No longer getting passive certs or is this a bug, 10000 certs already

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, May 16, 2013.

  1. illgot

    great idea thanks, esp on the Max.
  2. Bankrotas

    Yes, I am aware it's a game, I'm also aware, that it's an mmo, thus mostly enjoyable when you pick a side and find likeminded individuals, that you then cooperate with to achieve certain goal: to have fun while making others have less fun in PvP.
    Rare few individuals really like a good fight, most like a good win. We will still have had "nerf" threads, it's internet and people are commonly stupid individuals.
    As far as I am concerned, you're just a 4th factioneer and 4th faction is one of game's biggest community illnesses, which is either unmanagable by SOE, or we would need some draconian policies, to manage it.
    Booo hooo, learn to be more informed. Not just come to forums to whine about ****.
    And I stopped paying them money, cause people like you got compensated. The question then lies, what will be, if you piss off your loyal one factioneers?
    • Up x 1
  3. illgot

    lol are you serious?
  4. Bankrotas

    Yes, now leave this game, please. And never come back.
    • Up x 1
  5. EvilPhd

    you are capped bro. Spend something you hoarder.
  6. metrotw

    i wish they would raise the cap as well..i'm always sitting at 9k+ certs and am forced to spend them on crap i'll never use just to not hit the 10k cap.
  7. Macchus

    Derp complaining about to many certs ... :eek:
  8. illgot

    no complaining that there is a cap to the passive cert gain I paid a subscription for when there is clearly nothing about it in the membership page.
  9. Nhilys

    Already said quite a few times but there's not much reason to sit on so many certs. And the whole "because I don't know where the devs are going with the constant weapon/vehicle/class changes I decided not to spend the certs until i was more certain on their focus. " is silly, the game is changing constantly since the game is updated every two to four weeks. Recertification is also something that's planned though they don't have a release schedule on it. (
  10. Kastrenzo

    there is nothing in the game that costs more than 1K certs. just spend some of them and stop hoarding them like some kind of trophy
  11. Ultramarine

    Just noting, They only rewarded duplicate purchases. 4th faction players were not incredibly rewarded, since only common pool weapons can be given bonuses by that cert refund. People who were really rewarded were players that had more than one character of THE SAME faction.
  12. Tommyp2006

    Well technically, if SOE releases a new ability or cert tree, it could cost more than 1000 to max it out, however, it's unlikely that they would release 9+ new cert trees in the same update.
  13. Jex =TE=

    What the F is this all about??

  14. Jobarra

    The cert grants were awhile back. Not been on in awhile or something? :D

    Reported this as a bug awhile back. Never received a dev response, but I'm pretty sure the release notes for the patch where they granted the certs originally mentioned you must spend back to below 10000 certs to once again earn certs.
    BTW, it's not just passive certs. You can't earn ANY certs if you are above 9999 certs. I capped a base at 9999 certs that should have given me 10003 certs, but I only had 10000 after the cap.

    I see you are running into the same comments I did. I'll respond in general.

    "Why do you have so many certs?"
    Some people like to have a bank of certs so they can spend them in an instant should something new come out, should the situation require something they don't have, or their playstyle changes. All 3 of these have applied to me in the last few months and having those certs available let me play the way I wanted immediately instead of trudging along trying to cert up something I wanted to play. Plus, once you reach 9000+, it's nice to have a change in mentality where you HAVE to spend certs to get back down below the cap. It's just a nice feeling to know you can immediately cert one or two things up immediately if you want.

    "Nothing will EVER cost 10000 certs. You shouldn't save so many certs!"
    The day the Harrasser came out I spent 6000+ certs I was enjoying it so much(Went from 9400 certs to around 3300 by the end of the day, so I probably spent at least another 1000 that I earned during that day). I've spent another 3000 certs on it since then. Still not maxed on what I consider necessary upgrades, but I'm building the bank back up.

    "You shouldn't play another faction! TRAITOR!"
    Some of us like to play with ALL the weapons/vehicles/traits in the game. You are literally playing a third of the game if you limit yourself to one faction. I would rather experience the whole game and also learn the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon. My favorite faction is VS so of course my main is very seasoned compared to my alts.

    "GRRRRRR! You spent money on this game! You are a terrible person! Leave the game!"
    LMAO. Let's see, if I spent the same amount of time going to see movies, I would have spent(at $8 a movie matinee pricing) over $5,000. Also, I've had a much better experience with the game than I would with those movies since I am actually interacting with and changing the game.