ESF Vertical Afterburner nerf makes reverse-flying pointless

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SideOfBeef, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Phrygen

    the c4 change was a mistake/bug. it was never intended or announced officially on the test server patch notes. It seemed like internal testing that wasn't even suppose to reach the test server.
  2. Puppy

    I love flying in a Scythe and use the reverse flight a lot. But I don't think it should be in the game and am happy it's being removed.
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  3. Wezdor

    Don't **** with the ESF mechanics please, SOE. It is one of the few unique things in this game left. It's actually the only place where you feel like there is constant room for improvement. Don't **** this up for us.

    And this is speaking as a mediocre pilot who is **** at the reverse maneuver.
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  4. Sparrow

    Leave the flight mechanics alone SOE!
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  5. rickampf

    I always found weird this hover duel thing for fighters... like helicopters. At least the other frames will be more viable.
    Let it be.
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  6. Ash87

    Another example is back a couple months ago on the PTS they nuked base capture times into oblivion and then undid it.

    What I'm saying, is that typically when something is actually nerfed it's by like 10%. Nuking something so much seems like a test more than a real tuning.

    Just saying.
  7. NetSlayer

    I'm sorry if I made you upset by my post. That was not my intention.

    I don't know any other game where ridiculous reverse flying like this is possible. Which is why in my eyes, this is a fix... not a nerf.
    But that was my opinion. The undisputed truth is:

    Scythe's have greatest maneuverability.
    Of all ESF's reverse flying, Scythe's receive the most benefit. Due to their high maneuverability.
    This change will affect Scythe's more than any other ESF. Highly impacts their maneuverability.
  8. zero_19

    Leave it alone SOE, tested it out last night, it was terrible. All the "fun" of flying was gone.
  9. Telono

    This game man... Out of all of the flying games ive played (and BF3) this is ZE BEST flight mechanic ive seen...It is certainly skill based, but thats what makes it fun... But of course SOE went with the usual [IMG]
  10. Oreo202

    For anyone who is unaware of what will happen if these changes make it to live:
    • The skill ceiling of ESF flight will be lowered significantly.
    • It will be easier for players new to flying in Planetside 2 to stay alive.
    • It will destroy the most important part of average to high skill level ESF combat.
    • It will make many pilots, the ones who play to fly, quit the game.
    • Dogfights may very well end up going BF3 style, spinning in circles all day, just like launch before the reverse maneuver was discovered. You can go back to BF3 if you want that.
    Red text = Bad
    Green text = Good
    Yellow text = wat

    Please, don't treat this as some kind of stupid faction specific nerf. It affects everyone.
  11. Cinnamon

    I like the ab vertical thrust. I use it when I farm infantry with my banshee. Makes it so much easier to avoid damage and other esf so I can run away repair and come back for more sweet infantry farming. Pls keep it.
  12. KAHR-Alpha

    I also use it a lot these days in my mosquito, and every time it feels cheesy as hell, especially against new pilots. The current flight mechanics are idiotic, I won't miss this one.

    And to "copy" the others:

    Please completely rework the flight mechanics SOE!
    And please fix joystick support while you're at it.
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  13. Gheeta

    It's not often we get a completely unique game mechanic that is challenging, fun and brings a lot of depth to the game. Look at Quake strafe jumping, that was originally a bug in the game engine or tribes skiing and even brood war carriers. None of those things were originally intended but they grew into mechanics that for the large part defined these games.

    And to be honest i don't see how this would help new pilots in any way. Experienced players would still **** on them just as hard. On the other end of the spectrum this will destroy the air combat between above average pilots. Can't there be anything in this game that you actually have to learn?
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  14. yama

    No, this is not going to help new pilots at all.

    People should get this into their heads:
    Aces don't dominate new pilots because we maneuver very fast. We dominate them because they maneuver slow and react delayed.

    Plus some of us have literally hundreds of hours practice with the most difficult to aim weapon system in the game.
    Rotary skills and getting everything into muscle memory are far more important then any maneuver.
  15. Exoz

    I could sit here and explain why this shouldn't be changed but honestly people have already posted pretty much everything.

    It makes flying more interesting, different, spices things up and SOE seems like wants to make everything in the game more DULL.

    For the love of having fun when playing video games, many things that came with ps2 in launch state were fine and fun, this is one of those things, LEAVE IT ALONE. NOBODY is crying about this so that you have to change it, let alone the majority, so please do us all a favor and if you want to do something good, leave it alone.
  16. Naehloseht

    I think this change will be the best thing since sliced bread, keep up the amazing work SoE!
  17. yama


    at least put some effort into it.
  18. Exoz

    Worst troll

    The signature gives him away doesnt it?
  19. Messaiga

    This is literally the one unique thing to flying in this game that always keeps me trying to fly and get better (I am an o.k pilot, but I have loads of room for improvement. The rush in flying that this game delivers is different from anything else). If it just results into turning circles all day it will get boring fast, many dedicated pilots will quit, and it will just make the game THAT much more dull.
  20. J.C Simonetti

    Not only that, but why would they wait this long?

    It's too late to introduce this. Way too late. They should have done this when they introduced Afterburners!