[Suggestion] Sniper feels more and more useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SparrowTail, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    imho it's not. If you defend on the spot there is no place where you can fall back to to maintain sufficient airgap and it's not up to you to decide the moment of engagement. Airgap and initiative are crucial for snipers.
    Take the tower assault for example - snipers on the tower are pretty much sitting ducks, not only they are encircled by enemy snipers all around, but they also get pump actions to the face from LAs flying all over the place.
    I think the only way to be useful in defense is to get out from the siege and flank the peeps overly focused on the target, suppress sunderer or whatever.
  2. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    As someone that plays as a sniper, I can tell you that a long range sniper is very useful in the support role. Taking out engy turret operators, engies repairing, medics that are healing and reviving, heavies using a rocket launcher, and instilling fear in the enemy to cause them to take cover more, allowing the front line forces to advance and close in to the objective with less resistance because the enemy is hiding from being shot by snipers. Sniper fire is still suppressive fire. Snipers are a support role. Anyone who understands tactics knows all of this. An infiltrator with a sniper rifle in close range is nearly useless and more at danger of being taken out faster than anyone else. However, an infiltrator with a SMG, mines, and emp grenades, can be an effective close range fighter that can disrupt enemy actions and cause distractions to the fight.
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  3. Tulmas

    Last time I checked infiltrators were and important part of taking bases: hacking terminals and turrents, taking down shields, and keeping the opposition from getting comfortable anywhere anytime.

    Now a sniper (some guy padding his k/d ratio) Is of absolutely no use to anyone. Good thing there is no such class.

    So yes that's great snipers are useless.
  4. ent|ty

    ala that stupid AWP/Pistol switch those dudes would always use in CS :D
  5. redmamba

    Played sniper over the weekend quite a lot and had no problem headshoting VS players :D
    Clearly you're doing something wrong. I don't record my gameplay coz I'm close to full disk but I can put a quick video together for those who wan't to learn something :D

    yes I use 50 cal
  6. redmamba

    Depends on the shooter. If you can hit people while running I'm sure all of them will run for cover at some point and it should delay the attack.

    Besides snipers are very usefull because they can pick off enemy engineers and medics. This prevents healing MAX and vehicles.
    Being a good sniper is not camping on some high ground waiting for enemy to stand still long enough so u can head shot him.
    It's more usefull sometimes to take 2 shots to the body and kill that enemy engy or medik. Bigger target too. Comes usefull especialy at longer ranges like 100-300m. 12x scope is a must BTW.
  7. Zombo

    actually, vanu now has the strongest snipers against defenders, zero bullet drop on the crappy semi-auto sniper rifle... woohoo

    but seriously, NOT one-shotting people with a bolt-action sniper rifle in the head makes the rifle completely useless
    i am just rolling my infiltrator with an smg the last days just because sniping was dead for so long, the only thing i pull my sniping rifle for is counter-sniping

    i don't think you are a dedicated sniper
    once you hit an enemy with a sniping rifle, THEY KNOW you will try to put a second shot into them
    very rarely do you see someone say "**** it" and just keep standing still, they go into the crazy jumping and running patterns you can't hit them with at 200-300 meters, at least not without taking pot shots
    hitting medics healing and engis repairing MAXs isn't easy to pull off, too, especially not, like mentioned, if the got hit by a sniper round one time
    they tend to move a lot allready while repairing a max, so one hit to the head should definitely kill them off

    I play arma besides PS2, and the sniping is ridiculously hard because of the extreme scope sway in all stances, also the bullet travel time is pretty long, too
    i actually find sniping in arma way more easy, and that has to say something
  8. Valena

    You used to be able to quick scope, but that was (rightfully) removed from the game by about GU3 iirc. Now if you try and quick scope, your shot will still fire off in a random direction with hip fire accuracy, and when it takes a full second to rechamber your rifle for a second shot you can't afford hip fire accuracy in any situation.

    There already is a large delay between raising the weapon and being able to fire. It's called aiming, and snipers have to make sure their aim is flawless before even pulling the trigger.

    Uh, and the rest of the game is what, exactly?

    Yeah. Good thing there's no such class that can remotely take out that HA about to put a rocket into your AMS Sunderer. Good thing there's no such class that can put down the engineers repairing the MAX crash that's keeping your faction pinned in a spawn room. Good thing there's no class that can assassinate the medics tossing revive grenades into a pile of your enemies corpses.

    I mean, obviously all snipers are good for is padding their K/D. We can't actually contribute anything to the battle like feeding critical information to ground troops from a hidden overwatch position while silently sniping engineers spamming AV turret rockets.

