TKing for "not playing the game right"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killy80, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Killy80

    What's up with the TKing because someone doesn't play the game the way someone else wants him to?

    Today I was repeatedly C4'ed inside of a spawnroom. We were spawncamped and I wasn't in the mood for big fights or being a hero. So I sat in the spawnroom to farm certs from those who were stupid enough to enter LOS. I do that sometimes, just to relax a bit. And I mean, playing a game is about entertainment and relaxing, isn't it?

    Suddenly - BOOM, dead. First reaction was: Damn, someone again bugged a shot through the spawn shields. However, the deathscreen revealed that it was a high BR of my own faction who C4ed the room. He TKed about 15 people in one second.
    When I whispered him, he said I was TKed because we were useless staying in that spawn room and I should play the game the right way.

    What is the "right" way to play a sandbox game? Who is to decide what's the "right" way? And why do especially higher BRs think they could dictate others how to play the game in a certain way?

    Before someone claims that other guy is playing the game the way he wants to as well: He's not. There's a paragraph about griefing here, which includes TKing:

    Tell me your best "not playing the game right" stories!

    As a side note: Why do things like C4, mines and mines do FF? There's not a single legitimate way to use C4 or mines on ANYTHING friendly.
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  2. AlphaMiC

    Just report them and move on. There are lots of people out there with anger issues...
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  3. Lovecraft

    My irony meter just blew up...
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  4. MasonSTL

    Well your going to need first off: [IMG]

    I have to say I TKed a guy after he spawned a MBT then stopped in front of the spawn pad while 3 of my squad where in queue for tanks. When I spawned i couldn't move off the spawn pad and my tank was destroyed as the guy behind me spawned in. So I threw C4 on the guy that stopped tank a Ka-BLAOW!
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  5. P4NJ

    There are idiots who believe that they are better than other players and that they should be allowed to pass judgement upon them by teamkilling them. They also teamkill medics and engis if they don't jump to their calls. /report is the best way to deal with them.
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  6. PieBringer

    Strap C4 to a willing friendly Wraith. Infiltrators: One of the best ways to utilize a guy that can cloak his ATV.
  7. Verisimilituder

    From the article you linked: ''Insult them like an adult soldier, throw a grenade at their face!''

    Later: ''Griefing includes the repeated killing of selected players or groups of players within their own empire or any other grief activity that SOE deems inappropriate in its sole and absolute discretion.''

    It had nothing to do with him being higher BR, unless he specifically claimed that his BR had any value, in which case disregard this sentence.

    Unless he was repeatedly chasing you and the others down to kill you just to be annoying, (you initially say repeatedly, but then you only describe him as C4'ing the spawn room once) then he was well within the parameters of the game; friendly fire means both having to watch your fire but also that you can settle same-team issues with bullets. Even if you didn't like what he did, trying to induce some do-nothing players to move to an active fight and actually benefit the empire isn't ''grief'' but instead beneficial to the team.

    Basically the gist of this is, just because you were TK'd doesn't mean it was griefing, and even an intentional TK isn't inherently griefing. Griefing also doesn't even have to be lethal, like blocking doorways and flipping Libs in a warpgate. All that said, yes, he may have been a griefer if he didn't know when to stop, in which case, that's what /report is for.
  8. NinjaTurtle

    I normally don't agree with TK'ing... however there are situations where people are just being idiots and need a helping hand

    Last night on Waterson there was a Bio Lab alert on Indar. There was about 45 minutes on the clock TR controlled 2 labs VS the other and we were at Allantum, with control over all the outlying bases and control over the teleport rooms.

    We had the man power to win the lab and drew the alert but for 45 minutes the entire NC player base that was present at the lab decided to sit in the teleporter rooms trying to farm.

    If everyone all at one charged we may have taken the point, I as a lone infiltrator (and from what i could see the only person willing to run out and take a hit to my K/D) was able to consistently run out cloaked place mines in the groups of TR camping the rooms and take out 6 or 7 at a time easily.

    If more had joined me in betty bombing the campers the others could have followed and taken the point whilst they were respawning. If the same were done in the other rooms we could have pushed out but no, everyone wants to sit in a single room for nearly an hour doing literally nothing.

    Too many people play this game as if dying were a real life thing.

