The Lattice System is Disappointing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Padinn, May 25, 2013.

  1. Rockstone

    Honestly, if you don't like the new changes, please leave the game. We won't miss you. The rest of us will be having a blast with the BIG STRATEGIC fights the Lattice promotes.
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  2. MistaN

    Man, I cant wait to hear all of the complaining thats going to go on once they bring continent locking in and make it so you cant access another continent w/o owning a warpgate to get there.

    "Waaaaahhhh, I cant instantly warp to Amerish any time I want to now! I can only fight on Esamir....there are NO OPTIONS in this game any more. I should be able to warp to any continent that I want at any time I want, ESPECIALLY if my team is losing!"

    Suck it up now ppl and get used to it because this game is going to get more and more "restricted" (hate using that word) as time goes on.
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  3. St0mpy

    why is it everyone who posts on the lattice being unsatisfactory is able to put down logical reasons why they think how they do, and a great deal (not all, but it seems very many) latticers only have one line accusations, unsubstantiated comments at best and bare insults at worse?

    If you like the lattice say why in adult terms or go away, dont insult our intelligence thinking we see your comment as anything but biassed fanboism.
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  4. Rockstone

    The good news is the people who dont like it will hopefully leave, which will help the community out alot.
  5. MistaN

    There....what you just did, I see it
  6. maxkeiser

    Game will die. There are already not really enough people. PS2 can't afford to lose more.
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  7. Dreganius

    ¿Por que no los dos?

    I feel the presence of the Lattice system as of right now is working quite well. And by that I mean, the fact that it is present on Indar and not on Esamir and Amerish (except on the test server). Esamir and Amerish are usually reasonably empty in comparison to Indar during non-event times, at least, they are on Briggs, but even during event times, large numbers of players rolling in the hex system is a nice change from the Lattice system.

    I like both systems, and with the way PS2 is set up with multiple continents already, why not have both? I roll in smaller-sized outfits, but enjoy both large battles and smaller skirmishes. There's plenty of room on Planetside for both without really splitting up the playerbase, imo.
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  8. MistaN

    There are a TON of people, who arent playing PS2 right now, that are waiting for these systems to come in. Once they do, we'll see people leave and we'll see other players replacing them.
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  9. Rockstone

    What logical reasons?

    I like the lattice because:

    1. It promotes big fights
    2. It promotes strategic fighting
    3. It gives a sense of progression
    4. It gives a REASON to fight
    5. It will allow intercontinental lattices
    6. It stops backhacking
    7. It worked in Planetside 1 and so far is working in Planetside 2
    8. The Lattice ends small, irrelevant and annoying fights, such as 2v2 fights on a small contested base in the middle of nowhere.
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  10. St0mpy

    there was that so hard?

    I dont particularly agree or think you are correct in all you say but at least you present it for discussion rather than act like a rude 10yo.
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  11. Halcyon

    Lattice is great.
    Go play BF3 if you want the old PS2 back. It was the same thing.
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  12. maxkeiser

    It's the other way round. The lattice makes PS2 much more like BF3. Rush specifically. That's what it feels like now.
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  13. St0mpy


    and ofc it was Rockstone who voted the +1

    wheres my picard facepalm image, the need is strong right now
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  14. JikFive

    Your outfit really needs to evaluate what their role is. When I log on with about four of my friends we no longer try to take or defend a whole facility (that is out of our scope of practice) We were at Mao tech holding off a very large NC advance. I told my buddies that our only job during this fight was to protect the northern shield generator. We had some of the most epic fighting we have ever had in this game. It also brought us closer together as a team because we narrowed the scope of what role we would play, we didn't get split up and had a clear objective. Our small goal had huge impact on the battle. Sometimes we lost the gen because a whole enemy squad was assigned to put it out of commission. but we usually had it back within a minute or two. This really hampered the NC from capping the facility. They would take the flag but couldn't reinforce it when our shield gen went back up.

    Small outfits. Small goals. Better than capping lame empty bases.
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  15. Salryc

    Why? Because you can only repeat the same thing over and over before becoming annoyed at the mental block of those glossing over reasons they personally disagree with (happens from both sides in any debate, and is human nature).

    Why do **I** like the lattice? Because it gives reasons to fight outside of bases - real reasons (because the land there is actually needed, not just filler space any more). It rewards those who have true coordination to work together, and penalizes those who think that simply numbers will be all they need (such as when holding a stairwell, or gen room, or grav lift). Of course, it creates large fights - which is why I personally play PS2, and not some other FPS game. My interest is in the team work, and the coordinated attacks, rather than in seeing my K/D go up. I enjoy running as a MAX, or being dedi to a MAX equally, because as a team we make a difference. I grab the load out that works for that scenario, and am rewarded with gaining or holding a base because of it.

    I also feel that the lattice is inadvertently rewarding the combat more than the base captures. Players with any amount of skills are seeing increased XP and cert gain from the massive battles (at least in my outfit) with out being tied to the boring repetition of killing both guys at a small outpost, and sitting around for 3 minutes waiting for the flip. Those small outposts are now contested.

    AND, one of the best things is that all those players who lack a care for the empire's strategy are now forced to do more than sit at the Crown, or farm Allatum for days on end. That's always baffled me. How can someone play in the same spot over and over, and be satisfied, claiming it's because it is a good fight, yet be upset when the "good fights" are now somewhat predictable. Now instead of simply padding their own BR/cert/xp, they can assist the entire empire as well. And some of those players are good and make a difference when properly motivated (forced) to move to a new location. Players who can't keep up with faction specific orders don't need to learn to kill, talk AND read at the same time. Nope, they are now funneled where they need to be due to the lattice, leaving those of us with strategic skills and spec ops groups to enjoy actual combat.
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  16. Torok

    This, because there's nothing much more to say, there's no point in making an explained post everytime trashtalking lovers like to make a new thread every time, this said..
    let's move on to the next Lattice thread!

    i voted +1 aswell, why? because lattice is great, **** everything else!
    it's way better than what we had before, ONWARDS!
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  17. TheDrone

    My bad. I should've been clearer. As continents are added they are either hex or lattice. The current 3 continents could be two lattice continents and one hex.
  18. TheDrone

    How ******* hard is it to understand that this discussion amounts to "What should be everyone's favorite color?"?

    Different people have different tastes for crying out loud. Some people like yellow, other people like green. Hundreds of games have multiple game-modes. BF3 doesn't just have rush, but also conquest and team deathmatch.

    We need BOTH systems.
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  19. Basti

    And thats a good thing.

    Hex system made it pretty clear: To much option means nobody gives a ****. Just hop around the map as you want, do whatever you want. Sounds fun, till you realize that it isnt fun.

    Lattice FOCES us to think how to not just deal with the enemy zerg, but also how to control our own zerg. 2 Many guys who assume they can think for themself just break any strategy. The simple fact is: Most of the Anti-Lattice folks have no idea how to properly implement strategy, while also combining it with tactics.

    Especially those "smaller outfits" folks who complain. I have seen 4 people today wrecking a full enemy zerg, all by themself, simply by looking around them and finding the opportunity THEY can use. Those 4 screwd the enemy Sunderer big time, while our zerg was headbutting the enemy zerg, and my squad was sitting at the side, picking off Tanks.

    There are plenty of options under the lattice, plenty of opportunitys. That you whine about the lack of said options only shows that you have no idea how to read the battle.
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  20. TheDrone

    Hey, Basti. Are you open to the suggestion that some people have different tastes than your own and might be interested in playing the Hex?
    How about continents can remain to have different rulesets?

    It's kinda not nice to militantly force your taste on other people.
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