New Pistols are Coming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Vanu labs is just some dude who messes with files, this isnt all real
  2. Gundem

    Thank the lord Vanu we didn't get a charge pistol :rolleyes:
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  3. Bolticus

    Rumor has it that he is actually T-ray! :eek:
    And most of this content actually makes it to the game.
    Like the MBT gold trims and Fireworks.
  4. IamDH

    Possibly, but stuff like the quad cannon..I really think thats edited or something
  5. Bolticus

    The quad cannon was also in the game files. :p
    He probably has a way of importing this stuff into the game.
  6. NDroid

    I really have no idea why would I ever want to use a Lasher pistol. The Lasher itself has enough problems as it is after its recent "buff" but at least it has a role it can fulfill- suppression. I'm not sure how a sidearm would fit for that role given their usage.
  7. Alarox

    This is golden.

    TR: "What else is new..."
    NC: "Not again..."
    VS: "Please... no more lasher..."

    TR get another boring, but highly effective weapon.
    NC get another niche weapon that everyone will scream is OP.
    VS... you should have stuck with a charge up.
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  8. Van Dax

    uhh now light assaults can suppress from the sky!

    But really at least it isn't charge up.
  9. Blitzer

    Urghagfsefs at yet another shotgun for NC, seriously devs ought to have figured it out by now from player feedback almost nobody wants that crap. Giev us magnets and railgun thingies, those have futuristic feel to them and carry proper mojo.
  10. DashRendar

    Faith in humanity (PS2 Devs) RESTORED.
  11. Ronin Oni

    it's only ONLY use is to deny an enemy regen behind cover when they're in a corner around a door or something....

    in other words...

    yah, pretty effin useless.

    You know it's going to take like 8-10 direct hits to kill.... at lasher projectile speeds... and splash will be like 2 damage.... in 3ft from impact....


    bloody hell....

    Good thing I still have the commissioner.... still seems like the best choice
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  12. DashRendar

    IDK. I agree that I think the Lasher remake pushed it to the wrong direction (or at least a direction that I personally disagree with, for whatever that's worth). Everything besides the IFF damage modifiers was the wrong change IMO. For the same reason that I think the new Lasher is crap, I think a Lasher pistol might be cooler. The new Lasher is way too situational and not really viable as a primary right...? So now you can carry a Lasher as a secondary, pull it when it's viable, and still have a Primary (hopefully not the Lasher). Who knows. IMO, it needs to be automatic fire mode and have a fairly sizeable mag, or else it's really kind of useless if you have to tap every shot. I won't get offended if VS have an automatic sidearm if it means the only way to make it viable. Guess we'll see how it unfolds.
  13. SenEvason

    Eww, I hope they don't use that model for the TR auto-pistol. That thing is ugly.

    On another note, I want to duel wield auto-pistols. I don't care if you drop my accuracy by half and double the reload time, I just want to do it.
  14. Messaiga

    LA's may be getting dual wielding pistols once they get their revamp, and although you will be dual wielding 2 full auto pistols, NC LA's will be dual wielding 2 SHOTGUN pistols and if they are anywhere near as powerful as regular shotguns I can see the flow of tears from TR and VS yelling "FLYING SCATMAX!!!!!!!!".
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  15. Lancener

    No... I don't know what else to say... No....
  16. DashRendar

    LMAOOO, oh I want it.
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  17. bodmans

    G*y18 akimbo? **** CoD kid

  18. Van Dax

    Especially since pistols are better in pretty much everything but max ammo count than max weapons.
  19. TeknoBug

    Give VS an armor piercing pistol like they had in PS1 with the Beamer, I'd so take on tanks as an infiltrator.
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  20. JudgeDeath

    So everyone else gets to carry an SMG in their pocket but VS gets a damn lasher pistol .....