Magrider needs a pitch buff on it's main cannon...(pictures inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. FaLI3N

    It's definitely capable of it, have done it a few times but it is so much easier in the other tanks. I don't see why we get so many bad things just because we can strafe. Can only use that excuse so far guys :rolleyes:
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  2. GhostAvatar

    I agree that the elevation needs to be adjusted, there is no reason for it. As for the projectile speed, thats a trade off for the mobility. The Maggie is hard to hit at range, the slower projectile speed balances that for the Maggie against the other MBTs at range. Basically you got a slow projectile to hit a low mobility targets, while the others got a high speed projectile designed to hit a high mobility target. All three MBT's are balanced against each other in different aspects, this is just one of them. Unfortunately is does leave the Maggie somewhat out of the sniping ESF party. But so is the Prowler is a different aspect i.e. needing to hit with both shots. But since this isn't the primary use of MBT's and dosnt happen to often, it shouldn't really be a concern or issue.
  3. GhostAvatar

    Seriously, do not underestimate how powerful mobility actually can be. SOE realised this when they tried the VS MAX with jump jets, even they agreed that was OP and wouldn't launch it. And this is coming from a dev team that has launched so many OP things.
  4. K3STR3L

  5. KlyptoK

    So here's for all the people out there that aren't too bright. Balance all the MBT main turrets. Either make the Magrider's crosshair bounce all over the place when driving over rough terrain, or (preferably) give the other two tanks turret stability to that of the Magrider. There is no reason for this disparity other than the dev's hate the NC and TR and couldn't give a crap less about the factions.

    Geez dude. It's called asymmetrical balance.

    But the magbooster does need a buff.
  6. Vortok

    I usually get a small handful of air kills when I use a Mag for any decent length of time. With more practice I'm sure the frequency/my success rate will increase. The shot isn't easy to make, but it's not -that- hard and the elevation differences are pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. I've been unable to make a few shots due to not being able to aim higher, but I could say the same thing about the Lightning which can apparently aim a bit higher than any of the MBTs.

    I thought the mobility was the tradeoff for not having the Prowler's dps or the Vanguard's durability. I can never remember how many different things that trait justifies.

    Also, doesn't explain why Lightning AP velocity didn't get adjusted (MBTs aren't the only ones that have to shoot at Mags).... and we all have to shoot at Harassers now. They move much faster than a Mag does.

    A Magrider's fixed turret is a bit more stable since it auto adjusts to up/down changes caused by small bumps, though it can screw you up easily when you have to turn the tank (because fixed turret) and hit an incline that suddenly tilts you sideways such as the lip at the edge of many roads - missed a few shots due to that. Particularly against air as the effect is more pronounced the further you're aiming up when the tank tilts. If the other tanks/vehicles got gun stability (quality of life fix as far as I'm concerned) so they could fire on the move though, the Mag might become the least stable due to only being able to stabilize up and down and not sideways.
  7. Kunavi

    I think the MagBurner should increase rotation as well.
    I think Vanguard and Prowler cannons need a bit more stability. In that order.
    I think being able to strafe is just as good as having increased elevation if not better, at least for how I roll MBTs.
    I think Prowlers should get Artillery Mode, not Anchor Mode.
    I think the MagRider should be able to charge up its cannons.
    I think the Prowler should be able to fire both cannons at once.
    I think the Vanguard's Shield should work differently- It should have a CoolDown but once active it is only drained by moving or firing. Obviously when receiving Dmg too but if the Vanguard stays still it should charge up again.
    I think the Prowler should be able to ram, Dmg based on speed.

    I think too much, I know.
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  8. Marinealver

    I'd still wish the 2nd seat (aka gunner seat) would be the main weapon.
  9. FaLI3N

    I know our ability to strafe is amazing in our maggie but everyone acts like it counteracts every imbalance against it. You yourself just said that you get faster projectile speed (something that has an effect on all combat within a tank) to directly counteract our strafing ability. If our factions unique trait has a direct counter built into your tank without even having to cert then why do have to take many other negatives on top of that? Our main cannon is just pathetic, its why we used saron as primary for so long. We are supposed to have the long range tank but now since they changed the saron to a burst weapon ( a change I must admit I'm not totally against any more) we aren't nearly as effective at range because of projectile speeds . Magburner is worse than the NS Turbo and is used to push forward, an ability put on what from memory is the slowest tank and we don't really want to be rushing in mag against vanguard shield or your lockdown tanks. We can use magburn to dart between cover, but we cant really fire over it etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I love my magrider but it just feels like a lot of different design choices thrown together with no defining purpose or clear goal in mind. Plus strikers > mobility :cool:
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  10. Holomang

    So you want the easiest tank cannon to be even easier?

