Poor Connery....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Outlier

    Connery is a US WEST server, we use PST here.
  2. HellionX

    Nonsense, post a single screen shot with 50% pop. To be honest if you look at the numbers the NC usually have the highest pop. followed by the VS than the TR.
  3. HellionX

    Ohhh really. Th Conery current pop 5 mins ago. the VS DO NOT have over pop on conery.

  4. Hibiki54

    Connery NC success has bogged down every since I stopped playing Heavy and started playing Infiltrator.

    Sorry, guys and gals. I've been holding you back all this time.
  5. HellionX

    OMG your ZOE tears haven't dried up yet? Really?
  6. HellionX

    You are a troll. lets see some evidence other than you feel mad cause mommy said no more soda today.
  7. Outlier

  8. HellionX

    Try every single day. You really are 100% wrong. The VS do not have an over pop. You want to see over pop mr wizard? check out helios before the merger. Don't cry to me about over pop.

  9. Outlier

    Mr. Wizard doesn't make things up: this (http://sirisian.com/planetside2/population.php?world=1&timezone=0&allfactions=false) represents Connery population since March. Posting screenshots is a single data point, that is a data set.

    Besides, I'm not actually in the camp of "OMG the VS is Over Pop", I just like to point out (as in my original post on this thread) that population remains the best predictor of success in alerts. Outfit/faction organization matters, for sure, but only when pops are relatively similar (~3% or so), 4th factioners tend to wildly skew pop during alerts, more so since the GU13 alert XP changes.
  10. SolLeks

    Wow, you are really defensive.
  11. ya_ay

    It's true that the VS on Connery are not over-pop, The NC challenge them in population throughout the day. However from a TR perspective, they are over-pop (along with the nc). Since gu10, the TR are really hurting in terms of numbers.
  12. DeadLamb

    Oh please.. I'm as if I'm going to lie about something so random or do you really think that despite my college degree that I can't look at a simple chart and read 52%, 23%, 25%.. :rolleyes:
    Come on now.. it happens all the time a little later into the night and granted one can go "Well that's not prime time so who cares?" but it's still an issue. Way more hours of the day are non-prime time anyways. Players are players and my game time is worth as much as a prime time player's game time and so is the money dropped into SC..

    and to be fair to the VS (or any faction), a lot of the "over population wins in ez mode" are due to the other factions just NOT showing up to an alert.. You can't make a person move to another map, you can't stop people for jumping ship to say VS to help cruise to an easy win etc etc.. it sucked back when TR was having it happen too.. Win or lose, it's still lame to have battles with off population numbers.

    I DON'T really care why they happen, it hurts the game over all and SOE should be actively looking to correct it at all times and putting in massive effort to coddle the lower pop level player so they stay around. Ya know, so the high pop people have someone to shoot.. I know despite my growing apathy toward the cert grind I have find myself sticking around for "just a little bit more time" being I notice the TR bonus is pretty large due to having 13% pop on some map during an alert..

    IMO the rewards should be soooo high during an alert that someone should actively be thinking about leaving the winning team being he could make more just playing on the lower pop factions.
  13. Shockfc

    I'm sorry, I'm having trouble breathing from all the heaving laughter I just got done participating in.

    The NC Connery players, on an individual level, have by FAR the highest concentration of mouth-breathing "stand and hit nothing", brain damaged players on any server ever. This is not debatable. Source: MUCH EXPERIENCE FARMING THEM.
  14. Taemien

    4-8pm PDT

    Thank you for proving my point further lol.
  15. Sebastien

    Once again the Vanu shows their superior sportsmanship.
  16. Bastid721


    that was connery 24/7 before merger, not once did i ever see a forum post crying NC/TR overpop.
  17. HellionX

    Yes but without evidence it's hearsay despite your community college degree.
  18. DeadLamb

    yes mock education (and even those at a CC are trying, good for them/you) while in the same breath using terms like hearsay incorrectly. When I post that I have seen 50%+ VS pop on a bunch of alert maps it's not hearsay. If would be hearsay if you said "Well DeadLamb told me the VS pop was 50%+ on some alerts".. Legally you could still use it if I was trying to claim that I have never even seen the game of PS2. Then your hearsay evidence that I said blah blah about the pop could be used not to show the pop is over 50% but to show that I lied and do have knowledge of PS2..

    there are some other legal ways to use it like say you shot me and I was like "Arrrrrr nerd argument.... over..... pop..... HellionX shot me" as I died... etc etc etc boring legal junk blah blah etc...

    as I said before I'm not bothering to lie about alert map pops. I've seen 50%+ on a bunch of alert maps and to be fair maybe it's just the other factions not showing up, gaining people 1/2 way into the alert or a huge range of other factors. I still stand by the idea that having alerts, most of all bio/tech plant alerts with massive over pop on some given map that result in a simple zero tactics etc steam rolls is lame.

    I'm not sure if some of more defensive VS who posted here are blinded by nerdy faction pride, just want easy cert for their fellow VS or can't grasp the concept that the game world is rolling 24/7. Things happen when you're not playing that you might never see but they are still an issue...
    Ok fine, maybe in the tiny window of certain player's game time VS/TR/NC are using micromanagement level tactics to win every fight vs 10 to 1 odds. During about the last month my tiny window of game time has mostly seen VS steam roll bio/tech alert wins with massive over pop on the alert maps and some times double digit over pop on every map at the same time.
  19. Hibiki54

    You know, I have much respect for Future Crew. I know that when that group of players are in that area, it's going to be a very tough, but enjoyable battle. It's sad that they have bad eggs like you hanging about.
  20. travbrad

    Just remember folks VS has overpopulation (taken @ 6pm PST/9pm EST)
