Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    Yep, and what some of these repliers don't realize (because they dont read the full OP posts before emotionally responding) is that CHOICE has been taken away. Who cares if I like small to medium battles, or if I like to work behind enemy lines, or stay back and repair the base to fulll before joining the attack at the next point. That should be MY perogative.

    That is the definition of 'sandbox' or 'player determined'. unless you think 'player determined' means 'listen to every little cry the noobs send forth'.

    The game developer is not responsible for the enemy to defend its bases from small squads, or tell people how to play. Its not the game developer's fault that most players want to stick with the mindless Zerg.

    Good thing I still have Esamir to play on, my favourite continent, and it DOESNT have lattice. There you can pick the battles you're in the mood to fight. rather than being with the Zerg, and bored out of my mind.

    I signed up for choice. Whether I'm a part of a Zerg , a small squad behind enemy lines, or lone wolfing at a particular time is irrelevant.

    CS is not TF2 or BF3 lol, so no response to that is necessary, you have no clue lol. You wouldnt understand the huge difference between games of those days and games of now. And it has nothing to do with how many people are on the server.

    if you haven't played the lattice, why are you even thinking that a response from you would even be a valid opinion? Wow, at least I went and gave it a try before commenting on it.
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  2. GraphicJ

    " Shooting at everything and anything, so many targets. "

    Oh noes!

    ...Seriously OP?
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  3. HMR85

    I don't know why I am even bothering to reply to you. No choice was taken away from you. You still have just as many options available to you as you did before. Look at your map and learn to use it. Direct your squad to a area of that map "no it doesn't have to be where the zerg is" and lock it down. Run AA or setup a AV squad. I don't give a dam. Do something. You have a ridiculous amount of options available to you. The one option you no longer have is ghosting facility's. Enjoy Esamir for the next month or so. We already have a basic layout of the lattice available for it. So it is just a matter of time till you ghosting days are gone.

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  4. Badname2490


    Sorry your little spec ops elite delta force of ghost cappers aren't pandered to in this game.
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  5. 13lackCats

    When the lowest common denominator of player is catered to, things like lattices appear.

    What a shame.
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  6. Luperza Community Manager

    Let's attempt to keep this on topic since it's trailing off and we already have another thread about the Lattice System. Otherwise, we'll close this thread. ;)

    If you agree with the sentiment of it being boring, what about it do you think is boring and what would you think would be a solution to the problem?

    If you do not think it's boring, what do you think can help those who do feel it is boring?
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  7. Badname2490

    "lowest common denominator" FUNNY because basically most of the famous/important/well known/infamous Outfits are basically the "lowest common denominator" now? Sounds like someone is upset...lattice is going to breath more life into this game but it's in it's infancy and needs more time.

    You mean the people that makes fights and make this game worth playing with the large fights this game was created for?

    I'm sorry, kiddo, but this isn't a 12v12 call of duty match...sounds to me like you picked the wrong game to play. Sorry...they advertised "Size Always Matters" so learn to read next time?
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  8. Alarox

    That's the best argument you can present?


    I agree with the OP. WW1 is boring. This is why there aren't WW1 games out there; why we don't have tons of WW1 FPS. So far the Lattice feels like WW1.

    So far it seems more like one of three things:

    1.) You have superior numbers and steamroll the enemy.
    2.) You have inferior numbers and get steamrolled by the enemy.
    3.) You have equal numbers and are deadlocked.

    There's not much room for opportunistic play, which is usually what allows the smaller force to overcome a larger one.

    Your basic tactic is get sunderers as close as possible and spam infantry, then bring tanks up from the rear to camp the infantry. Also have some AA so you don't get farmed.

    The thing I used to do when outnumbered was to counterattack around and behind the enemy front line. Enemy slams 50 tanks to your front door? Leave 10 of your guys there holding off infantry while you send the other 10 to cap the base behind their tanks. Doesn't happen any more though. A zerg doesn't need to be coordinated, it just needs numbers.


    The design is flawed because of how linear the battle is, and how numbers usually means everything unless you've got large skill or resource gaps.

    Defense already is weak against offense in Planetside 2; the only easily defensible bases are the crown, scarred mesa skydock, and the ascent.
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  9. HMR85

    Its simple, come run with me for those who can't figure out how to play the lattice or feels their small outfit/squad can't do what it use to and I'll show you how its meant to be done.

    Outfit-X is taking in new recruits.
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  10. indianahoops

    How about.....
    • The HEX system includes long stretches of not fighting due to attacking and rescueing undefended bases
    • The HEX system promotes avoiding a fight because of the number of undefended bases available
    • With the HEX system, there is no way to stop an enemy from advancing because they can simply go around your defense
    • The HEX system does not encourage players to defend a base (see point above)
    • Giving the enemy a base only to take it back when the enemy leaves a short time later is a legit strategy with the HEX system
    • Capturing undefended bases and leaving the base undefended is a legit strategy with the HEX system
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  11. OldMaster80

    With the lattice map finally defense is possible, and defending mean something.

    This Pro is si big that makes all the Cons meaningless. As far as I'm concerned there are no Cons actually: I'm loving it and I'm looking forward to have it extended to Esamir and Amerish.
    Playing PS2 to have 3vs3, 6vs6 fights is just crazy. It's supposed to be massive online shooter, the biggest on the market.

    Imho that choice was an illusion of strategy. Today you have the same options you had before, only one thing has changed: a faction can't start a capture 10 territories at the same time. So instead of redeploying every 5 minutes like Star Trek crew, soldiers can focus on battle: result is more ordered battle flow where every battle, imho, is very intense.

