Poor Connery....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Zar

    yeah not really any alert i ever see the vs win is cause they have 40 at the half way point everyone else is 30 or below. for the record i blame my faction for not showing up. but don't think you are these underdog hero's its cause the other team just didn't show you won by default.
  2. Bastid721

    yep logged in at start of amp station alert, population was equal, NC won.

    maybe the OP wasnt around in the days VS was at 20-25% most days.
  3. ComradeHavoc

    During alerts TR pop drops and VS pop goes up.....

    That was the only alert after the GLORIOUS conquest of ESAMIR before then. You were there NC and you got spanked
  5. Shockfc

    Less VS please
  6. SolLeks

    And the funny thing imo, is the 666 think they are organized.
  7. DeadLamb

    I'm already BR70+ and have thousands and thousands of certs stacked up I don't even bother to spend. I'm not playing the game for a hour or so here and there to grind certs or "care" if I win/lose an alert cert wise. I play PS2 being I like the battles and I like them to be some what balanced..

    so when VS already has a massive over op and then some lame bio lab alert pops up it's just a huge "sigh" being with in few min they have two bio labs due to x2 pop of TR (so they take that one first) and then they throw an uber zerg at the last NC one and the alert is over. It's just a very dull fight. Even more so if TR pop is very low in the 23ish range being the last battle is NC/VS deep in NC land and we can't really participate at all..

    IMO when the pops are off by 10% or more they should be sticking to "capture indar" or other whole map sort of alerts and just not do any of the bio/tech lab alerts being they just don't work when one faction has a huge population advantage. It's better to spread the fight out over more of the map then focus 200+ into one tech lab.

    with all the threads I see popping up about pop issues I'm really surprised they have not tried massive XP rewards for being under pop. This would have zero effect on faction loyal sort of players but I think it would gently shove some towards picking the lower pop group on sign in. Also think it's cheesy "Dominating Victory" gives nothing to the other factions. You still get paid something just for getting into the ring in a prize fight, everyone should get a little something when the alert ends.

    Again I don't care anymore at this point but I'm thinking it would help motivate the lower level BR players who still have a lot of cert needs to keep playing on the factions that just got stomped.
  8. Rogueghost

    Only during TTA op nights, which we really need to have more often.
    • Up x 1
  9. Morpholine

    I was on for the whole alert (had just helped take Howling Pass back from TR when the alert hit). As it started, global population was fairly even - only a few percent difference between the factions - and each empire owned 3 Biolabs. It seemed as soon as we took a fourth (relatively early in the alert) that TR populations plummeted and ours rose.

    Seriously, it's like a large chunk of TR have given up. Which is a pity, because some TR outfits put up one heck of a fight. (I've been noticing EXE a lot lately. Seems they always have a dozen Max suits with Engies glued to their posterior in every engagement. They also have a weird obsession with pushing to our warpgate through Mao every single morning.)
  10. KenDelta

    Plz , VS on connery win most of the alerts at equal global population if not less , VS connery's organization is far more superior than the other 2 factions and thats a fact.
  11. nuclearunicorn

    Came back after a while of not playing and found that i am lucky enough to now have all three of my characters on Connery. Free server tokens please.
  12. Taemien

    Connery NC and TR have some issues for sure. VS overpopulation isn't one of them. There was an alert yesterday and VS obviously won it. However they did so with less than NC and TR by about 1-3%.

    So I know my server loves making excuses, but this simply isn't one you all can make this time.

    Here's why the VS wins:

    TR/NC are not as organized.
    TR/NC are not as good.
    TR/NC are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    TR/NC have a lack of leadership.

    We can't blame it on better VS weapons. We can't blame it on their population. They are simply better at what they do. TR/NC simply just need to step it up, get better, and be at the right places at the right time.

    See I don't make excuses for my losses, my ineptitude, or lack of coordination, and the moment the rest of the NC does the same, we might see a change. If I'm at a point and a VS Zerg cleans us out. Well damn, we should have had more people. If we get overwhelmed by tanks, we should have had more tanks of our own. If they overwhelm us with air we should have.. not sucked (VS isn't terribly great with air on Connery).

    Before you make any excuses to why you lose an alert, before running off to make a forum excuse about how unfair the game is, look at yourself, your squad, your platoon, and your outfit first to make sure you and your people are doing the right thing.

    And never blame the lonewolves. They are like the PUGs in MWO. They have been what they always have been. They are what they always are. They will be what they always will be. They are ignorant, they are just there to have fun, they are the lonewolves. They are there and there's nothing you can do to change them, so don't worry about them. Stick to your lane, your squad, your platoon, and your outfits for changes. But especially yourselves. Because at the end of the day, there's only one person you can blame for a lost alert, -You-.
    • Up x 2
  13. travbrad

  14. Morpholine

    It's interesting - July 30, ~8:00 through ~9:00 PM (the time of the 9 bio lab alert) seems to clearly show a switch from TR to VS, with a switch back after the alert ends.

    Fourth faction still exists, they just swap closer to the start of an alert, now.
  15. Tradewind

    That doesn't really shock me at all.
  16. Outlier

    This is patently false. Connery VS do win most alerts, with ~38-40% global pop. When, on rare occasions, another faction is also ~40%, they take the alert. Organization helps decide the victor, but only when numbers are close.
  17. Owleyes

    Hey BigMac, Why don't you just jump on your VS toon and TK more?

    You TK VS when the VS pop is low, Why not TK when the pop is high?
  18. BigMacDeez

    My VS alt is on another server, and I only use it to test weapons.
  19. Taemien

    If that's happening, then its not during prime time. The populations are about as even as they can be during 7-11pm EDT. Sorry but you're going to have to find another excuse, in my post above I listed why TR and NC do not win alerts. We simply just need to step it up.
  20. Hibiki54

    I'll go in order.

    NC are more organized than you might believe. Organization only deals with who goes where. How and why we facilitate the distribution of forces. How much we distribute into a single force is another matter, especially for the NC. And this is mainly between private outfit squad/platoons and not public platoons. Public platoons is another matter, also.

    NC have great players. With the exception of Future Crew and a few choice TR, most of the best players on Connery are on the NC scattered between the outfits or play as lone wolves.

    NC has never gone to the wrong places. Timing has always been wrong or in the case of some outfits, have wasted time by bringing TOO many forces for a task that only required 1-2 squads. I have been witness to NC squads asking for 1-2 extra squads and some people who I shall not mention, send 1-2 platoons that were needed elsewhere.

    NC do NOT lack leadership. Myself and a couple others on these forums are proof that it is there. The NC lack players who will listen and follow the instruction that we give. When you have a public platoon running and you are trying to direct players into areas -- send a squad here or there, expect half of them not to listen. This happens all the time, and I'm sure the VS and TR has this problem, also. You cannot lead players if they just want to be lemmings taking up space. So it is not leadership that is lacking, but those willing to follow said leadership.