So, about the Reaver vortek rotary nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Ned

    *Rubs hands together*
  2. Herby20

    It doesn't need a huge nerf. All it needs is a little damage tweaking so that it requires a magazine upgrade or two to kill an ESF outright.
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  3. DuckSauce

    Let's see some stats. Is the Reaver still behind in everything?
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  4. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Leave it in place, it's the only thing we have to kill other air right now before Strikers lolspam Reavers out of the sky.
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  5. Hosp

    *sigh* Just :eek: and move along.
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  6. DuckSauce

    Good point.


    Alas, poor troll! I knew him.
  7. Charlie

    Phhft, They better not nerf it, it's fine as-is!

    Thing is, we reaver pilots have been playing with a handicap (against us) for months now and have had to work twice as hard as the rest of you. Now that we are on equal footing for equipment, it's like a huge weight has been lifted, and as you can clearly see we are just much better pilots than you.

    Flame me.
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  8. PyroPaul

    what handicap did reaver pilots have?

    and please don't say off-set gun, because honestly, that isn't an issue unless if you put the nose of your bird Into the person your shooting at...
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  9. Herby20

    If you were referring to the off centered gun, the Reaver wasn't the only ESF to have one. Mosquitoes had an off centered gun as well. The Vortek always was (and still is) the best rotary. I don't think it needs some giant nerf, but just tone down the damage a bit so it requires a magazine upgrade to kill an ESF outright. The other two rotaries need multiple magazine upgrades to do the same thing, and generally have to be more accurate to do the same amount of damage.
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  10. SpaceKing


    The Reaver is getting nerfed?

    Did it really need it? I thought the Reaver was supposed to have more powerful guns in exchange for being a flying brick. As long as you don't get in front of them (made easier by their slower turning speed) they're easy prey.

    Are ESFs just going to be clones of each other? I'm disappointed...
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  11. LightningWolfTigrBer

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  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    Reaver still has a hitbox half the size of Texas, your argument is invalid.
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  13. Bill Hicks


    If they are normalizing the guns then the need to normalize our hitbox and speed.

    I find it so Ironic that when I use my gauss saw to shoot at ESFs I often Hit friendly reavers because the hit box is so big.
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  14. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Goddamn if I see the word "clip" one more time in reference to a "magazine" I might actually **** a bear.

    ...most unfortunate censoring award goes to me. But it can stay.
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  15. LightningWolfTigrBer

    On the hitbox, they should just bring back the Alpha Reaver model. Looked cooler and it wasn't the size of a barn. As to the speed, it already has the same cruising speed as a Scythe, 200kph, and has stronger afterburners, so I don't know what you expect them to do there without pushing it over the edge.
  16. randalthorr

    LOL :D
  17. Charlie


    I'm pretty sure the Reaver had a bigger offset though.
  18. TheBillOf3D

    What faction's rotary cant just buzz right through you if they get behind you?
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  19. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Biggest pain was the bullet drop combined with it already being below the reticule.
  20. Charlie

    Probably. I remember a huge drop, now It's more than bearable :)