOE is how it's effectiveness scales up tremendously when in the hands of a good player. A "good" player (aim/skill) will do MUCH more damage in a ZOE max than a Scatmax. Kinda like a "rich get richer" scenario.
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  18. MorganM

    I love how you exclude the biggest OP cert farm there is... lockons.

    Nobody shoots down dozens of aircraft with them? WRONG

    Striker is the easiest no skill farming tool out there. Annihilator works well to but not quite as good. They work on both ground and air. All you need is a good ENG to keep feeding ammo or stick close to a terminal. ENG farms you and you farm vehicles... win + win. I LOVE when the enemy tries a big vehicle push. I just grab my lockon, sit back, and farm.

    Medic in a huge fight is a stupid easy cert farm. It's sooooo boring though. Get into gridlock battle like a bio lab. Sit back with your nanite gun and hose down all the dead bodies. Done this for over an hour on several occasions and it's just insane how much XP you can rack up with absolutely no skill.

    I don't agree with Heavy+Rocket. They're pretty easy to dodge if you're looking their way. If you weren't, then you probably would have died anyway. What makes getting rocketed in the back any different from getting a PA in the back?

    The Engi+Noob tube I agree with 100%. I can literally sit in one spot and shoot at a chokepoint none-stop and get 20-50+ kills depending on the bravery/stupidity of the people charging in. I usually don't even have to change where I'm aiming lol.
  20. Zv1deX

    This. ZOE scales with skill. Without maxed out ZOE and Kinetic its pretty much a complete waste of time. You will be running for an engie more than dominating infantry.

    Stew is just a forum warrior for NC. Constantly thinks NC is UP and everything else is OP. I ZOE pretty hard and can admit that its easily the best infantry killing weapon in the game, but only when certed and with someone that can play it.

    And Hack/Splat MAXes are easy. It's like calling the auto-shotgun difficult to use.

    To OP. There's only two thing in this game I think have to high reward for to little skill: Lock-on launchers (really just the striker since its technically the highest damage launcher in the game), and UBGL.

    I can't stand UBGL deaths. It's so horribly cheap, and has no place in this game. Why they rebuffed it back to launch date effectiveness I'll never understand.
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