    Playing since September, never had so much fun as today. And I must tell you honestly none in my outfit is disappointed by new mechanics. Just fix that disconnection bug and gimme my open face helmet, and I'm fine ;)
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  12. indianahoops

    1. When did this not happen with the HEX system?
    2. When did this not happen with the HEX system?
    3. How long does a battle have to be before its "deadlocked"? 15 mins? 20 mins? 1 hour?
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  13. Jac70

    I agree that the lattice removes all variety from the game.

    For those scoffing about 3v3 or 6v6. Some of the best skirmishes I've had have been me taking a base from a small force on my own. I also like rolling in a Sunderer with a 10 man squad to take on larger forces. Huge battles are also fun and there is no shortage of them with the hex system if that's what you want. With the lattice all you have is massive zergs, take this base, take the next one.

    Because the choices are now so limited everyone is fighting at a limited number of spots. What I want is more depth, more tactics, more choices. This move is like playing Chess but getting rid of all the different pieces and just calling it draughts - does not make for a better game.

    I think the hex offers the best in terms of choices and gameplay. People whine about ghostcapping but as far as I am concerned this just tells me that the holding forces did nothing to defend their territory. I will even spend half an hour putting together some level of defence and stay and hold a base whilst we have adjacency with enemy territory - I'm almost always alone when I do this.

    Some simple changes to capping would help keep an effective front line. The removal of generator flipping for bases with no adjacency helps. They should also introduce a mechanic whereby you need people on all points in a base before the flip will commence - stopping lone wolfs flipping larger bases on their own. Re-instate the cap holding mechanic so that if the base if overwhelmed it will cap faster.
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  14. Alarox

    Edit: Before 100 people start using ad hominem or calling me a "dirty no good ghost capping CoD playing camper!" or something, my post is only in response to the specific one above me. If you're looking for my actual opinions about the lattice and what kinds of fights I like, this is not the post to look for so you can troll me.

    You send 12 guys behind the lines with a few tanks, somehow manage to not get nailed by enemy zergs or aircraft along the way, finally get into a flanking position behind enemy tanks. You kill 5 of them, then die horribly from 3 platoons shooting at you.

    You just spent 15 minutes to kill 5 tanks which will be replenished soon.

    Don't criticize the example for specifics, I'm just trying to make a point.

    Even if you do something like kill a few tanks, or kill a number of infantry then die, it doesn't leave a LASTING effect on the battle. People respawn right away, turrets can be repaired in seconds, a zerg never runs out of sunderers.

    In a 15v15 fight, if I blow up a sunderer I can drastically shift how the battle unfolds. If you're fighting in a battle of multiple platoons, chances are they will have multiple sunderers, with tons of infantry everywhere, with tons of engineers ready.

    This is the important part, so don't ignore this:

    I'm not saying blowing up a sunderer isn't important. I'm saying taking the time to coordinate and sneak around behind your enemies to blow one up is a colossal waste of time comparatively, due to how high the risks are and how little the reward is.

    In real war, sneaking behind enemy lines to destroy fortifications and cut of supplies is quite useful. In a game where you respawn 15s after death, have pinpoint infantry radar, and can see exact enemy size, the effect this can have is both only immediate and generally insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You can't ELIMINATE your enemy defenses for more than a minute or two (with a small force). You can not longer even take an SCU down. What you can do is temporarily hamper their effectiveness for a short period of time, and the actual effect of this is usually not small enough to change anything unless you get platoon size.
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  15. RykerStruvian

    I think the main issue, honestly, is that the lattice system is only working for 1 continent when it was honestly designed for multiple planets. This way, some people always had the opportunity to fight at smaller fights and avoid the larger ones, while people who wanted large fights could focus on those.

    The current lattice is system is perfectly fine. It will only get better should continental linking come into play.
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  16. Strottinglemon

    I could not disagree more. From what I've played on the test server and in GU09, the Lattice promotes tactical thinking and planning since you can't just rush on forward, you have to cap bases that are connected. It makes defense much easier since you can't get back capped, and the new base layout is extraordinary.
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  17. Figment

    Pretty much. List needs a bit of work since they're all synonyms.
  18. ent|ty

    Defense by numbers only. Not because of good base design, good LOS.

    What you call 'defense' is only a Zerg fighting a Zerg. Sheer numbers and spam keep them from taking the base faster.

    That is boring.Choice was not an illusion. I've illustrated my points in my OP and replies, perhaps take time to read them before responding.
    This is pretty much all I saw this morning playing on Indar. I spread out my observations by spawning at different locations, joined a few different squads, etc.

    It was all Zerg vs Zerg. Either camping the enemy spawn until the base flipped, or vice versa. Since I'm not a spawn camper, and I get really mad when forced to stay in my spawn, rather than defend a base, the result was predictable.

    I dont see anything wrong with that. Its up to the factions to defend their bases.
    I'm one of a small group of players who does that. We keep all bases repaired, defended, and go on offensive, and sometimes join the Zerg for awhile.

    You never hear me complaining about ghost cappers, or spec ops, or small skirmishes. Because i accept them as part of the whole experience of a 'sandbox'.

    I understand this can be frustrating for players/commanders who want to maintain a front line, but it is the players who stay with the Zerg and are unwilling to defend those other bases. I've proven time and time again to people, that one can maintain a healthy and superior XP gain by doing all the small stuff and defending outposts and bases away from the Zerg.

    Choice kept me interested. Telling me where I can fight, and having the same fights (especially over spawn points) makes it boring for me.

    I then followed where the lattice lead, and boredom set in. It was one Zerg battle to the next.
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  19. Tamas

    Go play Esamir on Amerish....
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  20. Strottinglemon

    He did.