Higby plans to focus on quality of life after GU09

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultimatestormer, May 14, 2013.

  1. Ultimatestormer

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  2. Eclipson

    What does he mean by "quality of life"? Like performance issues, and warping, and ADADing, and hacking, and people with horrible pings, and stuff like that, or what?
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  3. Ultimatestormer

    Seems like it. If you are encountering one bug significantly, this is probably what they want to know. They want to see what is the biggest issue so it is highest priority. I think.
  4. WalrusJones

    Primarily the freeze I get on re-spawning.

    After that... Probably some fix to the rapid memory bloat this game suffers from.

    More server side hit detection.
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  5. EliteEskimo

    The Max deadzone bug at 2-3 meters where your bullets hit but don't register, that and the triple loading screen bug. Those have been around for a long long time lol.
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  6. SiosDashcR

    Quality of life?

    I for one, wouldn't mind living in a duplex with a Porsche to drive around in New York.
    If it's not too much to ask for, a pet Yorkshire as well.

    Take your time, Higby.
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  7. ItsJustDash

    MORE FOCUS ON GPU USAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tired of both my 480's sitting at 20% usage while my CPU is chugging along because of poor optimization.

    Aka chugging at a nice 20-30 FPS
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  8. Inu

    It usually means fixing little annoying things that don't particularly effect gameplay and adding things that make existing features more convenient.

    Modifying loadouts so they are much easier to use. Extra keybindable functions. Making things take less steps to do etc.

    Performance issues generally don't fall under that category, but im willing to make an exception.
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  9. Kronic

    Sounds like optimization time hopefully.
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  10. Nocturnal7x

    One would hope.

    One would have hoped he/his team would play the game. If any of them played the game they would know how to increase our "quality of life".

    And in the worst case
    One would hope he would ask this question on the official forums for planetside 2

    I don't use twitter.
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  11. Ultimatestormer

    In terms of my own feedback, I would like the loadouts to be a bit easier to set up. The decals should have a quick switch thing like the camos do, I hate going through 35 loadouts when I want to switch a single decal. In terms of bugs I seem to crash quite often when I respawn after getting killed while on a vehicle, mainly the flash.

    That's why I posted here, I am simply compensating for them not using their own forums.
  12. PaperPlanes

    Drive? New York? :eek:
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  13. sustainedfire

    One "bug fix" is spawning a Mosquito and the landing gear stuck in the down position. Gets caught on things, and distracts me immensely. :eek:
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  14. Sebyos

    Well I want all the tabs to be back on the map screen. It sucks having to change tabs all the time to see enemy activity then population. It was fine before there was no need to change it.

    Resupply still doesn't work well and has to be fixed.

    Lag is severe when the maps are full, we need less players per map.

    We need more loadouts.

    Triage has to become good and useful. I had a thread on it SOE should look at. http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/what-to-do-with-triage-triage-5-video.81867/

    I want the certification tab of the PS2 playerbase to work and actually I just want the damn player database finished, it's been in beta for months.

    I want to be able to track all headshots I do not just the ones I kill with. Plus I want a headshot percentage.

    Decals should work on composite armor...Plus we should be able to get as many slots as we want on vehicles.

    I want a leaderboard that can be sorted in any way and especially sorted with most played class.
  15. PaperPlanes

    In terms of quality of life changes, SOE needs to really figure out how to get back the optimization this game had back on release. Most people have just gotten worse and worse performance with every update. People who used to regularly get 70+ FPS in huge battles are now stuck at 30-40 (which is garbage honestly, but a lot of the people used to console games think this is acceptable, lol).

    Get this game optimized, SOE. And I wouldn't mind seeing those name change, server transfer, etc. tokens in the depot. Lots of people have even talked about faction change tokens. Stuff like this gives players options if they're willing to spend a bit of SC and, IMO, the first rule of business success is to give your clients OPTIONS, people don't just LIKE options and freedom of choice, they frankly NEED them.
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  16. Cab00se187

    Wow, doe he not read these damn forums? The issues that are plaguing this game should have been happening before getting new shiny helmets and guns.
  17. Rentago

    Tell higby to get off his ****** reddit and twitter and actually LOOK AT THEIR OWN GOD DAMN FORUMS.

    that would be the best thing they can do, i swear they never read this ****, and although there will be **** no matter where you go with people suggesting or wanting the dumbest things, there will be people who actually push for reasonable things like nerfing other empires and buffing their own.
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  18. Pikachu

    Delay when trying to use a terminal. I don't know if it's a matter of time or if you have to press 'e' 4 times randomly, but often does terminals not open on first try. Is this some kind of strange lag?

    Ability to combine various things things on the map screen. Most wanted would be territory ownership+enemy/ally activity.

    More accuracy when trying to access the terminal of a sunderer. Way too often does the player jump into the vehicle even though he pressed 'e' when the 'text of the using the terminal' was shown.
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  19. WalrusJones

    OHH RIGHT! I also want the IRNV scope to work just as well on low quality.
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  20. Rogueghost

    Recently I've been getting a double loading screen instead, they are improving...
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