    Give it the elevation increase but take away it's ability to fire without having to worry about terrain knocking it's crosshair all over the screen. That or give Prowlers and Vanguard turrets stabilization.
  11. Mongychops

    The thing is, the magrider doesn't just have the lowest elevation on the main gun. The mag has the lowest projectile speed main gun, the lowest DPS main gun, the lowest traverse speed main gun, momentum and inertia on main gun traverse, the most visible main gun projectile(?), the worst driver third person view(?) has the lowest situational awareness for the driver due to fixed main gun, and is unable to to position its sizable posterior safely while engaging multiple threats due to the fixed main gun.

    You mean easiest main gun to use while moving, maybe, but that is a fragment of the story, especially considering that ability to use the main gun while moving is necessary as the offset because the mag has far less ability to absorb damage than a vanguard+shield, or ability to dish it out than a prowler (with or without lockdown).
  12. NDroid

    The strafe speed is maxed at 26kph so hitting a strafing Magrider is hardly an issue. Its mobility advantage is effectively negated by the faster velocities of the other main cannons. The Magrider's slower projectile velocity just leaves it weaker against fast opponents that are actually harder to hit such as Harassers and Lightnings.

    What balances the Mag's mobility is its lower damage output and lack of a turret. There's no longer a need to limit it further in other ways.
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  13. Phrygen

    i'm ok with mags having a slightly higher pitch, but only 5 degrees. Anything more would look pretty stupid.

    the reason is the main gun stabilization. It doesn't bounce around and such when you move etc.
    Its very different than the prowler and vanguard.
  14. Goden

    Even with the AP rounds on my Magrider the projectiles still drop like rocks. :(
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  15. treeHamster

    The no recoil and stabilization is because it's not a turret but rather an artillery gun. Honestly, I don't think that recoil matters at all except on the Prowler because it has two shots per reload.

    For all of you talking about stabilization, have you tried turning a Magrider? It takes a LOT of mouse moving to get it to turn while the other tanks (including the Lightning) move their barrels very easily.

    No, this is about normalizing the main barrel pitch across all tank main barrel weapons (not counting the Skyguard).
  16. Stellus

    Your mom gives me a pitch buff...
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  17. Phrygen

    yes i have used the magrider. yes it takes a lot of mouse moving. I changed my movement setting slightly, but i also use the hover ability to pivot while aiming. The mag can't swivel its turret as fast because the prowler and vanguard can't move (the tank itself) as easily as the mag.

    And again, having a very stable platform would clearly makes sniping ESFs easier.

    The mag does need a 5ph buff to its stock top speed however.
  18. Bolticus

    Think about all the other disadvatages Mags get.

    -Biggest hitbox
    -Slowest MBT
    -Weakest Cannons
    -Fixed Cannon

    And this might be just me, but the Magrider feels like it has less HP compared to the other factions. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. treeHamster

    The Magrider could use a buff (maybe a couple) in a NUMBER of departments to bring it up to par with the other two tanks. As it stands more than 3/4 of the Magriders I see pulled have a Saron and those Mag's rarely don't have a gunner riding along (even before they changed the Saron). I see 1/2 Prowlers and 1/2 Vanguards all the time. In fact I'd say less than half the Vanguards or Prowlers I see run 2/2. When you see a 2/2 Vanny I can almost guarantee it has an Enforcer.

    Overall the VS specifc vehicles are subpar, only made up for by the skill of the operators.

    **NOTE: I suck at using the Magrider main seat (I can gun decently) but can do decently with the Lighning, Prowler, and Vanguard.
  20. Phrygen

    The Saron/ enforecer having been OP (we will see what the nerfs do) has nothing to do with the main gun. Nor does the Prowlers horrible vulcan have anything to do with the mag riders main gun.

    The magriders movement is something you like or don't but it is very capable. That said mags are generally better when using AP rounds.