Please don't quit on alerts...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RogueComet, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. RogueComet

    Lets see... you obviously either didn't watch my video or don't believe that I made that video at 8:30pm Eastern on Tuesday night. There was no huge VS overpop yet the TR and NC still didn't even try. You lost on that count.


    Damn you guys are freaking trolls, get the focus back on the issues at hand people. I know exactly how complex it is to run things on a continental/faction-wide basis. I did a lot of running things when we did the Ultimate Empire Showdown for the VS because most of our leaders were actively playing on the other main server. I'm not saying you have to organize that much all the time, but how often do you try working with other outfits? How often do you focus your efforts and form your own zergs? How often do you direct those zergs? I've done all of those things and I know exactly how much effort it takes, which isn't as much as you are afraid of. Heck even tonight I was running solo and saw I needed help so I sent a quick in-game tell to an outfit leader for another outfit, which came and saved the day. That's all it takes sometimes.

    If you don't have good structure, BUILD IT! That is what I'm saying.

    It's not stupid. That's the self-fulfilling prophecy principle. (same thing as in stock market. People predict that shares will go down, therefore sell the ones they own, effectively causing the shares to fall further)

    Given the choice between 2 fights, most players will choose the one where they think they have a higher chance of winning... and 99% of time they win! So next time they'll do the same thing...
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  3. exLupo

    You totally ignored the first half of that post where I was responding to Eleo. Here, let me quote it so you can have a second chance to read:

    VS overpop and **** attitudes have ruined portions of the game for TR/NC. For 20 of 24hrs out of the day, responding to alerts is a miserable exercise in failure and humiliation. Prime time hours bears the weight of the other twenty. Enough TR/NC players have simply become apathetic and those who haven't see only more failure and humiliation ahead of them when their broken-spirited brethren refuse to respond to alerts.

    But it is, in part, about population balance. The imbalance for the majority of the day has sucked the fun out of the game for a lot of people. Not enough people are willing to commit to alerts during prime time for it to matter. it's self-reinforcing. Say, 90% of VS want to do an alert. Even at the right pops, you won't get 90% of TR or NC wanting to do the same. The desire isn't there and no amount of posting in caps will make it return. Players understand the futility so those numbers continue to dwindle once it is known that an objective will receive no support. Combine it with the abusive attitudes of the victors and there's nothing more to be done. The result? TR/NC keep fighting and doing what they want and having fun in their own way. VS get a quick and empty victory.
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    Just like that... Problem solved...
  5. Madcat9

    Indar Excavation Site and the surroundings are where some of the truly most awesome fights happen with giant armor columns duking it out while esfs and libs dance above.
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  6. Jalek

    You don't seem to get that many of those who would do that sort of thing quit some time ago, rolled on Waterson, or are enjoying all the free certs they've accumulated running with the VS zerg.

    The people you're addressing now clearly don't care about what is important to you. Last time I was on we got a 3-squad platoon to the VS warpgate, then got pincered with I don't even know how many platoons, nothing was rendering beyond about 20m with all the vehicles. Too bad I don't play on Matt anymore.
  7. LordMondando

    No, sorry. Not playing. You don't get to define the parameters of the debate in a way which burtreeses your initial premise.

    Why? I reject your initial premise, in fact premises.

    I play on matherson (best chance of a fight at certain times EU servers are low). I know what its like.


    1) That Vs overpop is not an issue. Nope sorry. We've had exactly the same phenomenon on Miller. Alert would start up, TR would kerbstomp everyone with 7-10%+ advantage. Organised outfit members in the NCTO (which not to offend anyone is easily one of the larger and most organised coalitions in PS2) quit the continent and log off in droves.

    Why, organisation can only get you so far, doesn't matter how good your coms are, how good your individual leaders are, throwing something together ad hoc, when even as a disorganised mess your having to deal with one and a half squads to every squad you can field, hell even 2 platoons to every one you can field. Is a boring and frustrating experience. thats why people just quit.

    So untill we get to the heart of the matter (and im sure at times VS is not overpoped on Matherson, bully for you for noticing it), the basic issue is, game mechanics being what they are. Mean that population advantage is incredibly hard to counter. You have no logistics system that gives you a disadvantage, even if the underpoped side pulls off a Cannae style victory at one base, still gets ground back in every other direction and hell the guys you just beat will be back in minutes.

    Basic fundamental game problem is basic.

