Connery NC Defends Indar Lock for 24 hours

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hibiki54, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Hibiki54

    Despite the combined efforts of the Vanu Sovereignty taking Mao Tech Plant and pushing through Waterson in force into Alkali Storage; despite the Terran Republic crushing our hopes at Saurva, crashing through Benson Construction Site and Camp Connery, the New Conglomerate of the Connery Server held their ground at Crater Firing Range despite the efforts of a combined 10 platoons of TR and VS.

    Great Job, Connery NC. I'm proud of you for defending our Indar lock for 24 straight hours.

    For once, Connery NC snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
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  2. Dingus148

    Grats guys, hard-fought victories are the best!
  3. HadesR

    Makes a change .. We normal snatch defeat from the jaws of victory :p
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  4. ScorchingCobra

    That was fun last night!

    i remember you sending out commands over the Commander Channel:D but MAN OH MAN getting smashed from BOTH sides was Insane!(and fun;))
    i also got a TON of certs.
  5. Roll Fizzlebeef

    24 hours?

    That's adorable.

    - Vanu Sovereignty
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  6. DoctorXqY

    So many times I've gotten this on the continent alerts:
    30 minutes in: The NC is winning this by a mile, guys!
    10 minutes left: How have we lost our tech plant and all of our territory?
  7. Craeshen

    So lets see this is definately more about the vs'es failure to complete IE lets go back hack the tr while they're busy than anything else move along folks nothing to see here.

    It's also mildly amusing considering the whole time that fight was going vs were pushing hard on the tr on the west side of the base.

    Vanu failed tactic's 101 never fight 2 enemies @ once you make no progress against either.
  8. Rhiaci

    24 hours you say? Don't VS have a night shift on your server? D:
  9. woooow

    Yeah but unlike the other server with a major VS night crew, our NC's own night crew did not ragestack into VS we can't actually just waltz around with a huge pop imbalance capping continents at will and this morning the NC drove that point home.
  10. Morpholine

    I'd be more impressed if NC were not literally half of the server more often than not. Still, good work holding out. It can be a royal pain being on the receiving end of the double team.
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  11. Craeshen

    It's only a royal pain when one side doesn't pull the ineptitude card. ( See vs indar lock removal.)
  12. Hibiki54

    I'll give you that. But consider this - on Indar, NC was the minority with 1-3% of continent population under TR and VS. Basically, both sides were even.

    It's the same situation you VS faced when we cut your cap. Except with defended two big pushes from both sides in the same day and throughout the night (2nd and graveyard shifts)

    The best part of the night is when I released my outfit members into the fray and told them to "Harrass" the enemy and "Liberate" all cap points.

    VS tried a HUGE 5-6 12 of 12 Gal Drop MAX crash on Crater Firing Range. Point completely filled with ZOE MAXs. My partner spawns a maxed out Dalton Lib, flies me over the point multiple times and we single handedly put the DENIED on the VS long enough for someone to resecure point. I damn near made 90+ certs on that single run.
  13. Roxputin

    Now Now...Tell the whole story Mr. Noble NC....


    Pay particular close attention to the upper right hand corner of that screenshot taken on said "normal snatch" day.
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  14. 13lackCats

    You sat on the end of a lattice and shot what ever came down the road.

    Big deal.
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  15. Demetrius

    If you don't see the difference between VS losing the lock in the SE corner canyons, and NC defending it for a day in the North -- you must be new here :)

    It was a fun fight. TR and VS beat themselves by fighting for Amp stations during the alert when NC had been reduced to 1 base at firing range. Though NC outnumbered both TR and VS in that area by about 2:1, since so many VS and TR were fighting each other in the south.

    When TR and VS decide its time for the lock to go away, you'll know.
  16. HadesR

    I only play prime time when pops are pretty much even .. and hey if it's good for other factions to late night ghost zerg cap a cont ( How VS got their old Indar cap ) then it's good enough for all.

    It can't be stopped so no point whittling about it .

    Or if it wasn't late night and the TR/VS were on another cont playing Alerts .. Then nothing to be said ( Wish people would post World pops in SS's )

    Edit : Also if it was a " normal snatch " day from my quote .. We wouldn't have capped it :p
  17. S0LAR15

    Sounds good, but Cobalt VS held Indar in the southwest WG vs a TR and NC alliance, pre-lattice, for weeks on end, to the point their spirits were broken, and their bodies shattered; by the mighty and wise will of Lord Vanu.

    You guys got northern WG, and a huge pop advantage......Is connery a scrub server or what? lol
  18. Peacemaker12

    The impressive point about this is that the NC had to deal with both TR and VS pushes. It was amazing.

    Still, whenever the TR/VS hold a continent they never have to worry about the NC holding up a truce because the NC just shoot everything that moves (even allies); we're too much of a zerg to give a crap.

    "Hey guys the TR are pushing to the VS warpgate to remove their bonus, we should help them"
    "Nah let's keep pushing on TR territoy since we're too lazy to redeploy"
  19. Bill Hicks

    Once again we learn that the TR and VS factions are interchangable. Noticed Terrex going full VS.

    It all came down to crater firing range. We reversed the whole fight like Zangief pulling off a super spinning pile driver on chun li at the last minute.
  20. r1stormrider

    Somebody sounds salty