Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Slaidd

    Ok, thanks, maybe that's my problem, I've been trying to use scout rifles and the shorter range bolt actions for that range. I guess I'll just keep using the big gun with the 8x for that. Appreciate the insight.
  2. Dragonblood

    yeah, I use the RAMS cause you just need the bullet velocity.
    • Up x 1
  3. LonelyTerran

    Yea I can't sympathize with people complaining about not being to 1-hit everyone from range.(Sniping isn't that difficult)(Pump action OHK is definitely not ok imo)
  4. Dragonblood

    Yeah, I can't sympathize with people, who need lock-on-rockets, 100-bullet magazines and extra HP to win an infantry fight.
  5. Advanced Darkness

    or the sniper learns to hit a moving target. I did.
  6. Advanced Darkness

    hahahahaha yup
  7. Meeka

    This is my weapon use board for my TR:!/5428037477581988449/weapons
    SR-7 is my top weapon, so to those of you who said, "Oh, he must not Infil very much... wrong on you"

    Now, keep in mind, I played mostly Infil from the start and it took me a month or so to learn to play this game because this is my first multiplayer FPS game... so most of those head shots were in the last month or so, but I have been trying to learn to play Heavy and MAX lately because while I excel at sniping I suck at CQC....

    But, if you could have seen my killboard from two days ago, you would have seen nearly 15 consecutive head shots where I went Infil again for just a few minutes in a heated battle... but, I've been trying to avoid playing Infil lately and trying Heavy more because I suck at CQC and I want to learn to get better at it.

    The thing is, there's two different types of game players.

    There's twitch players and there's methodical players. Twitch players excel at CQC, that's what they're good at; they see calculated sniping as something that's just impossible because what they're good at is very quickly reacting and spraying bullets at an immediate target in a specific direction. It's about speed, not timing. Then, you have methodical players, like me... we're usually terrible at CQC but excel at calculated game play. We just have the knack for getting the distance and movement timing right, and we just have the sense to know where to put a bullet... it's not magic, it's not impossible, it's just a different style of play.

    And as for head shotting someone twice... unless I've never encountered any sort of Nanoweave armor at all, I've never had to hit anyone in the head twice...

    But, if head shots are at all rare (like some people claim) me getting over 800 of them in the span of less than 3 months (only been playing since the 2nd of Feb) should be a literal impossibility...
  8. Meeka


    800+ head shots since Feb 2nd with SR-7.

    I wear Nanoweave 5 myself, and occasionally get OHK'd from a distance.
  9. Jezs

    So am I correct in believing that all sniper rifles actually do have a 2x headshot multiplier (as opposed to the rumored 1.5x), meaning you have to be at minimum damage range to survive a headshot with nanoweave 5 from any bolt action?
  10. bobzebrick

    It's working as intended. The highest tier damage bolt actions do OHK headshot even nanoweave 5 users if close enough. I still get OHK from considerable range with nano 4. One of the scourges of this game is tonnes of useless snipers standing 3000m away from any objective or anything to be useful. Maybe picking up a few kills here or there but nothing effective. It's mainly people worried about K/D which is a pointless stat in this game anyway. Move in, use your cloak and attack some objectives like the few good infs I know, rather than sitting miles away contributing nothing.
  11. Vaphell

    on the other hand there are these pesky AV turret engineers at the mountaintops and with the pathetic range of bolt actions you can't do the job of mopping them up while they have absolutely no trouble sniping mech 500m away for 500xp+bonuses a pop and laugh all the way to the bank.

    higher KDR is not all about stroking the ego. Infs are also a paper tissue in ranges closer than 50m so players who think that respawning gets old fast are more choosy in how and when to attack. That translates to higher kdr. Besides there are better ways to pad kdr. Not everybody can be a good inf with godly awareness and reflexes, not everybody has 1000c to burn on a different weapon. If you are a novice NC inf, NC14 is what you get, that's it.
  12. PhilDun

    The expensive bolt action rifles are supposed to be the counter to nano-weave, NOT the other way around.

    The V10 sniper rifle - which has faster reload time - does less damage and can't kill players w/nanoweave at any decent distance. The expensive sniper rifles - which have a penalty to reload time! - were intended to be the counter to nanoweave.
  13. Hagestol

    It was never stated that the new rifles would counter nanoweave. It was stated that only a heavy with overshield would survive. Which still leaves an opening for having a counter - the loss of grenade protection just to survive that pesky headshot.

    Might not be pretty but they did cover their bases.
  14. Malsvir Vishe

    The most powerful bolt actions were advertised as being able to kill nanoweave 5 users. That's actually WHY I bought the RAMS. The 1000 cert bolt action was supposed to be the counter to NW5. I'd much rather keep using my 12x scope. I like staying near the edge of the render distance for infantry since it allows me to cloak and step back about 10 meters before I basically become invisible from the fight while I can still see the enemy dots because of the detect darts.
  15. Hagestol

    Source? I can't remember seeing that.

    PPS: They are moving away from killing without reacting - example being adding noise to the LA jetpack. I doubt they'll give more OHK abilities away now that they are tightening the belt so to speak.
  16. Shoza Nakh

    Very strange, really. From my experience, maybe 1 of 50 headshots don't kill ANY infantry target except shielded HA, even with default NC bolt action rifle. I can't remember someone survived headshot from my Longshot.
  17. Mambakiller

    I find this to be very inconsistent, sometimes you kill the nanoweave user in one shot, and other times you dont, leaving him with a bare 2-3 health bars to sport around untill he find a medic.
    The weapon (parallax and all the other factions hard hitting sniper weapons) should performed as described , 1 shot kill if head shot, regardless.
    It is not easy to land head shot rains in the heat of a battle, with ppl moving, and frankly, it will be fair to do so.
    As i said, sometimes ppl die,sometimes they dont, i think it is a damage drop at a certain distance? That , ofc, was not mentioned when we bought said weapons?
  18. Dcrd

    Every bolt action rifle must 1shot people if shot in the head. This is so obvious it's undiscussable.
    At the end - if I can't 1 shot people with my bolt action I'll headshot+bodyshot them as semi auto, which makes semi auto (which is the stock sniper for VS and TR rifle btw) better then any other rifle avaliable for certs.

    I already think that semi auto is better then bolt action, since it allows you to spray at times and follow up shots are much easier, while they require only 1 more bullet to be put into a target in order for it to die, while having double the ammo. Plus, VS stock rifle have no bullet drop, that means that if we're talking about sniping stationary targets (which is like 80% of sniping going on) you can put a magnification you like and it's easy as point-and-doubleclick.

    Bolt action are already a very niche rifles, the only advantage they have over the semi auto is the OHKs, if those are taken away - bolt action rifles are useless.
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  19. Hisenburg

    Yeah, let's make the armour that's designed to counter me not counter me anymore!

    It's funny because ranks 2-4 are pure garbage and do nothing. Rank 1 is only good because it lets you survive an extra bullet, then everything else up to rank 5 is useless because you still die to headshots from snipers.

    Frankly, the trade off for Nanoweave(Read: No flak armour) is not worth surviving the occasional headshot from a sniper rifle. Unless you're someone that just really loves standing still out in the open.
  20. PhilDun


    Parallax USED To one-shot players regardless of Nanoweave 5, until GU4. There was no documented change removing that characteristic, which makes it seem like a bug.

    Also, you're wrong about Nanoweave 2-4. They DO protect you from headshots at longer ranges.