What Planetside 2 players do you hate the most

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Kilmannan

    You came across as a total ******* there. He gave you some very good advice after your random orders call and your reply is: "Who the **** are you?" ?
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  2. DeathTollDavid

    Forum users :eek:
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  3. MonnyMoony

    Yeh - I hate that. Not sure what can be done. Perhaps the points for capturing a base can be divided by the number of people at the base at that time. The bigger the zerg just sat there waiting - the fewer points each gets when the base finally flips.

    In doing so - it may make driving off and finding something to kill more profitable than just sitting there waiting.
  4. Kilmannan

    I almost think that the points should be dished out to those withint 'x' meters of the actual Cap point, rather than within a base. It would certainly cut down on the tag-along's and XP Whorer's who fly from base to base chasing caps.
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  5. Ash87

    Wow... That... Stay Classy Archcraig.

    We had a guy on our server actually say (He was totally serious and no this is not out of context, this is him saying that he was the most powerful man on the server): "I am the swarm" in leader chat. The screenshots are somewhere... it's pretty much the best thing ever.

    Most hated: Probably 90% of medics outside of my outfit.

    *Ash is shot*
    Ash: "Crap... oh hey look medic, he's like right there too, sweet, I should be up in no time"
    Nearby medic: *Fires gun wildly in other direction*
    Ash: "Well... I guess he saw someone"
    Nearby medic: *Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka*
    Ash: "...Annnny minute now"
    Nearby medic: *Turns... runs to the other side of the base*
    Ash: "...mother puss bucket..."

    Oh, and people who sit in the spawn room and shoot out.
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  6. NinjaTurtle

    I hate how whenever I fly I seem to be a magnet for every good pilot in the game.

    10 Reavers over there they could go for instead, plenty of tanks camping your spawn.... "nope I want some turtle for dinner"
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  7. NyaR

    Told me to use when/where on orders, even though I did (read the order), then he used /orders to badmouth me like a hypocrite (where's the when/where), then he was going to have me kicked from my outfit because he doesn't agree with me. I'm an *******, I'll admit it, but I don't try to get people kicked from outfits when I have a disagreement.
  8. EliteEskimo

    I know I hate those guys too, they bring a bad name to real tankers.:)
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  9. K2k4

    My personal least favorite deaths come from 2 types of people.

    HA's using shotguns (really?)
    and Liberators farming infantry (really?)

    Both are legitimate and effective tactically, but I just can't get over it. Fark those guys.
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  10. VSDerp

    shotguns players and maxes
  11. llPendragon

    Spawn room warriors.
    The lazy majority of players that neither pull Sunderers nor guard them.
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  12. EliteEskimo

    LA's with C4 who think they are 1337 for blowing up a tank in the middle of another tank battle or think they are James Bond for using a plane to drop C4 on you out of the sky.
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  13. HadesR

    Self entitled vehicle user's
    Those that think having access to /order chat makes them Sun Tzu
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  14. Jrv

    The worst? The absolute worst?

    Zergfit players in 1/2 tanks blocking the rode. They're either in the front and completely haulting the armor advance, or they're in the back, tailgating you and preventing you from escaping when you take fire.

    The only saving grace is that they're 1/2 and easy to kill. Likewise, when they come back, they're usually bad so it's easy to kill them again if they try anything.
  15. Get2dachoppa

    Ugh. I hate that. Last night, I was one of the first into a building trying to re-secure the objective on the 2nd floor that had been taken. Ended up getting killed maybe 15m from the objective. On the deployment map, I see no less than 8 medics swarming the building and we quickly wipe out the enemy. I'm thinking "Sweet, revive soon". I wait....and I wait.....and I wait.....No revive.

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  17. Pikachu

    Lonely ESFs gliding around in the sky like vultures which then decides to follow you while you're alone just trying to get to a place as fast as you can. Go away leave me alone!
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  18. McChimperson

    LOL I feel sorry for you connery VS. That hej idiot has command chat. He once PM'd me to say "You suck" after I pounded is little lonewolf HE lightning and then said "I'm just giving you advice don't take it so personal"
  19. HadesR

    Oh Oh

    Those that run right past and ignore an overloaded Gen
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  20. llPendragon

    People who still shoot turrets/terminals while an Infil is actively hacking it.
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