PS2 Is In Danger of "Combat Medic" takeover

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Perfection

    Revives do need a look at. Honestly the thing I want the most to be looked at and fixed/re-vamped is the revive grenade. Medic trains are just the most skillless things I've ever seen, especially just pure medics/engies/MAXes in 1 room. (MAX is the main reason why it's broken) Not to mention revive grenades were reduced in resource cost from 100 to 50, no idea why.

    I applaud SOE for trying to stop vehicle spam with the Esamir walls and whatnot, now they just need to stop this medic train spam.
  2. Vyss

    Right now revives are so fast you can spam them while under fire. By after battle I mean that you would be reviving while you push a room. You'd revive after the room was secured.

    Push -> Secure -> Revive -> Push. The whole process could take as little as 30s.

    Reviving should let you recover losses after winning the firefight so that you can maintain a degree of momentum and continue pushing. However right now a single medic can revive an entire squad in less time than a spawn room timer which is crazy. Attrition fights go out the window as a defender can easily rez everyone between pushes. The default revive is actually balanced in my opinion. Revive 5 is just OP at 1s rez at half hp.
  3. ent|ty

    Yeah or allow the mechanic, but make the resources quite high to use it.
    This will keep the rampant squads of necromancers curbed a bit.
    Sorry about that, your thread probably got buried by the players who want the medic to stay as is (you know how it worx around here, lol)

    Yeah i dont want harsh nerfs either.

    In BF2 they could literally drop a health pack on the ground and instanlty have 100% health. Or if they died, a teammate could dive with paddles and revive them.
    This created a leapfrog type effect. You'd keep killing them, but you'd end up running out of bullets, and getting extremely mad at how stupid looking and unfair that game mechanic was.

    yesterday I saw it first hand. A lot. Thats why I had to post about it.
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  4. DFDelta

    Some suggestions:

    1. Death via headshot makes one unreviveable
    2. New Infi tool. "Nanite flow disruptor dart" prevents healing/repair effects in its area.
    3. Cooldown on ressurections. To many rezzes in a short time kill you permanently.
  5. Vyss

    In my opinion just look at what squad comps the good outfits run. Stack HA/medic for mobility assaults and maybe a couple engy/max duos to hold points. LA and infil have no place in the fight since a Nano-Resist heavy can eat a ton of 143 dmg bullets with much better sustained dps.
  6. Tristan

    It actually had mostly support for changing the revives in some fashion, and just got knocked off the first page shortly before you made this thread. It was phrased differently than your post, so it might have gotten different types of people replying.
  7. Vyss

    You should be able to put down revived enemies. This alone could turn into the proper balance. Kill an enemy when he is in the revived state and he's dead for good.
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    OP is right.

    Medic shouldn't be the single most powerful class. (no class should be)

    Take a group of medics. Have them fight a equal group of whatever other class.
    The medics will win. 100%. They even have C4 to take away MAXes.

    If the game was balanced, 5 medics would lose against a group of 5 different classes. It's not the case.

    The revive ability is much too powerful. (and I play medic a lot)
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  9. ent|ty

    Yeah I dont blame players for using what works, lol. But it can be quite a horror to see and turns the game into something much different than devs intended, with the wrong mechanics in place.
    Now that the game changes have forced more infantry, we're seeing this more often now, and probably with good reason.
  10. Meeka

    Honestly, medics should be healers only... reviving from death should not be an option.

    But, if it must be there, there should be a limit on the # of revives a soldier can accept, until he's killed and has to respawn. It's a better option, really.
  11. Minimum Force

    First of all a lot of this was covered in a rather lengthy post already (search works wonder.. y'know?) So I'll post the link to the start of the thread and may just bump it.

    Secondly I would have to say that these gloom and doom threads are just the mechanic for playing Forumside 2. From my view as a Medic (Notice I said Medic and not Combat Medic?) and the situation on my server most of the time I'm running into packs of Engineers and Heavy Assaults. Which servers and which factions have seen an increase in roaming packs of rabid Medics recently? I know that Mattherson (via the post above and the folks from Delta Triad) has this going on but what other servers and factions? Because frankly I would love to see more Combat Medics because every time that I die I either wait for my outfit to pick me up (which is hard since I'm one of the two Medics in the squad) or some random.

    Now as for a nerf like Tristan mentions and other folks talk about I'm vehemently opposed to a straight nerf to the Combat Medic class. I would much rather a tweak to mechanics for the Medic tool and for the person being revived. Increase revive time, increase this, increase that, etc. Do you know what that does? It creates a situation when people get tired of using that particular class because the game now forces them into not being able to play effectively. You might say that it's fair but in reality people die a lot faster than a vehicle/aircraft/turret in most cases. Not to mention anything that needs to be repaired requires extensive repairs because it's designed to be durable and to allow players that extra bit of protection against death. Refer to the thread I linked and make comments/suggestions on tweaking the system and not just the tool. Not to mention if a topic gets really lengthy with a lot of discussion it might end up getting more attention than those short threads that are filled with snippets, angry comments, and cluttering the forum.

    The only reason that Medics are capable and effective is because of their ability to place each other and friendlies back into the fight. That's the only reason since a Medic can't really take out everything and anything under the sun. To me the most powerful class says that one class can pretty much take out anything that comes its way such as the Heavy Assault. The only thing that the HA lacks is healing but maxing out the medic/restoration kit certs and putting them in your loadout makes a HA pretty hard to kill without using instant kill methods such as explosives. OHK kills, and vehicles. I see enough HAs and Engineers running around that it gets tiresome really quick but that makes the most sense because the HA is a staple class for fighting in this game versus the other classes.

