The Lattice System is Disappointing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Padinn, May 25, 2013.

  1. Cab00se187

    These threads are disappointing.
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  2. Vaphell

    the problem is that the graph produced by hexes had too many connections for the population to reasonably cover, but the solution was simple - reduce the number of territories. Fewer nodes = fewer edges.
    Now the situation is the opposite. Lattice graph has too few edges which piles too many people in too few locations.
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  3. Cab00se187

    There is nothing preventing you from attacking the enemy wherever you want. Sure you can't cap the base but you can still kill and be a pain in the ****
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  4. Rockstone

    The TR did that on Mattherson yesterday after we worked together to take the Vanu out. They came by and just slaughtered us, even though there was no reason to other than annoyance.
  5. Rockit

    Because NC were FNO focused. It made good press for them I guess. :eek:
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  6. Drippyskippy

    It is strategy when a small outfit with a squad takes a territory and defends that territory until the opposing faction brings an entire platoon to take you out of it. Since the enemy responded with a platoon to take a hex from a squad, it then lessens the enemies numbers in a zerg battle which in turn directly helps your factions zerg take territories. The outfit I play for did this all the time and it was incredibly helpful during alerts. Even though no one in your faction may realize it, it is a great feeling knowing that your squad could only be taken out of a facility when faced against about 2 to 1 or greater odds which in turn leaves the enemy under popped in other battles which helps your faction take more territory. This is now gone. Forcing the enemy to spread out its forces to defend territory's is strategy against an enemy who has large outfits and typically zergs. Now there is no defense against it, just zerg vs zerg.

    Lattice needs more secondary objectives for smaller outfits/squads to perform during the large battles. In its current state it severely restricts the number of options and beneficial things you can perform for your faction as a small outfit/squad.
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  7. TheDrone

    I agree. People are arguing over a matter of taste. They're behaving like tribes. Most of them just want to be "right" and don't care about the future of the game.

    In stead of arguing what everyone's favorite favorite color should be, people should perhaps empathize and realize that different people have different tastes.

    The obvious solution to this petty arguing is to allow BOTH game-modes in the game. Just like hundreds of games have different game modes (Capture The Flag, King Of The Hill, Team Deathmatch), PlanetSide 2 should and could have its own set of uniquely MMOFPS game -modes.

    We need both.
  8. Roxputin

    Now Imagine that there is a Fourth Continent lets call this place uhh Hossin. Imagine that there are links from each one of these continents with 1 being a Home continent for each faction. There is one continent that is the odd man out, lets call that one uhh...Indar. Now you have continental links that connect each continent together which in turn connects to Indar. Any one of these links can be cut off at any time by any faction wanting to push a faction off of a continent or making them leave a continent for fear of losing links from their home continent. This is how the lattice is supposed to work in a nut shell.

    The lattice system is no where close to being realized because PS2 does not have enough land or "links" in place to utilize it properly. Stagnant fights and constant 3-ways will ensue until we have at least one more continent and Home continents available for the Lattice to shine.
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  9. FinnSimmons

    Thats because Lattice funnels players down a path and nobody is going to stand up against those Zergs. Why? Because even as much as 10 tanks and some air is more that enough to take any 250 or 500 XP base against any resistance. What you see now are platoons (plural) of tanks with just as much air following them and all of them rolling down the same link. So the other faction shrugs and goes somewhere else.
    So much for big fights. ;)
    They should revert the live servers back to the hex system after a few weeks so they get some data. Then they should keep it on the test server till its more of a complete package and less of a half-done-not-finished job. Maybe with some live tests in between like the one we have right now.
    Once its actually finished and not just a small part of something yet to come people will probably enjoy it more. Then they should implement it.
    But who am i to use logic and reason on the Internet :eek:
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  10. TheDrone

    How about this proposal. We keep the current mix of continents. Two with the Lattice (since they're the majority of the community) and one for the Hex. That way both tastes and both types of players can be accommodated.
  11. Rockit

    Right there. Bang on. What the hell is taking so long on getting additional conts?
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  12. FinnSimmons

    Then they should at least not make the lattice continent Indar. Make it something i don't care about. Like Amerish. I liked the old Indar :oops:
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  13. ImBreakingUpWithYou

    You've never played with my outfit, or those like mine or you would not make such hasty judgements though I can see why you might think I am from a "tactical" outfit.

    The symptom you have just described as is also the hex maps balancing act, it actually allows for all players to play in any type of they like. That is what I am personally after, I like choice, I like variety, I dont like forced situations (i.e. Regent Rock every 30 mins as it was the other day). I will play anywhere I can because I like to fight, my outfit likes to fight, we really like to fight. Currently Indar is like multiple Quick Time Events, mash button A to avoid the attack, now mash button B to counter! Its just boring for me.

    I think you're being unfair to those that dislike the lattice, their enjoyment of the game is no less important than yours. If anything, I would like a better lattice, one that allows more options for fights and not just the Regent Rock, Crossroads QTEs. There is room for both however, its a big map, it just needs better flow.
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  14. Cab00se187

    This is not a choose what type of game mode you want type of game. This is planetside. If you want different game modes they have made those games for you. CoD, BF, UT, the list goes on.
  15. Littleman

    No, there is no room for both. Yes, I'm being unfair.

    Guess what?

    Any good game caters to the enjoyment of the masses, and coincidentally, SOE's intention from the very beginning was to encourage massive cluster-f*** battles. The lattice makes both happen. The people against the lattice aren't the masses. They're just very loud.

    Tell them to get over it.
  16. Roxputin

    I truly respect these comments and this is coming from a staunch supporter of the Lattice.
  17. Rockit

    Well I tell you what. They should not condense any servers further until they can get a meaningful inter-cont gameplay in place. Of course that would involve at least one more cont (i.e. Hossin) which they are dragging their feet on.
  18. ImBreakingUpWithYou

    Why thank you.


    Did you ever play PS1? I ask because this has played out before, with three empires on one continent and stagnant threeway (Cyssor, anyone?) but we did have better options for getting around the fight and making progress. We could drain bases, drop gens and actually cut tech links, interlink benefits, cave locks, or my personal favourite, turn a base in to a Team Death Match arena (the base, not the tower) or there was the ever present tower holds, not to mention gen holds for those that did them. I mention these because this is all something that PS 2 lacks, on Indar there is just the 33% pop for each empire and bio lab farms waiting for a chance to be and that isnt enough for me. There has to be more, there has to be variety and choice because that encourages people to play and I want more targets to shoot.
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  19. Rockit

    Yeah he did. I can answer that. Cyssorside was towards the end of PS1. Are you suggesting we are towards the end of PS2? Yeah I kinda agree but wow we have what 3 conts?
  20. Nocturnal7x

    These anti lattice people like to use the term strategy. Id like to think of it as an utter lack of strategy, instead of fighting and opposing force, they use this "strategy" to ghost cap around them. Its boring and annoying for people actually trying to play the game, you know, fight the other factions.

    Lattice is amazing, cant wait for it to be on all continents.
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