Hating the Liberators...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CHDT65, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. CHDT65

    As a MBT driver, I hate these skyfarmers.

    Seriously, you can't hide from them, you can't outrun them and when they fire, you can't fight back.

    At least, against a Lolpoder, there are still a few options left, but against a Lib, it's only death.

  2. Dingus148

    There is something you can do. Stay near to friendly AA...Libs MELT against any sort of coordinated AA, and to most forms of uncoordinated AA to boot.
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  3. Kristan

    ... actually tank busting is their main role. :rolleyes:
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  4. Larolyn

    You need Skyguards and preferably an AA Ammo Sundy when you roll out. Tanking solo is a recipe for disaster.
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  5. CHDT65

    but most of the times without taking any real risks.

    In a MBT, either solo or in a zerg, you still take risks.
    And when you fire, something in front is supposed to fire back.

    I can fire back against a lolpoder, I can't against a skyfarmer.
  6. Kristan

    Liberator requires teamwork. Bad gunner - no kills. Bad pilot - no kills, quick death.
    No risks for liberators? B*tch please. How about ESFs? Or A2A/G2A missiles that lock on faster? Or maybe even other MBTs that can shoot it down with main cannons because Lib is a huge slow moving target in the sky?

    Or you think that you should be omnipotent in MBT? Did you know that you can install G2A weaponry on your MBT? No? Oh yes, it's not powerful enough to kill a Liberator, but at least you can satisfy yourself that at least before dying you caused some damage.

    Liberators are tank killers. It's their role. Deal. With. It.
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  7. Larolyn

    You can't but ESFs, Skyguards and AA Sundies can. Your vehicle cannot. It is a teamplay game. You deal with armour, the others deal with air. I can draw it in paint if you want a simpler explanation.
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  8. Dingus148

    I personally enjoy killing Liberators with AV turrets. More fun that way :p
  9. Kreios

    That why it´s so much fun to drive a skyguard. 2+ coordinated Skyguards will make every Liberator regret coming to the area.
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  10. Loui5D

    That's because your an idiot and tried to lone wolf it, stick with flak and you'll drive away the baddies.
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  11. lilleAllan

    Does OP have any sort of AA weapons on his tanks? Or are you running the same AV setup everybody else is and whing that infantry or air will take you out?
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  12. CHDT65

    ******* yourself.
  13. Loui5D

    U wot m8, do you even 1deag?
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  14. CHDT65

    Btw, your "to the noob" advices, you can keep them in your *******, I know them, I'm a quite decent tanker, yes I know it's better to stay with AA units around, yes I know lone wolfing in a tank is dangerous, I was just pointing the fact that's there ZERO option for a MBT against a Liberator floating just above you.
  15. Shoza Nakh

    It's like it should be "by design", no point in complaining about it. Killing lone tanks is pretty much everything Liberator useful for.
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  16. Konfuzfanten

    I like playing infantry, and as a solo infantry guy i have next to zero chance against a decent tanker:
    - HA? No chance - doesnt have enough rockets
    - LA/medic? C4, great, now the tank just needs to stand still and not look around.
    - inf? lol
    - engi? Tankmines - my best bet! Now i just need the tankers to drive over them, ofc tank mines being huge and you can seem them 100 meters away is a bit of a problem.
    - MAX? Sure, as long as the tanker doesnt shot at me while i very slowly kills his tank.

    We all got problems, its a team based game. If you want to be a Rambo type player, fly an ESF.

    Ohh yea and i do gun in a lib and i take great pleasure in nuking MBT.
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  17. Hartkernharald

    uh, what can your tank do to lolpodders that doesn't work against libs?
  18. xArchAngelx

    It may be annoying, but thats their role dude..They could use some more love'n actually.
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  19. Tulka

    you can always equip a Ranger on your tank....
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  20. lilleAllan

    Or a Walker
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