The NC6 Gauss SAW, T9 CARV and the Orion - Replacing myth with facts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hisenburg, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. DashRendar

    You are right, K/D is only a good measure of the validity of an argument if someone disagrees with you and they have a lower K/D than you do. All other arguments using K/D are invalid and the CARV is useless compared to the SAW and Orion even though its K/D far exceeds theirs. Thanks for clearing that up.
  2. HadesR

    OP is right in one fact .. The Gauss is a good gun when you come to terms with how to use it .. But one major point most players miss, the Gauss being good doesn't make the Orion/Carv crap . They are both solid weapons that both out perform the Gauss in certain situations ( hip fire, CQC, ADS movement etc ).
    I'm not sure why people believe every weapon should be equal in every aspect of combat and that their faction should be the best at everything.
  3. DeltaGun

    Way to ignore that the Carv has double the ammo in its magazine. Can't we just accept the fact that VS will always think the Carv is better and TR will think the Orion is better? Truth is, most serious players don't use those weapons anyways. At least I've never talked to a VS HA would would choose the Orion over the SVA-88.

    You also forgot to mention the EM6, which is a straight upgrade across the board from the TMG50 and the Flare. Seriously, go check the stats. The best NC HA are using the EM6, not the SAW. Its easily the best LMG in the game next to the SAW autocannon.

    Sorry OP but you really didn't hit the mark with this one.
  4. Ninjivitis

    I totally agree with this. You have to admit though, that the average newbie doesn't have a shotgun, where as everyone has access to the LMG. Also, I think a heavy with shield on could still take out a LA with a shottie with a CQC LMG. The point of using the LMG as TR is to be able to compete at close - mid range, while the shotgun is dedicated cqc.

    I think it would be cool if the TR got a better shotgun than the others, or maybe buff their weapon's damage inside 5 meters.
  5. nella

    Having tried both VS & TR, I much prefer the Carv to Orion. Tbh, I don't see where all the carv complaints are coming from, it's a good weapon from close to medium range.
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  6. Ganelon

    It's bad, very very very bad. The only "evidence" of it being good is anecdotal which means jack****.

    I just see a trend of trying to get TR equipment nerfed when it's not needed from a lot of VS/NC.
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  7. HadesR

    Sadly all 3 factions have players like that and it will never change.
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  8. DashRendar

    Show me.

    I see a lot of the other two factions trying to convince TR superwhiners that their weapons are functional and performing well, but that's not the same thing.

    As a side note, if you really feel the CARV is that horrible, then maybe you should skill up. Some BR100s still use the stock CARV.!/5428013610486227793/weapons
  9. Ganelon

    K/D is not a good measure at all. Stop pretending that it is.

    The only reason why K/D and SPH are ever brought up is because NC/VS forum warriors try to ignore the blatantly inferior weapon statistics on TR LMGs.

    Too bad that TR LMGs are not up to par with other factions' counterparts.

    Please tell me how skill makes up for random horizontal recoil and CoF. Battle Rank is also meaningless, it just means that they've been rocketpodding/lib gunning when that was broken to hell and beyond.
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  10. DashRendar

    Yet you are only saying that because in this case it's in your favor. If the CARV had the lowest K/D of these three weapons you would see arguments using that as their backbone to get the CARV buffed.
  11. ladiesop

    Not by any statistical relevant number, apart from a few outliers (air defence mainly, common pool weapons on MBTs also don't count as the platform will effect performance).

    The NS small arms are within 5% (likely a lot smaller) of each other. This is much less than the higher scoring LMGs to lower scoring, which are the same class of weapon.
  12. Ganelon

    You would see them, but I would not be using them, because K/D is a meaningless stat which does not reflect the balance of the game at all.

    Or do you think that the common pool weapons have to be buffed for NC because they tend to do worse with them?
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  13. Fenrisk

    All i'm seeing is NC trying to cherry pick statistics because the Gun stats/values prove them wrong. Then we point out that NC performs worse with common pool weapons they ignore that little fact and carry on with the same broken argument.

    Gun values ---------------> everything else

    The player stats with weapons only show us one thing. NC players are worse then other faction players. Go figure. Maybe it's because they don't know their gun strengths/weaknesses and come to the forums uninformed?
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  14. TintaBux


    Evidence is all there, its the best default LMG @ CQC of all the factions. Infact HA of TR is the best of all factions anyway, no need to buff the best in the game.”
  15. PyroPaul

    K/D and SPH Is a good measure for a weapons performance because obviously if a weapon is performing excessively better then there has to be a reason for it... The problem you have is that you're taking facts and trying to validate your own theory instead of taking the results and using the facts to create a conclusion.

    when it comes down to it...
    K/D and SPH are also statistics about the gun...
  16. Fenrisk

    Heavy with a shotgun--------------> Any class with a Shotgun ---------------> Heavy with a LMG
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  17. HadesR

    The differences across NS weapons are small enough to be either here nor their , bit like they are across starter LMG's .. So could assume they all roughly perform the same in the actual game. Which in the case of NS weapons they do
  18. Fenrisk

    By that logic i could use K/D and SPH as statistics that prove listening to NC players on the forums is a bad idea as they are more likely to be less skilled and use their own weapons less effectively. That's all the stats show if you want to go there.
  19. TintaBux

    That's irreverent, we are judging performance between each LMG, nothing to do with shotguns, and this is past 10m shotgun range also, like the T9 being far better as you hit range (And still being better then the SAW till past 30m)
  20. Ganelon

    Yet everyone is using the TMG-50, a straight downgrade to the EM6. Gee, I wonder why :rolleyes:

    K/D and SPH also vary depending on the user's skill. There is no direct correlation between the SPH of the T9 Carv and its weapon stats. The weapon stats show that it's the worst LMG yet it has a higher SPH.

    Statistically, this is untrue.