Congratulations VS Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RF404, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Dervishkid

    43 now. with Tr at in the 30s and NC at 19, seems over the last hour more VS log in and more NC log off.... humm:) think we see a pattern here.
  2. Hagestol

    I'm sorry for completely demolishing your argument, but we measure this at prime and not at work days after people go to bed. Of course VS are going to stay on after winning an alert and TR almost loosing control overr indar after their recent alarm clock raid cap.

    This is todays prime Indar alert:

  3. MGP

    23:45 sounds pretty prime-timey to me. And it's only 21:45 GMT.
  4. Hagestol

    The 40% status update was done 21.55 GMT, or 22.55 GMT+1. BUT, daylight savings time is all that matters currently, so it is 23.55. So the night. That isn't prime as it is monday and people work / go to school on tuesdays.

    Prime is 7-11 current time (GMT+2), where 8-9 (GMT+2) is more accurate to measure as thats when it peaks. Thats where the 38% TR population screen is from.
    Posting a number right after an alert the TR lost is highly subjective, posting a prime alert where everyone is actively fighting is the correct way to do it.
  5. RWJP

    Umm... 23:55 CET or 22:55 BST is Prime Time for an EU server. Also, the prime time alert today was on Amerish, not Indar... The alert that runs between 9pm and 11pm UK Time is prime time. That Indar alert was what, 5-7pm? That's not prime time, that's driving home from work, putting the kettle on and making dinner time.

    It's hilarious watching the VS whine. You ***** incessantly about TR numbers, and yet when your faction outnumbers the TR, you bend the truth to try and talk down to the TR.

    So sorry for completely demolishing your argument, but you are wrong.
  6. Hagestol

    This amuses me. We're not complaining, we made a congratulatory post even though you had a second alarm clock raid. Then we get overrun during prime by the TR with 36% and we make due. Then most of you log of but we're actually winning an alert so VS stick around and you complain about factional imbalance?

    Note that the screenshot is world population and not indar population.

    WORLD POPULATION AT 19.00 21.05.2013: 28% VS / 36% TR / 32% NC

    Yeah, VS is surely overrunning you on this server.
  7. haldolium

    If I could I'd make my Ceres VS into Miller VS and my Miller TR into Ceres TR. Best of all worlds...
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  8. variablez

    congrats TR on holding it for a day, well done
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  9. RF404

    Almost a day. Almost ;)
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  10. Ravenorth

    Well, maybe they know now how fun it is to fight against much larger numbers, like we do almost all the time in every other continent.
  11. Ruffdog

    I liked it strangely
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  12. Ravenorth

    Challenge of fighting against larger forces is not a bad thing, but dealing with it all the time makes it a bit annoying.
  13. Xasapis

    Not even a day? Seriously?

    I was elsewhere occupied yesterday, but not even a day? I mean ... I find it hard to believe.

    Not even a day?
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  14. GSZenith

    yeah it is almost like no one cares about cont lock :eek:
    (oh wait)
  15. MrEclectic

    Well, the TR are literally losing their sleep over it...

    ... and then the lock. Those caffeine highs. The come down is so hard...
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  16. GSZenith

    don't worry TRAM will take it back tonight! (damn gave it away!)
  17. Xasapis

    Weren't you the one that posted about how the TR will keep the lock until lattice and then never lose it again? ... could be wrong, let me check this thread.
    So the people who don't care about the continent lock will stay sleepless for a second night in row to ... lock the continent? I must fail at logic, hard.
  18. GSZenith

    1)Nope i've never cared about cont lock so wasn't me, did read it tho gonna find it.

    2) hu? i wasn't there yesterday nor tonight o_O i fail to see what you are talking about.

    edit: either of these? gonna keep looking.


    edit 2: this one?
  19. YamiNoTenshi

    Lol did we lose it already? Aww that's too bad, atleast we held it a little longer than I thought we would and alot longer than I would have liked :p
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  20. Bankrotas

    You might then check your wording, cause you give out impression, that TR don't care about cont lock and then state that they will do another alarm clock cont lock. So it seems, that you're contradicting yourself.