Your daily annoyances

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Caserion, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Caserion

    We all have them, after a good time playing, once in a while you will get frustrated. I'm not talking about imbalances or being underpopulated, i'm talking about those small annoying things that makes you frown at your death screen.

    What are your top annoyances?

    Mine are definatly getting attacked by rocket launchers or running through open ground being food for snipers.

    (Also, surprise for people going into a thread called ''your daily annoyances'' and not finding another complain thread)
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Getting hit in the face with a decimator and OHK whilst there is no splash and the deci user walks away despite being within ball touching distance of an explosion
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  3. SnatchMaster

    Touchdown passes from friendly nades.
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    Real men spice things up with haikus...

    Flying in my Scythe,
    Hugging the ground to dodge fire,
    Tower renders, boom.

    Those ammo towers don't render until the last ******* second, regardless of internet speed, resolution, or quality of graphics. Many an annoying death to them.
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  5. Stigma

    Hmm I guess my current biggest annoyance (not talking about balance issues and other such subjects) is that my client seems to slow down over time. I still get like 45-55fps but the gameplay feels like its going in slow-motion. Feels almost like its adding huge input-lag. Anyone else having that issue?

  6. P4NJ

    Map starts lagging, I end up going out of bounds with my brand new mossy while checking it. Suicide. P4NJ SMASH
  7. Kubor

    1.) Getting killed by C4 when the LA that drops it at my feet is somehow miraculously immune to the explosion themselves.

    2.) The huge delay between pressing M and the map actually displaying

    3.) The huge delay when trying to access equipment terminals.

    4.) Invisible AV projectiles of doom from the 4th dimension that you simply cannot escape from. That's usually the signal for me to log off and go and play something more interesting.
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  8. ManualReplica

    Lone wolfing players who just insist on continuing to drop behind us/in a solitary base and run around with their infiltrator and shotgun light assault loadouts, despite being killed repeatedly, and who then get super salty and hungry for revenge when you end up seeking them out.

    It already starts when I log on and open the map for the very first time on a day.

    I look on Esamir, same old NC Mani Biolab farm. The rest of the continent is empty. Then I look on the map of Amerish, seeing a huge chunk of our world pop yet again attempting to ghost cap the continent with little resistance. No mentionable fighting whatsoever. Lastly I look at Indar, and there's quite a lot of action, but I know that I ain't gonna be playing there because of the horrendous lag in big fights. No small skirmishes/ medium sized battles whatsoever on that continent, as always.

    So I go to Esamir and join the fight at Mani, just to let happen what is bound to happen. I run into a swarm of ScatMAXs, then redeploy in hope to find or create a somewhat enjoyable fight elsewhere. But the rest of our pop apparently enjoys getting farmed at the teleporter rooms/ airpads over at Mani too much, nobody seems to care that I deploy Sundies at strategically advanced positions. I try to cap Aurora Materials Lab. all by myself, all the goddamn time and like every freakin night. But no allies spawn, but hords of enemies near the end of each cap. I try to withstand as long as I may spawn, keep my sundy alive for as long as possible in hope that perhaps somebody minds helping me out, but still nobody spawns. I die and my Sundy eventually turns into a burning wreckage. Next available spawnpoints: 2 Satellites at Mani and Esamir WG. I log off. Trying again tomorrow.
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  10. Stigma

    Ah yea, the general "invisible projectiles" is a big thing I guess. I've just almost gotten used to it by now. I guess draw-distance issues in general is high on the list, although its has almost become a staple of the metagame...

  11. IamDH

    Seems like a nerf thread in disguise
    idk if i should post or not
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  12. Bearcat


    Also, trying to navigate the hills and valleys while driving my Lightning. Even with Combat Chassis 3, I am constantly getting stuck. I don't mind when a player kills me, but I get pissed when I get my vehicle stuck in a seemingly tiny little ditch.
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  13. Leal

    Aim down sight, acquire hostile, go to press mouse one....

    Grief sound effect! Guy walked right in front of me the second I fired!

    He moves, new hostile acquired, press mouse one

    Grief sound effect!

    Even though everyone can clearly see my big fat name on the left-hand side of my comment, at the bottom of my comment, and at the top of anyone who replies, I'm going to go ahead and sign each post as well.

    Why? Because Narcissus, that's why.
  15. IamDH

    I feel you
    - IamDH
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  16. cfnz

    Shotguns, still. Probably more than a small annoyance, I will forever hate them.

    I agree with snipers, they can often spoil what could otherwise be a fun open field fight that isn't cqc for a change.
  17. Unclematos7

    Harassers running around with fully automatic 1HK grenade launchers.
  18. Udnknome

    Friendlies running in front of my sticky-nade crosshair.
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  19. ExarRazor

    yea, that's always annoying.

    somethings really needs to be done about the people who walk around with a rocket launcher out in a base fight and insta-wins any confrontation. getting real sick of getting in a guys face with an SMG, and before I can even click the button, im dead because instagib rawkets.

    I thought smgs and shotguns were supposed to be the dominate cqc weapon
  20. Kevorkian

    The rare occurrence I have to turn off ZOE to stop glowing, so I can "blend in better" and sneak up on people. So annoying. Ain't nobody got time for that....

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