Vanu populations skyrocketing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elkorin, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Roarboar

    After all the whining about how OP ZOE is, tr and NC players decided to try it out for themselves. Fear not, once they have saved enough certs to unlock ZOE they will be back on their main NC/TR chars within the day :)
  2. Nocturnal7x

    This wasn't an issue until SOE allowed people to have multiple characters on the same server.

    That was a fata error. Best community college lvl devs in the business over there.
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  3. Citizen H

    -The developers only pay attention to Reddit and rarely engage anyone here. Reddit is blatantly biased and dominated by VS players and outfits.

    -ZOE is fundamentally unbalanced and the nerfs it suffered did little to address it.

    -On the whole, VS weapons are the easiest to use and since lunch have had more and more of their downsides/drawbacks removed. Meanwhile, TR weapons are spectacularly mediocre and boring. NC weapons, while the best guns in the game in the hands of skilled players, are harder for the majority of players to use.

    -VS is really good at complaining and playing the victim on forumside. "Boo-hoo our guns and vehicles are bad! Don't pay attention to the leaderboards. On one server we're slightly underpopulated, ignore Alert victory stats."

    -Former NC and TR outfits are consolidating to VS because because A) They can; there's nothing that stops them from doing so and B) They'd rather steamroll and win all the time and get certs than ever risk losing.

    Really, I'm past the point of caring. TE had the right idea about exiting the game, as do the other people leaving. My membership is up soon and then I'm out. There are better games that don't have biased and corrupt designers.
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  4. Pikachu

    Vanu always seems to have a slight population advantage on Cobalt these days.
  5. Spookydodger

    And yet on Waterson the NC population is booming. The world works in strange and wondrous ways.
  6. Fish225

    I've noticed this too. I play on 3 different servers and Connery is the only one that doesn't have this issue (at least last time I logged in). I'm actually trying to play something other than my Vanu character, when I do I just get steamrolled by VS. It's frustrating.
  7. Chipay

    Send some of those Vanu to Ceres, We're still at 25% World population in the evenings :(
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  8. Lancener

    People complain whenever a faction ends up with more population than the others, on Waterson it was from TotalBiscuit's outfit, which I haven't seen in a while, now it's NC and TR leading with VS pulling around 20% population. People complain whenever they're not invincible to being killed in a one on one.

    Most of the time I see people complain that a faction is completely overpowered, or that their faction is underpowered, yet you go check their stats and their K/D is 3+, K/D doesn't mean anything to this game, yet it still shows if a player is actually having difficulty or if they're just mindlessly complaining.

    Can't argue with numbers being shown with population imbalance but this imbalance isn't across the board, they've mentioned introducing a way to change servers. Hopefully the players will use this to balance out the servers rather than ending up with every faction picking different servers to mass on, and ending up with each server being dominated by one faction each.
  9. ozzless

    And i thought it was the NC and TR Maxes that tear my tanks apart in 3 seconds :(:(
  10. TeknoBug

    Come get your share of ZOE while it lasts
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  11. Evanist

    Basically, one other thing that seem to be missed is that some people started to have enough of seeing all the players moving to VS, when the rest was left with dust...
    I been playing NC for a whole before, and the more I played on Mattherson, the more I saw that my team mates were not helping that much, probably cause the good players moved to VS.

    With this... It does cause a 'sheep effect' , meaning players will fallow those that are good at the game, not wanting to have to endure others.
    Yes I did make a vs, but because my friend made one and I fallowed him, and I saw lately that the quality AND quantity of the factions did diminish. While playing NC, I saw a couple of medics not reviving people while the fight was at another place, and things like that.

    To this... I just hope things will be arranged... I hope it's a temporary effect. It get pretty boring to even play vs some times, cause you have less opponents then before. I hope something will be done. I kinda want to still play NC, but seeing how the quality and quantity were going down... Well... I have a bit of a hard time with that.
  12. Edenwolf

    Waterson VS is dwindling if anything.

    Also, saron sucks now and I'm convincing my friends and I that halbered is better.
  13. P4NJ

    It's because they are UP and the TR are OP.
  14. iWarsaw

    On Ceres Vanu are the lowest populated. We are under by 5-10% at all times.
  15. illgot

    2 major factions on Mattherson quit TR so that probably has something to do with the populations.
  16. Badname0192

    Waterson is an odd bird. Jaeger had a strong VS population, the pops were even at times if I recall, NC was the only faction to ever get to 39 percent. Then the server merger, no clue what happened. I left to Mattherson, VS population overload and many of them are proud fourth faction members who are out on summer vacation from their gradeschool/highschools and think the VS is the faction for trolls. You should see the Yell chat during events, constant taunting from low BR and occasionally higher BR VS shame the fourth faction members, but a lot of the times they just join in the chorus as if they've done something grand in the scheme of things.

    Sportsmanship is lacking horribly on Mattherson and I can't wait til there's a station switch token or option to move. I'll wait a bit longer to see where populations balance out, move there and hope for the best.
  17. Badname0192

    They quit -after- the VS surge.
  18. Evanist

    Vs have a lot of people now...
    I wish I could play my nc more, but with how much people are vs now... And the fact that they nerfed again the pump shotguns... (Which now I regret having bought), I am starting to feel like it will take a lot of time before things get back to normal...
    And when you say ceres as 5% Vanu... I am starting to wonder if soe might just go and a good part of the vs population from after you could create 2 on the same server towards Ceres.

    I just hope it will balance out soon, because if it does not... Then PS2 is doomed to die.
  19. EliteEskimo

    2? I know TE did but what was the other one?
  20. Bolticus

    G2A launchers are 250 certs now. And the tracking to so good that only flares can lose them.
    So low BR players have a choice.