Whats so good/so much fun about NC MAX?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Alarox, May 11, 2013.

  1. Alarox

    Maybe I'm weird, but I just don't see the appeal. From what I've tested, MAX vs MAX it gets destroyed unless you have 2 AI weapons with extended mags at point blank range. The anti-infantry just seems limited since you need to be really close, it has a colossal reload, and you seem to need 2 AI weapons to really be effective.

    Close up, I sometimes infantry that ADAD jump through/around me and spray/knife while the shotguns can't spray.

    So am I just not using it in the right situations? Do I need to buy 2 AI weapons for it to work at all?

    On the test server I've used the shield and It doesn't seem to useful since it doesn't absorb too much damage after the last patch, you can't shoot and it takes a lot of time to pull down/up, and you can still get flanked easily.

    I've had some success with it in the past, but a lot of times I found myself thinking "If I was just using my HA instead..."
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  2. Pikachu

    All MAXes need dual AI to work.
  3. Evil Monkey

    NC MAX isn't fun, even with 2 AI weapons.

    I switched to TR and VS MAXes when scatmaxes were still "OP" (before the triple nerf) as I found they were too limited in what they can do.

    Yes, scats were supreme at camping biolab shields or generators but.... simply sitting still and clicking when people came through a door one at a time wasn't my idea of fun.

    As a MAX, I regard myself as a force multiplier to a small squad. I like to travel around to small satellite bases and air towers where I can wreak considerable havoc against squad level opposition, and I can switch to be a powerful AA deterrent when needed.

    NC MAXes tiny engagement range is too limited to do this effectively.
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  4. Kallowe

    One thing I find fun about the NC max is how cool it looks when compared to the Republic's.
  5. Rhumald

    I like the new laser guided AT rockets... though honestly I use them more for infantry suppression... don't get much kills, and not hitting only really keeps shields from recharging, but that's still a huge help to my team, and not many people will risk the hit markers.

    And I draw a ton of fire that way. so much fire, I've gone down in less than a half a second from small arms fire at times... it's quite exhilarating to know I generated that much hatred.
  6. Messaiga

    NC Max is a Gorrila. TR Max is some sort of bug. VS Max is a crab. Did I mention we have shotguns?
  7. Kallowe

    The googly eyes of the Terran Republic were designed to instill fear in our enemies.
  8. simmi1717

    I bought a hacksaw recently.. about 1.5 weeks ago. Thought I would get high kills with it and take down other maxes in short range combat, neither happened. Maybe I didn't play it long enough. I only tried using it in the towers. I just don't like their playstyle. Sit in one place, wait for enemy to come in and shoot. Soooo boring!. I would rather play my LA and swoop down on my enemy like an eagle and soar into the night sky again before getting shot. Fly through windows, explore the world like no other infantry, find spots people didn't know existed. Perch on the ledges of buildings or on trees. Fly above the enemy when he tries to shoot you in the head and shoot down on his head instead. Man why does anyone play any other class? This game is LA class for me.
  9. soeguud

    I picked NC coz tank designs were almost plausible IRL and maxes looked like SPESS MEHREENS
  10. Alarox

    So I take it that I'm not crazy or terribad then?
  11. Lagavulin

    AI maxes are best used indoors, and that's where NC max is by far the best, both in terms of fun and the impact they have. I play NC and TR, and I'll take NC max any day - destroys everything you point it at without the target having chance to evade, unlike the TR max. Range for NC max is good for anything you'll encounter around any base. If you want to play out in the open there are better options.
  12. Purg

    Just about every MAX is going to be at its best when you dual weapons. Used to MAX a lot before the nerf, focus more on HA these days unless a MAX is needed. My favorite MAX is the TR Mercy MAX though I probably have a couple of hundred hours at least as an NC MAX.

    I don't find it any less fun since the nerf. It's certainly more challenging which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I used to exclusively run slugs but now I confine myself more to indoor combat with plain Mattocks when I AI. I used to work largely autonomously in my platoon - they pointed to the area they wanted cleaned out, I went and cleaned it out. Now it's almost essential to bring along a support crew. MAX vs MAX combat wasn't something I came across often. Perhaps 1 in 50 infantry encounters will be a MAX so the sway in the balance isn't that much of a concern to me. Hacksawing an enemy MAX felt a little cheesy.

    Fired a few thousands shots of Ravens. Decent weapon if you don't use them like an AV turret and I'm still trying to adapt to it, operates more like the AT4 wire guided where you need to guide the projectile rather than just lase the target with your reticle. I believe the cries of it being OP against infantry relatively baseless. It can OHK under certain circumstances.. which don't happen often enough for it to be a problem when I play my TR/VS alts.
  13. KnightCole

    I think the NC MAX just plain looks awesome. Slap one of the helmets on it and armor...yeah, it looks beefy.
  14. Niller

    You can use one shotgun and one falcon, it works pretty.
  15. Niller

    It works pretty well*
  16. Pikachu

    Maybe with the old falcon. What about default vanu MAX?
  17. Liewec123

    its fun playing "the monster under the stairs" as NC max,
    upper ranks of nanite regen + dual hacksaws, wait for the unweary pray to stumble in to your domain!
    biggest con about the shotguns is the limited ammo a couple of mags and you're empty.

    also dual raven is hilariously fun for long range base bombardment, the amount of angry yells you will see from the other team will put a grin on your face XD
  18. Tamonize

    After the tremendous nerf is it still a good investment (dual hacksaws)? I hate that I didnt experience the dual hacksaw supremacy days but now Im just so bored playing normal infantry I want to try maxes
  19. Bankrotas

    Since I only have hacks, I can't say others are better, I can say, I don't need to spamclick my mouse buttons though.
  20. Liewec123

    they're still insta kill up close :D it just does what it's supposed to now, fill the shotgun role on steroids (instead of the old mid range ownage prenerf)
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