[Suggestion] Give Engineers More things to construct.

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Eagle6, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Eagle6

    As an engineer I feel there should be more to do than just repair and make a rinky dink little turret.
    Engineers should have more options to build support items and make it more interesting enjoyable and invaluable to have one around.
    Ideas for different things to be able to build would be:

    Repair Stations.
    Ammo stations for Vehicles and Infantry.
    AA turrets.
    Auto turrets.
    Make Bridges that can be destroyed only by engineers and also repaired to change the flow of battle and make routes inmprtant to secure or destroy.
    Radar arrays
    Vehicle spawn stations
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  2. Rikkit

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  3. Heretic

    I would love some form of auto turret, but it would probably take a while to get it to the point where its not completely useless or OP. Regardless there would probably be a lot of OP criers.

    I would however like the ability to build destructible walls, but that could be abused by griefers and a radar station would be a nice addition.

    Maybe give them a supply grenade (like the medic has a revive grenade), that drops in a supply crate, that dishes out ammo in a wider radius to vehicles and infantry. It would have a limited time and could be destroyed (although i hate to use this analogy, similar to the way in which care packages work in COD)
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  4. HerpTheDerp

  5. Vyss

    Not sure what you're smoking. The default turret is amazing with proper positioning. Unless you get flanked you can easily gun down maxes in head to head fights. If you treat it as semi auto then the gun is very very very accurate. It is stupidly easy to get head shot from the front when using though.
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  6. Flying Dutchman

    Yeah, one of the best times I ever had in this game was manning a turret in a good BL choke point. Got about 9 kills before they sent 5 guys at me at once.Got 3 before one got behind me.

    On topic

    I agree with the OP.

    We need more utility. Radar dish would be cool. Auto-turret is kinda cheesy, but would be cool. Vehicle supply would good. Destroyable bridges would be awesome, but I don't see that ever happening, would take a HUGE amount off effort to pull that off. A small force field would be cool. Maybe something to hide under against missile pods, or to clog a path between buildings.
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  7. Vyss

    Lets just start with everything that was in PS1.

    Auto turrets (3 Variants - AA, Cloaked, Normal)
    Tank Traps (Not as useful with new base designs but w/e)
    Shield gen
    ES Turrets
  8. Sneakier

    We need shields!
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  9. GImofoJoe

    I need them to fix the damn AI mana turret bug, where the bullets doesn't come out barrel.....
    Give the thing better face coverage, and cert lvls decrease cool down time.
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  10. Rikkit

  11. Shiaari

    Taking a page out of Command and Conquer: Destructible bridges as objectives similar to generators, but minus the voice prompt.

    Say, make a special terminal at both ends of a bridge that only Engineers can interact with. If the bridge is intact then the interaction is similar to overloading a generator, except it is activated by the repair tool. The more Engineers working on the terminal the faster it goes, and once complete a timer starts that is visible on the map. Once the timer hits zero... bridge goes boom.

    This creates a kind of mini-game opportunity, perhaps with Engineers at both ends using their repair tools to disarm and/or maintain the timer.

    For a destroyed bridge the terminals are interacted in the same manner except to repair the bridge. The bridge's repair status is visible on the map, and the more Engineers are working on the terminal the faster it repairs. Once complete the bridge simply respawns instantly.

    The timers for destroy and repair would need to be balanced, of course.
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  12. Eagle6

    Loving everyones Ideas, I hope the Devs are paying attention and taking notes on things like these. Keep up the great brainstorming !! =)
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  13. Trysaeder

    No to auto turret. It's just too cheesy for this type of game. If it was remote controlled or something I'd be okay with that. In fact, it would be a nifty little toy to have.

    Something like deployable force fields that have a limited amount of health would be nice. Maybe one type would block everything, one type would block only explosives and larger rounds but allow smaller ones through, and another type would be easier to destroy but you can carry more.
  14. Frostical

    Deployable cover would be good, about waist high so you can shoot over it and crouch behind it but too high to jump over from the front. Has a small step at the back so that can be run over from behind. Could be used to block a doorway from inside (attackers can't get in unless they destroy it, defenders can use it for cover and can jump out if necessary but can't get back in). About as wide as a standard doorway, able to sustain reasonable damage before being destroyed, but can be repaired.

    Would take a good few seconds to deploy so couldn't just be thrown down on the fly. Certs would increase the durability/decrease deploy time. Replaces infantry turret.
  15. Advent1s

    Mobile Shield diffuser, only lasts a few moments but is enough time to storm inside a shield, it should be at significant cost however.
  16. asmodraxus

    How about the following looted straight from PS1

    Deployable stealth bubbles (can't see in or out)
    Motion sensors
    Tank Traps
    Spit fire turrets (automated turrets with a limited range and go up like a slab of c4 when killed)
    Emp Mines
    Deployable spear turrets
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  17. oherror

    So do what some custom maps in tribes did. Man those were the days. Fun times indeed.
  18. Nerd Mode

    Deployable turrets would not be OP. So many crybabys in this game, it's not even funny; some of you seriously need to toughen up a little. Deployable turrets are definitely not a new idea, I didn't play Planetside (1) but I guess there were deployable turrets there? There were deployable turrets in the original Tribes that could only be placed on flat areas/ground/floor. The maximum that any 1 person could deploy was I think 4. They were used to defend bases mainly and a skilled player who "farmed turrets" regularly could even set them up to effectively kill fast moving flag cappers. In that game, fast moving players had a whole new meaning and if your turrets could take out a good capper, you were the ****.

    In Tribes 2, new turrets were introduced to where they could be deployed on walls and even ceilings (if I remember correctly). They did good damage, not overpowered, but if you didn't destroy them, they'd kill you. If the turrets were placed well, you could get caught in a good crossfire and you'd be mowed down pretty fast. It made you think, and you could basically bet on those turrets being in a base and waiting for you, but they were easily dealt with once you located them. I think something similar would be great in Planetside 2 and add a whole new dynamic to the Engineer class.
  19. EmperorPenguin5

    Really? really? It would open up a whole new can of whining, Are you talking about auto aim turrets? that are NPC controlled? (never played tribes so no clue)

    Right now, Engineer is never going to have a very big role like that. It would be awesome if they could actually construct things, like a Repair Node
    Auto repairs everything around you, cept you need 3 or 4 (or more) engineers using their tools after you place it To either construct it, or better yet Power it's repair ability.
    The more engineers you have powering it, the bigger its field and the more effect. However it diminishes the more things it has to repair, It basically gives a place all engineers can focus instead of jumping between tank or sunderer over and over.
    - So it gives a point engineers can focus their repair tool "nanites"

    This however does have a downside, one smart bomber and bam goes the Node along with any nearby Engineers that they can hit.

    - Engineers can construct barricades/barriers to give people cover, the barriers can absorb maybe I dunno 6 rockets worth of damage, cannot be repaired, and only build one every such and such period of time.

    Edit (some of) Eagle 6's Ideas do not work well unless a 5th continent is added, that is much larger, and space between facilities is much greater... and plenty of places with flat land.

    It just wouldn't work with the continents we have right now..
  20. FallowField

    One Idea I posted in an earlier thread was to have an automated turret that triggered a fake lock-on with aircraft (or possibly vehicles). It doesn't actually do damage, just makes it look like someone is locking onto them with a rocket launcher and broadcasts their position on the radar. Maybe have certs that decrease the time it takes for your allies to lock onto the targeted craft.

    The idea would be to psych out the pilot and deter them from just hanging around the area. Or, if they get too many fake lock-ons this way, gets them to ignore real lock-ons. Or it could do things like mess with their radar and stuff. No free kills, just a deterrent.
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