G30 Vulcan - Ultimate air deterrence

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Ned

    I finally realised what the Vulcan was meant to be

  2. Bill Hicks

    When I make a sandwich I like to slap striker spam and vulcan spam together with some cheese.
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  3. TheRealMetalstorm

    the only thing scary about that is the devilish red of the tracer fire.
    won't do anything flak can't already do
  4. Pat Cleburne

    So that is post GU11 vulcan? I haven't used it since the last update. It used to only be good at low hovering ESF's at close range.
  5. Lord Robert

    I think "ultimate air deterrence" is a little extreme.
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  6. Shinrah

    Yep, wont do anything Flakk can´t, difference beeing this a AV weapon designed to fight ground targets. Thus giving the Prowler an exclusive weapon that isn´t only good in AV but does a remarkable job of guarding it against aircraft. But TR still complains how bad their weapons are in every single thread....
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  7. Delta102

    Except its terrible at anti infantry unlike the VS and NC variants.
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  8. Pat Cleburne

    The vulcan has been utter garbage since launch at anything other than point blank. It deserved to be complained about.
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  9. TheRealMetalstorm

    Don't worry about it
    we can't AI.
    you can.
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  10. DocteurVK

    not sure about this, since I've been killed a few times by vulcans as an infantryman, even if you have to be at a close range...

    The saron and enforcer don't OS infantry longer, so TRs will have less trouble now.;)
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  11. Lolroflcake

    I know eh? It's just like how the other two factions do the exact same thing about their weapons in their own threads and then the TR players come in an whine about how TR weapons suck in comparison. Seriously everyone thinks everyone else's weapons are better then what they have to use I don't get it.
  12. Ned

    Yeah this is the post GU11 Vulcan, better than it was but still not great
  13. FigM

    I have made that point several times in the past. This gun is ridiculously powerful against air. It's much more powerful than any dedicated anti-air gun.
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  14. RazerKilll

    it can kill a tank in 2 clips (vanguard in its side). i think its even stronger then the main gun(correct me if im wrong).
    and yes its a ***** vs air and a bit to strong.
  15. TheRealMetalstorm


    inb4 "half clip kill" "insane ttk"

    yeah, compare it to the skyguard?
    Both kill crappy pilots who don't know how to fly perpendicular.
    And hovering lolpodders.
  16. phreec

    The whole cross faction G2A balance is completely messed up since they started tweaking the MAX's and other empire specific weaponry...

    TR has by far the most effective ESRL, MAX and now tank secondary to counter air. Meanwhile NC's MAX ability doesn't do jack **** and the ESRL and MBT AV is nowhere close to as effective as the TR equivalents. Same with ZOE and to a smaller degree the Sauron since it can quickly unload everything against hoverspammers and fires at a much higher velocity than the Enforcer. Only the Lancer is worse than the NC equivalent ESRL since it can't oneshot hoverspammers like the Phoenix can. It does however have a much greater range and can be used against those orbital strike 9000m altitude Liberators.

    My point is 'small' tweaks like these create vast butterfly effects that affect the whole macro-balance i.e If one factions get better AA their ESF's will have an easier time dealing with enemy tanks making it easier for their infantry to advance and cap the point...
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  17. Angry Scientist

    I had one fire at me and the sound was like basilisk fire hitting my ESF. In a second, half my HP was gone and I had to pull off a chase. When I escaped, I was burning to death and attempting to land to repair killed me.

    As for the AI role...yeah, I think you're going to have to stop whining about it now. Enforcer/sauron take two shots to kill and have individual aiming properties. When TR say that they 'can't kill infantry', what they really mean is that they can't sit on a mountain and spam at a spawn for easy kills. It performs well against every target, now. Air, AV, and infantry.

    Now that doesn't mean it needs a nerf, though there may be potential need for a reduction in air given how it shreds them, but beyond that, they can keep the thing. Then maybe the TR will stop weeping and sobbing over every little thing.
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  18. Ned

    "Reduced the rate of fire for MAX Burster when using Lockdown"

    TR does not have the best AA max, as someone whining from the NC perspective Id recommend playing all three factions in depth before drawing conclusions
  19. Epoch/Eep

    If you fly high and vertical it cant do a thing.

    Its great vs stuff that doesnt know your there but i had fun tonight just going vertical above the vulcan and shooting them.

    Best bit about the Vulcan though. Every ********* and their mother is using it and trying to shoot air. You just roll up and shoot the crap out of them coz their secondary gunner is trying to shoot a lib at 300m instead of your tank/harasser. Its sad and funny at the same time.

    Enforcer is scanning looking for infantry or assisting. Kobalt scanning for infantry. Vulcan trying to shoot stuff it cant hit very well because the forums talk a bunch of ****. That alone is balance for the NC/VS.
  20. Fumblewatt

    Ah, but they fail to mention that they got a double barreled main gun, which takes care of infantry.
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