Why I am quitting planetside 2.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by xGreedFuSioN, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. KlyptoK

  2. HMR85

    Interdasting on the HPET.
  3. Cab00se187

    It's all on the users end for screwing with their useroptions.ini.

    I'm running the same rig as the OP but mine is overclocked, my 16g ram is only 1333 and I'm still using a single sata 2 HD partitioned having windows alone on it's own separate partition. I run crappy AMD cards and I get no lower than 50 fps in huge battles,
  4. xGreedFuSioN

    Mine's overclocked and I've deleted my useroptions to reset it many times. 4.4ghz
  5. Mozenwrath

    well here's your problem!
    have u actually tried running the game in something other than a big *** rectangle?
    also try running in windowed full screen instead of full screen.

    try changing ur resolution to something smaller and more square. - then u need to make a choice between the size of your 'screen' and the amount u enjoy playing.

    so Choose.
  6. Cab00se187

    That's not his problem. I have a similar setup just with crappier GPU and ram and I out perform him. I also run at 1920x1080
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  7. xGreedFuSioN

    I can put up with low graphic settings but low resolution hurts my eyes. and that's stil bs, if I turn everything down to "very low" and minimum possible, disable everything, close out EVERYTHING else on my pc and put it on the lowest possible resolution I can barely stay over 60 at all times.
  8. xGreedFuSioN

    It's like saying "I have 200 bulls here trying to haul these 5 watermelons and they just cant drag them!" "Remove some of the watermelon" "THERE'S 200 BULLS."
  9. Tallfeather

    That's a lot of bulls.
  10. xGreedFuSioN

  11. xGreedFuSioN

    Playing on windowed, minimum res possible, minimum render quality, minimum render distance, very low settings, everything off, getting 20fps in a zerg
  12. Brainwayne

    i feel i spend more time in making this game run than the devs in developing it...
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  13. Karbine-Mthersn

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  14. NaySayer

    How on earth can anyone have the perfect picture to coincide with the bulls and watermelons comment????
  15. Karbine-Mthersn

    I've had that thumbnail waiting on my little desktop for decades... Just waiting for this day. It's time hath come!
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  16. Jumpy-B-L

    My fellow gamers, quit trying to advise people to do this or that to improve in-game performance. We ALL know that no matter how fun PS2 may be that it runs like ***. I have a 3770k @ 4.5Ghz and 680's in SLI. At Crossroads Watchtower on Indar I was getting 15-25 FPS. My frame rate was unaffected by graphics quality changes. It's just the engine.
  17. BlackDove

    That is terrible advice.
  18. Zcuron

    What version of windows are you running?

    I was in your situation, getting crappy FPS in large fights.
    Our systems are similar, here's mine;
    3770k @ 4.4GHz.
    GTX 680 (stock)
    Lots of ram. (2133)

    I tried many things;
    1. That HPET stuff (no noticeable difference)
    2. Trying to minimize DPC latency. (no difference)
    3. Faster RAM, perhaps? (no difference)

    Going from "win7 home enterprise x64" to "win8 professional x64" solved my issues, perhaps it was simply from reinstalling windows, perhaps it's some kind of issue with my previous version of windows, or perhaps some issue with my installation, whatever it was, my performance in PS2 is now much better. (I also reinstalled PS2 after installing my new OS)

    For example, previously when playing I had the following issues; ("high" w/ shad, flora, physx, fog shad, and blur disabled)
    1. After playing for awhile, FPS would seemingly "lock" below 30.
    2. FPS in very large battles could drop down to 5. (15-25 range was more common)

    Now, in very large battles (bio lab 48+), I get a minimum of 30 fps with the "ultra" preset. (physx & blur: off - fog shad: on)
    I said minimum of 30 fps, I haven't seen it drop below that - usual performance is around 40, 50 if I turn shadows and flora off.

    I don't tend to like such battles (a bit too large for my taste), so I still run with those settings, getting 60 fps nearly everywhere.
    I have no idea if it'll work for you, I can only say that it worked for me.

    Good luck~~

    Edit; Seeing as you need to spend money for windows 8 (well...) you may want to try the HPET stuff anyway.
    Some say it has fantastic effects, though it had no noticeable difference for me~~
  19. Zcuron

    Unfortunately, as some people with the same hardware as you have much higher FPS, I'd say there must be some kind of external factor playing a role, unless you are suggesting that we're using different PS2 engines.
  20. Jumpy-B-L

    First off..sources? Secondly, that was my frame rate during a pitched battle. If I'm somewhere with few people/very little going on I'm getting 100+ FPS, this is at 1440p.