    Yeah. Real good thing no such class exists.
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  9. UzumakiW

    Same. Decided to jump on my TR character a bit over the weekend, and decided to give sniping a try on it. Got more sniper kills in a few days with the SR-7 than I have in all the previous months I've been playing this game. Easy as hell getting those headshots off, especially on engineers in their turrets. Though, I don't sit in the very back of the map to snipe. I'll just find an area with a decent amount of enemies with some range between me and them. Usually not sitting too far away.
  10. gloowa

    shotgun user's victim can retaliate with his carabine.

    no because sniper victim can't retaliate with his carabine.

    is that logic enough for you?
  11. Valena

    How if they're dead? Shotguns OHK more reliably than bolt actions do, and unlike bolt actions they require next to no aim, just twitch 'skills'.

    Let me put you in the shoes of a sniper.

    You're cleverly hidden, you line up a shot on a high priority target, one that you can see is about to do massive damage to your allies in one way or another. Maybe it's an engineer flanking your armor line about to drop an AV turret and shove rockets up your MBT's exhaust pipes. You wait for him to climb in his turret, you scope in once he does. You aim for the head, steady your breath and take the shot. But oops! Nanoweave 5! The bullet you just put into his brain failed to kill him, and between the time it takes you to rechamber your rifle and scope in on your target again, he's already found you and is firing full auto on your location.

    Now you have two choices. Stay and try and get that second shot off through unbearable flinch and short TTK, or run and probably still get shot anyway because your cloak while moving is a piece of crap.

    Sniper victims retaliate with their carbines all the time. Often it leads to the death of a sniper who did everything right, but got screwed over by poorly thought out game mechanics.

    Is that logic enough for you?
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  12. Kunavi

    Just too much Sniper hating going on. Boring to argue against, especially when people just go "Oh you know what I just went Sniper and I was G0Dl1k3(Pics or it didn't happen by the way, learning curve isn't exactly that of HA)". You know what? When I go HA I rack up so many Kills it's just stupid :) Especially using the ML-7, and using NO NW, NO Shield Certed, nothing. Vanilla, complete with only Iron Sights on my standard issue LMG. I'm serious too. I don't even want to speculate what I can do with a Shottie. And what am I contributing? NOTHING. I just K/D by storming in or defending capture Points- Which is... Just what I do as a Sniper. Difference? I take out Long Range targets with ML-7 in one case, with the Bolt Action in the other. Guess which is far easier... LOL!

    Before you even argue about hunting MBTs being my job, why bother with no Lock-On? Let a MAX deal with that, I'll just make sure nothing compromises that MAX by blowing targets to pieces, hugging Engineers for Ammo(Just like I do on a Sniper regarding the latter, in large battles).

    Oh and Time Per Class for all this mayhem? 7% as HA, 80% as Infiltrator. KThxBai! ^_^

    Infiltrators SHOULD OHK on HeadShot no matter what, that's the bottom line, some can't compensate(You stand still too much and can't help it) and some can. Not my problem though.
  13. omni2

    you know that this game is "teambased".
    why don´t you setup a "infiltrator squad", use TS or skype, and start picking up ONE target you shoot at nearly the same time?

    This way you´ll get a assist, or a kill and you can make friends :)
  14. illgot

    I use to play infiltrator as my primary but am finding it lacking.

    Yes I can snipe turret operators, but I can do the same thing with my HA or even my medics AR.

    If you want a lot of kills you do not go sniper unless you are god like with quick scoping.
  15. SparrowTail

    Come to Mattherson and play against BWC .. you'll be saying that a lot :p
  16. MarkAntony

    draw distance + bad performance doesn't help sniper either. makes long range and/or shooting moving targets near impossible.
  17. GRiMtox

    That's difficult.

    I agree that sniper-rifles (only the ones where you can attach only 6x zooms or higher) should oneshot every Enemy (execpt MAXs) if the bullet hits the head. But there is also the balance-problem with the zero-bulletdrop from the VS. This would be, in my opinion, to overpowered.
  18. Alarox

    One-shot kill to the body would be insanely overpowered due to how easy that is for a skilled sniper, even at long ranges. The compromise for deployed weapons isn't really good enough since often enough you are already stationary.
  19. Alarox

    Only their default has no drop, as far as I'm aware, and that's semi-automatic.
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  20. gloowa

    To OHK with pump action you need to get in < 10m == target has plenty time and opportunity to retaliate.
    And, OH YES, i was waiting for "only snipers have true skills" argument. well done.

    Let me put you in the shoes of anyone when your OHK snipers gets implemented.
    You spawn, your ran out from spawn room, BAM you are dead from god knows where. You have no way of locating the threat, and even if you do, the only way to deal with it is to take sniper rifle.

    Why don't we remove all those "twitch skills" guns and leave only uber pro mad skillz OHK sniper rifles?