The NC Phoenix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TeknoBug, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    I noticed something on PTS (for GU13) that you can dumbfire the Phoenix, you ADS and launch the rocket and steer it in the direction you want and press E (or whatever to cancel) and it will fly on its own after however the drop is almost extreme so you would need to compensate with some elevation before ending the camera control. This would give some decent use for the Phoenix (at least for me) rather than being stuck in flight mode the whole time.
  2. Casterbridge

    Unless somethings changed you could always do that (or at least for awhile now), eject from the missile and have it drop off radically. A few uses, like if something is right on the other side of a rock and you can't quite turn the angle, but generally it's not that practical.
  3. Kodaa

    This is nothing new. I've always done this just before hitting my target so I could start reloading sooner.
  4. TeknoBug

    It used to explode when exiting, I forgot that it's already on live since I haven't played on my NC in quite some time. I thought it was a new change.
  5. Epic High Five

    It's always just traveled on at a DRAMATICALLY increased drop rate. It still despawns after 300m, too. Pretty much the only reason to exit to dumbfire is a second before you hit a target so you can avoid the static screen.
  6. Messaiga

    And so you can reload a little faster, giving you the potential to get your next shot out little bit faster. I have done this since the Phoenix came out, it is my go-to rocket launcher unless I need something for Anti-Infantry.
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  7. Epic High Five

    If reload speed is what I'm going for, I just pull any other rocket launcher in the whole game, without exception or competition.

    Hawk lyfe
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  8. epicface1106

    the phoenix jus clips through infantry know is it supposed to happen if so please change it
  9. Pikachu

    Is this a new bug? I remember this was the case in VR when phoenix first came.
  10. Adept

    It's a bug with all launchers since (or even prior) release. It's not even lag related, as it can be reproduced in VR training zone.
  11. epicface1106

    is it ganna be fixwed
  12. Casterbridge

    I'm sure it will be eventually, but as to when who knows.

    Best bet is to try to aim for the feet when it's practical to do so.
  13. Bankrotas

    Pheonix always clipped through infantry in VR. You can't replicate it's issues in VR due to that.
  14. Kodaa

    Well, it's on sale today, so anyone who wants to slaughter enemy vehicles wholesale should take advantage of it.
  15. Pikachu

    BUy it buy it buy it.
  16. Pikachu

    Just had an alert on Amerish, spent all time defending 2 amp stations. One time did I see someone with phoenix. A few times did I hear the sound of one.
  17. Kodaa

    People think it's bad because the tooltip says 750 damage.
  18. escannihilator

    luv this rocket, I use it all the time as heavy assault cant get enough of it.......
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  19. Orphen223

    Yea you were always able to do that its not new I had to figure that out for when i was getting shot randomly when trying to kill at long ranges with phoenix.
  20. Epic High Five

    A half price Phoenix is still twice as much as a much more useful Hawk.

    Seriously, who doesn't love getting **** on my libs all day because hard any NC uses AA rockets and bursters/skyguards stop doing any damage at all randomly? I know I do, watching everybody die as a Sundy gets blown up by Zephyr fire from a stationary lib is pretty much NC.txt

    To hell with the Phoenix, it's niched into a role that it's not even good enough to exploit.


