Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. Zar

    lol see i find taking like 5 bases with no fight boring only to run into a zerg with my 10 guys and lose the last 2 days has been nothing but a blast. some real fights of massive battles some people call it zergs and thats true but its even zergs and you can still have squads flank easily and send in guys ahead to stage bases just can't ghost cap and more then likely people will be there defending DEAL WITH IT.
  2. Zar

    on this important part blowing up a sunder takes 30 secs of a engi on a flash with tank mines or a light assult with c4 ... not really tactical i do that solo all the freaking time its not hard.
  3. Cryless

    this game is so boring now thanks to this lattice system. I really hate this update!
    why don't you make 3 roads on the whole map? one that starts from the tr wg and goes directly to the nc wg then to vs wg and then back to tr wg and fight our way from one wg to another?

    SOE... if it ain't broke don't fix it! the old system was great! thanks for ruining the game once more...

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  4. ent|ty

    I also think capping empty bases is boring. But what i do find interesting is having the choice to cap empty bases, and then fight hte guys who try to stop me/us, and vice versa (mostly defense is specialty). This is not all or nothing. We're talking about choice, vs no choice, and letting the individual player decide instead.

    I feel i am DEALING WITH IT by posting about it.
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  5. Alarox

    Step 1: Make all the bases with a defensive advantage, preferably preventing tanks from coming next to your spawn room or literally sitting on a capture point. Don't let bases like Glacier Station exist.

    Step 2: Add neutral defensive towers near roads or between bases. Make defending BEFORE your base a more viable option.

    Step 3: Add tactical Lattice links where hexes used to connect. Instead of going A-B-C let me go A-C from certain territories where A-C is a logical option, from a design and realistic standpoint. Slamming two zergs into each other isn't always the most fun option for fighting a battle.

    Step 4: Profit?
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  6. TekTR

    That's the problem, the hex system was broken... So it needed to be fixed. The only people I see complaining about the Lattice system are ghost cappers, or those who want small battles in an MMOFPS advertised as having massive battles.
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  7. indianahoops

    So, you don't like Lattice because it tells you where to fight but you like HEX because your fun little group manage to capture a undefended base and are forcing other people deal with it? Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical?

    Where the hell was there EVER a sandbox feel to this game? Do you people know what a Sandbox game is? Just because you can wonder around aimlessly doesn't make it a Sandbox.....

    The only real difference between Lattice and HEX is you have 2 or 3 less bases to attack......that's it.

    And because you have less bases to attack, it means there is a higher chance you are actually going to have to fight someone to capture it. That's it.....nothing more.....nothing less.

    Sounds to me you don't like to fight in large battles. If so, this is the wrong game for you.
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  8. Edenwolf

    Everyone is making it seem like there is absolutely no empty bases or territories to attack EVER. There is at least 10 different fronts you can attack, for each faction at all times, open your map and youll see that there is not a 48+ enemy force on every concievable battlefront. Last night our mid sized platoon went north and swept the territory away from behind TR's main front and we never faced an opposition of more then 12 units, some territories along the way only having 2-4.
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  9. Wasdie

    If you're looking at this game for 16 vs 16 fights, then you should go play other games. Even 32 vs 32.

    There's not much more to say. Platoon vs. Platoon is the smallest fights I like being a part of.
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  10. Shadestorm

    I think that to make it less 'boring' for those who find it so... Add NTU to bases, and ANT's + Galaxy cargo bays for them, and add the option of draining a base behind enemy lines.

    My point is, PlanetSide 1 had the option of not only going head to head against enemies (which Indar has now become) but allowing players to go behind enemy lines and draining an enemy base to neutral, and then hacking it. It would be fairly pointless if you did it in a sea of enemy bases, but not if it was used in conjunction with a friendly attack on a nearby base.
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  11. TintaBux

    Its just a spam and lag fest now.
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  12. TomaHawk

    Because he wasn't expecting to be herded into the same fighting model every time he logs in?

    Call me crazy, but I get what he meant by this. And he's right on. I haven't tried this lattice system myself yet, but if I am going to be funneled into fighting geographically where the zerg is all the time it's going to get really old really fast.
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  13. indianahoops

    Go play on the other continents then?

    Leave the boring stuff to the rest of us while you go have a blast elsewhere....
  14. Rift23

    Instanced PvP is coming to PS2? Welp, there goes the game....was fun while it lasted. :(
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  15. indianahoops

    So you are forming a opinion on something you have never seen or tried?
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  16. CNR4806

    In all my honesty, go play CoD or Battlefield, please. They have the scale of battle you want, even Battlefield only goes up to 32 vs 32.

    Planetside 2 isn't much of a great option if you want spec ops literal no man's land, when all bases are designed to be battlefields for large groups of players.
  17. TheWhiteDragon

    I think the main problem is that lattice just exposes some of the biggest problems. Air is useless, tanks are almost useless, numbers always win, and battles tend to focus on spawn capping. Thus every fight just turns into a massive infantry farm.

    I am still of the opinion that instead of artificially increasing cap times with a timer, that we make points harder to take. Make points large areas where multiple squads can fight. Flipping a point should be based on how many players you have in the cap compared to your opponent. Flipping a point should take 30 seconds, and once all the points have been flipped the base is captured. This would force players to play on the point rather than the spawns. Defenders would only need to hunker down in the area to maintain it. This would spread out the fight in big facilities, and encourage more meaningful tactics. Contrast this to the current scene where points are practically ignored.

    As for the larger strategy, there just aren't enough options. Last night I signed off when there were only 4 disputed connections. All that has really changed is the number of connections. So the answer is simple. Add more connections. I think giving every territory an additional connection should be sufficient.
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  18. Cryless

    of course... why am I not surprised
  19. Deezy

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  20. PyroPaul

    the Lattice system is simply boring because we are shoehorned into following rather specific routes which ultimately always play out as a 'who has the most numbers' game and eventually devolves into 'Zerg camp Spawn'. It can be read fairly early on which one is which and if you're on the losing side, all you're doing is just trying to grind out as many points as you can before you get 'zerg-camped'

    No amount of tactics or strategy can counter-act what is going on, no skill or luck can stop the inevitable loss.
    All the Lattice system does is Force these inevitable losses to play out over Hours rather then Minutes.

    And whats more, Places that where fun to fight at hours on end (Crown-ti-crossroads) have been made nearly impossible to defend causing them to switch hands in minutes rather then hours, again forcing us to the more stale, lopsided, territories which now last hours.
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