Reduce NC clips...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scorponok, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Scorponok

    a Change needs to be made to NC Rifle and Carbines/LMG...Rifle and carbines should have 20bullets tops to even it out for all 3 empires,and LMGs at max 50 bullets.Hate it as much as you want its all true.
  2. Oreo202

    No. That is not a good idea.
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  3. HooWoo

    It's hard enough to kill somebody with 40 bullets as TR o_O
  4. DashRendar

    Yes, but only if everything gets a bump up to the next level of damage to compensate while dropping RoF. Too many NC guns are straight ripoffs of TR/VS guns with lower DPS or worse handling to merit that kind of change alone.

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  5. Messaiga

    What the devs don't realize is that NC doesn't need a fast firing weapon to compete in CQC and match the DPS, there is easily different ways to make NC guns powerful in CQC while also feeling very NC-like. For example, the GD-7F. They could easily have matched that type of DPS with a higher damage per bullet and lower ROF (200 damage per bullet and 600 RPM would be 13 points less of DPS, but would increase the theoretical kills per mag).

    I personally would enjoy seeing NC's CQC Carbines, LMG's, and assault rifles revisited for a balance pass so that they are slower firing but hit hard, NC-style.
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  6. tastyBerryPunch

    Or maybe NC should only get bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns, no even better lever-action shotguns!:eek:
  7. LordMondando

    All NC players should spawn with broken legs as well.

    I love how people focus so much on 167 and 200 damage per shot if it were 200% or 300% larger than 143 damage per shot.
  8. gigastar

    And the ScatMAX should be limited to one arm.
  9. LordMondando

    Magrider hover should be a limited use ability with cooldown.

    This is fun!
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  10. Stew360

    LOL the NC dosent have a straigth up magazine counts , ALL empire have different weapons with different Magazone size , also many weapons especially LMG and SMG have Extended magazines available but if they use it they cant equip , lazer atachement or grip avanced forgrip etc..

    Its all a matters of preference , not all LMG from all empire as the same amo pools , rof , accuracy and bloow and bullets velocity AND SO ON

    Your whole threads is irrevelant , and as no fondements , and its far to be a issue

    But i could say that the nanoweave armor affect the most Slow firering hard hitting weapons thats an issue
  11. Stew360

    We should have 20 shot magazine to compeate with the TR ar who as 40 shot magazine ? is that what you say ?

    Also carnage BR and guns like these have 30 shot magazine while pretty similar to TR traits and ttk ,

    I think you should never ever even think about making a careers as a weapons designers ....
  12. gigastar

    Yes! Lets nerf everything. Again.
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  13. DashRendar

    It can shoot once per minute because of its 1 shot magazine and 59.8 second reload time. Falloff begins at .5m and pellets despawn after 2m.
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  14. DashRendar

    On second thought you are right, the Magrider should only be able to move in strafe fashion, forward movement is outdated and only serves to strengthen the tyrannical influence on Auraxis.
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  15. Scorponok

    haha i knew people would react like that...but its true if you like it or not i dont care.
  16. Luighseach

    VS have equivalent damage Carbines,ARs, and such. The only weapons that have more Damage is the AC-X11, Reaper DMR, which both have 200 damage per shot with 20 round clips. The only LMG that is better at Damage is the Guass Saw which is 200 damage with 100 rounds. Now the only one of those that seems OP is the Guass Saw but it is extremely hard to use in a CQC role but is I admit a great weapon.

    So if you make ALL NC weapons have 20 rounds then you would have to nerf the TRs rounds down to 30 and some of the VS weapons would have to go to 20 as well.
  17. PieBringer

    Increase all damage done by NC weaponry by 50-100% and this is a GRAND idea, dear chap!

    I will very much enjoy killing these no-fun-allowed barbarians with a maximum of three body-shots from my Boss Saw. (and outright killing in a single jackhammer shot with half the pellets missing.)

    Don't forget increasing Mag-Cutter damage by enough to kill a MAX in one hit. Also, our MAX Punch must be able to kill a full blockade armor sunderer in three punches.

    In before sarcasm not detected.
  18. Ned

    This thread has been hijacked by the glorious Terran republic.

    Disperse rebels, and pray for mercy.

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  19. HellasVagabond

    The Cyclone and the Blitz have like 25 bullets per clip ? If anything there should be more.
  20. Badname82

    He is right. That's why the AC11X is so awesome and is the only carbine anyone ever uses. Right? Right? I mean no one ever uses anything else it is so uber.