    What's the worst that could happen? The push fails, ok so you die once, you can the spawn back at the outlier teleport in and camp then if it is that important. The point is no one tried to win the base. Few people were rushing and despite my numerous attempts to get people to join me they were to busy looking after themselves instead of winning the game

    That said I didn't TK anyone as much as I would have liked to because I don't think that is the right thing to do
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  9. Killy80

    Okay, didn't think of that. However, I don't think that justifies C4 doing damage to friendlies. The griefing potential is over 9000 higher than the benefits. Plus, you can still strip C4 to friendly flash if it doesn't do FF. A wraith with C4 is not really a death-machine, so it shouldn't be a problem or become a common tactic...
  10. Coffee Hound

    I have /reported several people doing the same thing, and a couple even admitting to it over /yell and they never got banned. The Planetside 2 Code of Conduct suggests that you're supposed to TK them back. Here's the exact wording:


    The only thing you are not allowed to do is harass players, which is apparently TKing them many times (a few users reported experiences that it took over 100 TKs).

    Personally, I think that is a horrible stance for SOE to take, but I guess it makes sense in a FTP game. Next time just make mental note of the guy's name (or outfit), then "throw a grenade in their face" (or better yet, C4 on their vehicle) the next time you see them.
  11. Killy80

    I just described that one occurrence, the same happened multiple times that day from different persons and at different locations :(

    But why is it up to him what's beneficial for the empire. I don't understand why the opinion of one person justifies destroying the fun of a lot more people in that situation. That basically is griefing.

    That doesn't sound like it'd only target repeated TKs (especially because of that "or any other..." term)
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  12. lothbrook

    We had no shot at taking that lab, at best we had a few percentage more pop than the TR at the lab, then they realized we weren't pushing the Vanu anymore and every TR on the continent redeployed at the lab and we were quickly outnumbered 3-1 because TR had a decent pop advantage altogether.

    With that said, biolab alerts are terrible.
  13. Killy80

    That's really sad :(

    Then again: Why do the deployables (C4, mines) with the largest potential to grief and very little benefit from FF damage friendlies? A whole lot of problems would be solved if they just wouldn't.
  14. Ryekir

    Just report the guy and move on.

    It'd be a little ridiculous if C4 and mines magically didn't do damage to friendly targets. *People* shouldn't use explosives on friendly targets, but if someone drops C4 in the middle of a room with both enemy and friendly soldiers, it's going to blow them all up indiscriminately. Or if you drop an AP mine in a doorway and a friendly target happens to be standing near it when an enemy walks over it and triggers it, why wouldn't that blow up the both of them?
  15. Mr_Giggles

    This thread is ranks right up there with the don't TK medics and Engineers thread so most of my rant is in there currently. To answer that question, without FF, not only would it be boring, it would also throw caution out the window and turn every firefight into a explosion spam fest.

    For the story, I regularly run as a engineer and my team mates generally include a medic and a recon. Now according to the right wayers, I should only exist to dispense ammo and fix Maxes. I say **** that ****. They gave me a gun and I'm gonna use it. We all equip silenced weapons and ride a buggy from outpost to outpost Covert Op'ing that ****. If we get spotted by a large group we go Guerrilla. We're strapped with C4 and AT weapons to hit a Tank or Sunderer fast and hard. The medic and I also have underbarrel smoke and explosive launchers for the times we need to lay down suppression.
    If we join a convoy I'm working to take out generators and booby trapping them. If we're at a multiple point base then my mates and I cover one of the points while everyone else flocks to the gunfire. If we're defending a point then look at where the bad guy is coming from and that's where you'll find us, trying to take the point back.
    As for the ammo, I always drop where ever I stop; and I'll heal you if you happen to come in my area but I ain't chasing your ***. If you run away before I'm done fixing you then you have just let me know that you're good to go.
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  16. phreec

    Well deserved IMO.
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  17. Hantak

    So removing FF from the most powerfull wepons on the game?
    Friendly fire exists, among other things, to prevent reckless explosive spamming.
    You could strap c4 on friendlies and have them run into enemies kill all of them while allowing your faction mate to survive, imo thats stupid and abusable as hell.
  18. Kevorkian

    That person that C4'd you was doing all of us a service.

    How bout next time you actually play the game, instead of abuse spawn room mechanics for cheap kills. If you're pinned back in spawn room and don't want to mindlessly run out to the slaughter, simply redeploy. Either attempt to defend or move on. By camping in the spawn room and trying to farm kills from within immunity where the opposition can't fire back, you're showing what classless and skilless player you truly are.

    Go load up an old game of Duck Hunt, if you want to shoot at things without reprisal.
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  19. Timb0R

    I would just forget about that *****...probably has a nice suite in his Mom's basement.

    Just be happy you don't get so wrapped up in a game that you need to go "kill" your teammates because they aren't as LEET as you.
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  20. Mr_Giggles

    Oh yeah, Occasionally the enemy knocks us in the spawn room when we're outnumbered like 3 dozen to 1. Instead of deploying, we like to sit in the spawn room and soak in a couple of kills simply because it pisses people off on both sides that we're doing so.
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