    2) "If you don't have good structure, BUILD IT! That is what I'm saying."

    I'm saying here, quite plainly. I don't think you know how hard this is. I'm not pissing about, I've been the equivalent of a middle level bureaucrat in one of the larger and more organised alliances in game pretty much since its inception. We are the paradigm of what your proposing and quite simply, its no small ask. Its a massive undertaking . There are part time jobs that involve less stress and less effort than getting a outfit structure together.Hell, you can fire mid level and high level management jobs of fairly sizable companies (600-700 employees is fairly sizable) and i'll tell you honestly if I think thats easier or harder. It becomes a job. Mix that in with a pinch of necessary expertise in a number of organisational fields and a pinch of political acumen. Or you get nothing. Hell we are lucky to have had (or have still) Emitz, Ulysees and Lt. Stan. Without them, it just would not work. Not to mention the incredibly patient cooperation of people like Tenator who live 4 time zones away from the rest of us.

    'you can fix the problem if you just believe enough'. Which is what your problem boils down to.

    Is crap.

    And as per 1), 2) doesn't necessarily fix things anyway. You try getting 300-400 people to stay on the field and stay organised and motivated when there up against 500-600.

    At the very root of the matter, Matherson needs less VS or a fair bit more TR and NC. Pray to Odin the es rec servers slowly do something about that. Or dramason will slowly become a ghostship with VS zergs congalining from base to base.
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  8. Joram

    Territory control alerts without lattice are boring, i don't wanna play a ghostcap competition.
  9. Eleo

    Yes great fights happen at Excavation Site, but this isnt the only, people have to realize that, alerts are the triggers of epic fights in unexpected places.
  10. Phrygen

    no they aren't. All the new alert types are in expected places (amp/tech/bio) and are run of the mill cert farms at best.
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  11. koopa

    but the issue YOU'RE not seeing is the fact everything we're bringing into the argument IS a part of the argument you dont want to acknowledge exists. MORE THAN JUST PRIME TIME EXISTS! and yes! THIS "NOT PRIMETIME" AFFECTS PRIMETIME!

    so while you may be "TR Y U NO ORGANIZE!" we're telling you WHY we dont bother with alerts! so tell us why we should suddenly start caring about them aside the fact that you can still get decent battles outside the vanu super zerg!

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  12. Eleo

    Nope this has only been my case when both TR and NC are underpopulated compared of VS and thus have to stick in their facilities, when pop are balanced there is a great tactical advancement on the map to capture enemies faclities.
  13. Eleo

    Well keep waiting, there is nothing to do since you already convinced yourself.
  14. FABIIK

  15. koopa

    its not so much i've convinced myself, it's that you are doing nothing to convince me otherwise. i have asked the same question several times already and have not seen any evidence of an answer for it.

    its like a movie i remember seeing where literally only one line was asked for the entire time i was watching it. "where is my elephant?", the guy asked as droves of black suited men ran at him trying to kill him. in the end he got his answer and he was a happy man reunited with his elephant.

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  16. Eleo

    I dont recall wich continent you play on but on both the op continent and mine there is no pop imbalance, the imbalance during alerts is purely due to people refusing to play yet with the excuse of pop imbalance !!

    And im sure it is like that on a lot of servers. Pure placebo effect. Period.
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  17. Epic High Five

    Alerts aside, the reason that Indar Ex et al is where all the good fights are is that Howling Pass/Rashnu Tower are only fun for a couple minutes, then 48 ZOE MAXes come pouring out from who knows where.

    Against TR, it's just a matter of waiting for the massive rush of super-Fury/Vulcan harassers. I wish NC AV weren't all so sloooow.
  18. MiZrY

    I think this thread shows both the OP and yourself lack reading comprehension and basic a understanding of human behavior.

    Also, plenty of valid reasons have been given to the OP and yourself as to why this behavior is occurring... yet it would seem that both of your egos are so inflated that your opinions are the only right opinion and anyone who says other wise is a "looser" as you so stated.
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  19. Phrygen

    which is all the time.
  20. koopa

    well since you obviously do not see signatures, i PLAY mattherson. and as you may have surmised, i play TR. now this means every day that i decide i want to log in, im subjugated to either assisting the defense against the vanu super zerg or getting the NC to shove off and go fight the super zerg themselves.

    so come take a walk in my mattherson TR shoes, then come back and tell me that the pop is balanced on mattherson.

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