[Suggestion] Just stop talking about it please

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Halvorana, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Halvorana

    Bolt Actions are what they are. Stop talking about them.

    Slow bullet speed, drop off, and bad versus nanoweave.

    This is not MWF, Gears of War, Counterstrike, or whatever other game you snuck in from. You will never be able to quick-scope while running around full speed in this game just get over it. And you will never be able to blind from from the hip.

    Yes, you have to shoot SOEs Heavy Assault pet class in the head at long range twice. That is it. That is what you have to do. Stop talking about it.

    The Bolt actions have been designed to hit non-moving targets. Simple as that. Can you get lucky and snipe a moving target in the head at long range?... sure.

    Do Silencers make sniper rifles worthless.. basically. Again that is how they are designed. Can you correct for this with 2-3 shots and luck... yeah, if you target is still there and happens to be a moron.

    They don't want the game to operate like the other games listed above, sniping here is supposed to be dull, boring, and methodical.

    Can you get a string if head shots on bad players that don't move at all and make another montage for people to watch... yes, you can. Awesome. You win.

    Just stop talking about it. Please.
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  2. Dr. Euthanasia

    So is this the part where someone makes a "please stop complaining about us complaining about the state of snipers" thread?

    You're not going to accomplish anything by doing this. Nobody even wants quick-scoping or accurate hip fire, they just want their headshots to kill people. If you want them to stop talking about it, try a convincing argument instead.
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  3. Halvorana

    Running your head into a brick wall (SOE) should be the only argument needed.
  4. Paulus

    My headshots kill most people just fine. Just take that silly bean can off the end of your long sleek barrel. HA? yeah they're a little tricky and require an additional shot, but that's why a sniper team is much more effective than a lone wolf. Call your target, synchronise your shots and reap the rewards.
  5. Vaphell

    in the head TWICE in the span of 2 seconds. Yeah, it's the simplest of things.

    So you are saying JUST HIT TWICE and then in the very next sentence you claim they were made to hit stationary targets. Any idea how to convince the victim to stay in place for that to happen after the first shot?

    2-3 shots take 4-6 seconds minimum. How long is the avg TTK in this game? 0.5s? Also "The Bolt actions have been designed to hit non-moving targets"
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  6. Halvorana

    I'm saying that I don't care. They were made the way they are. If SOE is going to change them they are going to change them based on internal choice, not because the community reacts... that has been their established pattern from the get go.

    Nanoweave armor is supposed to stop you from hill-camping effectively. As stated.
  7. WhiffleBalls

    Great logic. I guess the entire development team can retire because everything "is what it is"...

    If you don't care, why are you trolling?

    Bolt actions are only a fraction of the problem with this class, but an important one that needs to be addressed to suit the role of a long range sniper/overwatch. We're not going to stop talking about them because, well, that's just the way it is. Ya dig brah?
  8. Halvorana

    It's not trolling. Trolling would be for no reason.

    I truely am tired of these posts. There needs to be one post that you guys communaly update with (what I assume) would be 9000 pages of 2 head shot whinning, but instead we just keep getting rehash posts.

    Stop talking about it. SOE knows you are unhappy... they don't care.
  9. Dr. Euthanasia

    Nobody really cares that you're unhappy with reading legitimate complaints about the state of sniping either. Do you really think this community is more likely to listen to you than SOE is to it?
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  10. Botji

    Just want to point out that you dont have to hit a HA twice in the HEAD to kill them.
  11. Flukeman62

    "just stop talking about it" now your speakin' like a true TR son...
  12. Halvorana

    Actually SOE has made changes in the opposite direction so not only do they not care about your suggestion they went the other way.

    And you do have to hit an HA with full nano in the head twice at maximum range... .which makes nanoweave useful in that regard.

    Like I said, just find an old forum post and post into that one... or ... Just stop talking about it.
  13. AnuErebus

    For the record, just clearing up some inconsistencies with reality in your post. I think bolt-actions for the most part are fine. Nanoweave is annoying but not everyone uses it and there are ways to get around it. I find the problem more to be that our non-bolt-action options just suck in general so people don't really have alternatives.


    I have never seen someone claiming to really want quick scoping in game. Or who wants hip fire accuracy. In fact everyone I know would hate to see that because it would dumb down sniping and everyone would do it for insta-lols.

    HAs have the same health as medics, engineers and light assaults. How a headshot effects them is the same so there's no point singling out HA alone as being resistant to headshots.

    Bolt-actions were designed not to be insta-win buttons every time you saw someone's head. Headshots at range on moving targets are possible but a smart player that keeps adjusting direction is a solid counter to them.

    Suppressors? Useless? Alright, tell that to those of us who regularly farm the crap out of clueless swarms of players because they have no idea where we are.

    Otherwise meh, you're not going to get people to stop complaining. If people have a problem they'll be vocal about it. Trying to convince people to stop complaining on a forum where at least 75% of the posts are complaints in one form or other is a lost cause. Save yourself the headache and just ignore the people complaining.
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  14. Vaphell

    they are not but they are almost sure to sport NW5 because of the great synergy with the ubershield (plus enabled shield adds dificulty). Other classes are not as motivated to max it.

    They are not hitscan or anything. They weren't also designed to be harmless toys beyond 30-50m depending on setup. That's a SNIPER RIFLE with RoF around 50, you know, that LONG RANGE thing that fires once and the target is supposed to drop dead, no ifs no buts. Why would a glass cannon weapon work fine only at a spitting distance? there is no point in such a weapon.

    dust off your tier1 rifle, slap suppressor on it, go farming for few days. 100% sure OHK range is 30m and your cloak is very audible at that range, someone will figure it out. Have fun.
  15. Vanon

    I'm sorry, where you a devolper? I'm pretty certain your not. How exactly do you know sniper rifles where designed to be 2 shot kills to the head, and silencer's, even though offered for the gun, where BY DESIGN to be worthless?

    By the way? why are you afraid of us talking about it? I'm sure you realized if you don't like it you could skip the thread. Why would you care so much unless you thought it was going to effect something. Stop me if i'm giving your intellegence to much credit.
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  16. Ztiller

    Yeah, i agreed with you up until this line.

    You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
  17. Hoki

    nanoweave probably won't even be allowed in MLG so w/e
  18. Get2dachoppa

    Yes, please do that. I love picking off all the obvious snipers on the edge of a battle who give away their position on the mini-map by not using a silencer.
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  19. Vanon

    Who gives a **** about MLG. We are discussing the balance of a class in the game. What does MLG have to do with balance, fun and playability. For MLG to be MLG all they have to do is give everyone NS weapons and be done. When this game gets balanced for something like MLG we will end up all using BR's, playing light assults and basicly trying to be halo.
  20. AnuErebus

    I almost exclusively use suppressors on my bolt-actions, the last rifle I got auraxium on was the M77-B and that was a little over a week ago. I have never had trouble farming people with it at range. I also currently use the TSAR which often puts me right on top of people where you say my cloak is super audible. It's audible sure, but very very few people actually pay attention to that noise unless it's an empty base. Most of the time I'm discovered when someone gets too close to me or sees me when I decloak.

    This is my usual playstyle, telling me to dust off and do what I do on a regular basis is kind of silly don't you think?