    A group of Medics, because of their class ability, does have the function to be able to wipe out a squad of equal numbers simply because of being able to keep people in the fight. But lets not forget that if you're running around in a squad filled with just Medics then you don't have the means to resupply, hack, repair, etc. You're limited in your scope of executing tactics simply because without someone around to resupply the basics (bullets) then eventually that group will get wiped out. And it's not always the case where a group of Medics will always win simply because a well timed attack or well placed grenade will drop the group or cause enough damage to allow folks to finish them off. If someone is just standing their trading bullets and not thinking then of course they deserve to get wiped out.

    As for C4 on Medics I would gladly trade mine in for something more in line with the Medic support role. Right now I have the option to use medic/restoration kits and.. yeah.. that's about. I've covered my ideas on changing this (with a remotely activated "C4 healing" charge) and asked for more suggestions in the thread I mentioned earlier. So until SOE gives Medics something else to work with our options are limited and you can't fault us for that. Perhaps you would prefer anti-personnel mines instead? But in all seriousness I do understand that the Medic class could use TWEAKING but the system for revives and healing could also use tweaking in order to spread out the burden of "nerf" or whatever you want to call it. I'm tired of games focusing on a singular approach to tweaking systems in games instead of a more holistic or sweeping approach.

    Give us changes that take longer to put in place but changes that grow and add depth to the game instead of making an already shallow game into a quickly drying puddle in the desert.
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  12. Cinnamon

    Since they lose to HA in 1v1 they deserve to have some sort of compensation or nobody would play it. Why is it any better for a specialist heavy weapons soldier to be spammed than someone with a medical kit? It isn't. There is no boring regular soldier kit in PS2.
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  13. TheBillOf3D

    People want to nerf medics because they want to hang back in the spawn room and exhaust attackers from the comfort of their shields. They don't want to kill the attackers and move in to keep them from getting picked back up. It's certainly not an idea to nerf the Zerg as its promoted as. The Zerg can exhaust a smaller groups revive limitations while maintaining their own.
  14. Fned

    It should be possible to take enough damage to be unreviveable. That would fix a lot of problems.

    Also, revive should never be so fast as to be faster than healing someone who's still alive.

    I say this as someone who just about always bumps the medic gun up to 6 before spending certs anywhere else on a character. :D
  15. axiom537

    This is something my outfit have discussing for the last couple of weeks in teamspeak, because we have been seeing it more and more and we have been doing it ourselves, you would be stupid not too. I think this is more of an issue with bigger outfits, that run multiple squads or platoons that have members on teamspeak and are coordinated. Not that it wont happen in the zerg or even in a PUG group, but the true power of the combat medic really comes into its own when used in coordination with veteran players utilizing VOIP.

    We do not want to nerf the medic, but between the speed of a lvl 5 revive and having multi revive grenades, there are situations where it is almost impossible for the enemy to keep us down, unless they have more medics then we do. Hell, even if they wipe our squad all we need is one medic to drop on the squad and toss his revive grenade, before he gets killed, then as the other medics rez up they toss their grenades as well.
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  16. gigastar

    I dont mind. Medics dont have rocket launchers, and my Lightning can outrun them with ease.
  17. Phrygen

    the 30 second timer would have to go then. make it like 2 minutes or something.
  18. FABIIK

    This thread is not about the power of a single medic, it's about medics in bunch.

    One medic enhances the survivability of all the toons in his group.

    With medics around you can also afford to be more aggressive because even if you die there's a good probability you'll stay in the game anyway with no respawn delay.
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  19. Minimum Force

    That's the gist of having a medic or medics around. Like others have said this issue only crops up when people face a large force of medics because it becomes a chore to fight against the wave of "zombies" coming out of the ground due to medics. The same can be said with any group focused on one class but lacking the medic flare of revives and heals. A large force of Heavy Assaults can and will keep the air and group clear of enemy vehicles/aircraft. The same applies to Engineers when packs of them setup the AV turret. Light Assaults just hover and drop C4 or drop behind folks so that becomes a large problem when you're fighting nothing but LAs floating over your heads like flies over a body. Even the Infiltrator suffers from bloated numbers because focus firing with long range rifles outside of the range of other weapons turns them into ranged death dealers.

    So really the problem at least in this thread is about combating the groups of medics versus the medic class itself. I can't offer much advice on how to combat this other than to avoid the situation, nerf them into the ground (which would make them useless and hardly available). or tweak the class so that it requires a different focus. Straight up nerf a class because they're doing good at what they're assigned to do then you might as well just make everyone do the same thing and become super soldiers carrying around self-healing/reviving equipment that dispenses ammo, shoots rockets, hacks terminals, and repairs anything. But that sounds ridiculous and annoying.
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  20. axiom537

    Bill you are clueless..

    This has nothing to do with hanging back in a spawn room, why bother reviving if the spawn room is 5m away, seriously that's the best argument you could come up with. Nor, is this about not wanting to kill attackers or nerfing the zerg, that's just stupid. This is about those of us that are veteran players, that play in organized platoons, with equally skilled and equipped players all utilizing teamspeak for communication, absolutely demolishing those we come across, especially those that are as ignorant as you, not because we killed them first or we had greater numbers or skill, but because they can not kill us faster than we can revive ourselves, since we are running a platoon half filled with medics with maxed out med revive and multiple revive grenades.
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