[Suggestion] Sniper feels more and more useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SparrowTail, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Phaze

    They are useless... stop playing sniper and go fight.
  2. SparrowTail

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  3. Ourous

    If I can reliably hit moving infantry with a L100 Python AP shell from 100m+, you can do it with a sniper rifle. But to be fair, I am excellent.

  4. Hoki

    With 1.75x zoom on prowler the AP shells are my new sniper rifle. No scope sway and laser accuracy, and don't need to hit the head.
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  5. gloowa

    I don't get your point at all. Sniper is supposed to engage from distance - from where enemy fire can't reach it. Player in that video uses sniper rifle inside building - of course he's gonna end up dead. If he planted that headshot from > 150 meters, he would be very much alive - medic would have hard time even seeing him, and even if he spotted him his rifle would not be very effective.

    Yes, sniper wouldn't get the kill in either situation - assuming medic would have some place to hide/take cover. And chances are, that if that situation was taking place outside - in sniper-friendlier environment - that medic would not have time to reach cover before being hit second time, and ending up dead.

    Still, i find it strange that this medic lived - at that distance he should have died, according to the graph shown earlier in this thread. So there seems to be a game bug occurring in that video.
    As i understand it - BA = 800dmg x 2(headshot) = 1600dmg. Player health = 500 (shield) + 500 (hp) + 250 (nw5) = 1250. So assuming no suppressor and distance shown in video, medic should be dead.

    But that doesn't change the fact that making BA OHK infantry from any distance (approach which was proposed in this thread) is (in my opinion) just stupid (for reasons mentioned in earlier posts).

    Valena, i'll answer your post when i get back from work - long read, gotta think about it.
  6. Vaphell

    he is also supposed to kill his victim right off the bat, not give him time to scream "there is a sniper behind that rock and his headshotting me, somebody blast him with a tank cannon or something because i am running out of medkits!!!!"
    sniper not killi

    that's a short/midrange bolt action, where are you supposed to use it if it fails even across 2 rooms? Even shooting at 75m is pushing it very hard with its max scope so that 150m is simply not going to happen.

    unless it was 31m then no he should not
    if you have detailed data on suppressors share with us because all the BS surrounding BASRs, suppressors and NW that goes on for months is due to lack of transparency. Assumption is they substract 10m/25m from maxdmg range/mindmg range.


    basrs need higher HS multiplier or stretching out their base dmg curve so thresholds kick in much later and suppressor doesn't have as much effect. Their current design is fundamentally wrong. Whole dmg falloff happens before bullet even reaches range of typical use case, which means working with 550 base dmg 20x more often rather than with 750/800dmg. In that context top tier rifles are almost a scam because that 800dmg is borderline meaningless.
    Then you pile up NW and suppressor on top and it becomes an outright disaster. And don't tell me using suppressor is a choice, when you don't camp 100m+ from the action it's definitely not. People do notice red dots on their minimap 50m away and suppressor lets you live longer that 20s.

    it's not stupid. If it shoots as often as tank cannon it better yield similar results.
    And even if you find it wrong, how far/close would unconditional OHK threshold would need to be to sound 'fair'?
  7. TheBillOf3D

    Snipers have always been one of those classes that make the player feel more important than they are. In every FPS I've played. It's fun, you feel 'crafty', you don't get much done. On PS2, they are KD obsessed easy pickings hunters that just cause engies and medics to respawn a few feet away with re supplied mines and grenades. It can be a useful class but is usually not used that way.
  8. SparrowTail

    Remember guys,
    This is not a thread about infiltrators in general or how people use them and how they should be used..
    It's about a weapon that was sold to us under the impression that it had an unconditional headshot OHK but was majestically nerfed indirectly.
  9. Sworaven

    How many people have pointed that out now? And how many times have you moaned it's unfair because other classes can't retaliate? And now you see this vid where an Infiltrator with a low-powered scope BASR, which suits itself for closer action, headshots(!) a medic and your reply is: "of course he's gonna end up dead". He wouldn't be dead if the medic was killed from that headshot at a range of what you estimated to be 15m.

    So basically in your opinion, Infiltrator are a bunch of camping ******* when they're sniping from a distance and they're stupid when they try to engage in a range that's any closer than that.


    I see you say sniper, not Infiltrator. Was that intentional to separate the CQ Infils/Long Range Infils? Or did you just lump us all together?
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  10. TheBillOf3D

    Sniper doesn't equal infiltrator. CQ is very useful.
  11. Sworaven

    Gonna leave it at that since SparrowTail is right.

  12. TheBillOf3D

    I play every class, not just one. They all get hit with the nerf hammer. Good to diversify and treat classes as tools to get the job done rather than go looking for reasons to stay in one class.
  13. Sworaven

    When I said "Gonna leave it at that" I meant didn't want to discuss it further since it's derailing the thread.
  14. TheBillOf3D

    When I replied, it was on topic. You can leave it if you want.
  15. gloowa

    If you have read my entire post, you would find that i agreed with you, and AT THAT RANGE medic should have died. My point was that AT THAT RANGE infil should not be suprised if he dies too.

    In fact, in that video, if you consider only the second shot, infil dies before his bullet hist medic, so even if that bullet was lethal, he would still be dead.

    Not infiltrators. Snipers. Because by the very definition of sniper is supposed to engage at long distances. And SNIPER RIFLE is not meant to engage enemies at CQC/short range shown in this video.

    SMG Infils are totally ok, i even support normalizing SMG infils health/shields to that of other classes.

    About that range where standard issue engy gun misses more than ~70% of shots on a target size of infil in full auto, due to cof. Further away - no OHK.
  16. Vaphell

    trust me, he was not surprised that it ended that way after the non-lethal headshot. BASR in close/midrange works like this: you have the initiative and execute the enemy or he retaliates and you fold like a sheet of paper. That's it. Scoping delay is huge (and the aiming itself makes you immobile) and you have abysmal chances to win 1v1 against anyone in a head on fight.

    he would. Nobody suggests otherwise.

    it apparently was not meant to engage enemies in 30m-70m mid range either, where LMG is still pinpoint accurate spitting out 10bullets/sec for 5 seconds and you can't even hope for scoring a hail mary lethal HS in the middle of the barrage of bullets coming your way.

    that's strange, many people hate them for being unfair and OP, while they don't have any beef with useless snipers.

    how far would that be in numbers? I don't really play eng, not to mention decking out his weapons with certs.
  17. starlinvf

    When it first came out, everyone believed the SMG/Infil combo would be OP. And it was..... for about a month. But once everyone got paranoid enough, people could spot infil distortions a mile away. And now Infils just accept the fact that they are not predators.
  18. TheKhopesh

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    I can't believe this is even an argument. Name ANY other game where a OHK Headshot doesn't exist. If you can line up the shot and hit the head you should get the kill.

    This is how virtually every modern game functions when it comes to sniper rifles.
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  20. SharpeShooter

    I like that :)