Left and right ADADADADAD spammers mess up the hit registration more than ever

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Sebyos

    Lol it's funny to see noobs who don't know what the ADAD exploit is say the OP is a noob for not aiming better.

    Seriously people if you are bad and/or you know nothing get out of the forums.
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  2. Roamcel

    Well done explaining this to the ignorants.
    To the OP and everyone that gets it:
    A normal, honest player can't do this by normal game means, so when you see these ADAD *******, report indiscriminately.
    It's against the eula, so they take action.
  3. Jex =TE=

    I'm not getting this AD thing at all....they press A and then they press D but they do it quick so it makes them warp
  4. h00n

    In 11 years of gaming you been playing on babby's first server.

    It's in everything from CS1.6 to BF2.

    It's not an exploit, it's common and it's been a part of shooters since THE BEGINNING. Sloppy netcode, awful internet, and bad aim are at fault, not using a basic move to dodge bullets.

    Everyone complaining about this is nothing short of a moron.
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  5. Benton!

    You do understand in CS you can't shoot while moving right? Because unless you are in extreme CQC, the bullet spread and recoil is through the roof, think of LMG hip fire in this game and multiply it by 3. When you shoot, you stop, and sometimes crouch. But in this game it's just spray and spray while dancing around like a fool.
  6. Stew360

    i feel ya
  7. Malevictus

    Too many posters in this thread don't seem to realise that the guys using this exploit in game are macroing it so they move at insane speeds much faster than a regular player can just by hitting A & D on his keyboard. This in turn bugs the hit detection making it nigh impossible to shoot the player using it and this is what people are complaining about.

    How hard is it to understand people aren't complaining about regular A/D strafing?
  8. Zenith

    A guilty conscience often gets in the way of understanding. :rolleyes:
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  9. Bluedragon

    So here is OP, please tell me where is he talking about macros? If it would stated that macros makes people warp around, no one would complain, but strafing? So you want me just to stay still, or maybe even crouch, so you can take a better aim at my head? If i am moving right when hip firing why can't i move left at some point?

    What i want to know does strafing really messes up hit registration, or is it seems this way due to ocational warping or poor target leading when there is no warping? I mean without use of macros.

  10. The_Shruberer

    They just need to widen your hitbox if you press A then D then A again in rapid succession.
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  11. GTGD

    Looks like they're finally implementing some features in PS1

    Too bad it's all the awful ones
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  12. Jalek

    Makes me think LA lags more than others. That mutual death thing happens more to me when playing that class, and there's usually more on-screen movement during the fight.
  13. Eyeklops

    I wouldn't say Stew is a "bad", he is actually a pretty damn good player.

    Planetside 2 has to make sacrifices in certain performance metrics to handle the massive population, having a quick, reliable strafe appears to be one of them (although PS1's motion prediction algorithm is MUCH worse). I don't think strafing should go away (derp, who actually thought the OP was about that?), but they do need to sit down and fine tune some game parameters and the motion prediction system to reduce warp.
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  14. Pengalor

    Uh, no, it's not even close to the same. Played plenty of CS and BF2, and strafe spam made no difference in either of those, not once have I ever seen it like it is in PS2. The fact that you call it "a basic move to dodge bullets" shows that you either don't understand the issue or you completely misunderstand the proposed fix. No one has a problem with strafing, it's the fact that strafing at the correct intervals causes the game to become confused and it's incredibly exploitable. Remember when they nerfed dolphin-diving in BF2? Same general idea, it was far too exploitable so they made efforts to fix it. I like that you assume which servers I played on and, by extension, my skill level without knowing anything about me though (and then go on to call other people morons, the irony is delicious).

    Fair enough, he does have a habit of making topics complaining about non-issues. This is the first one I've agreed with him on if only because I've experienced it myself. I think the topic is better served discussing ways to fix it though instead of just suggesting we sit around with our thumbs up our butts waiting to see if SOE notices it, you know what I mean?
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  15. Stew360

    The thing you dont understand is IF a macro users use it and make ADADAD at insane speed MY FIX will make hes hitbox biggers than a elelphant because the hitbox will grow bigger and bigger really fast so it would not be a issue anymore and it will not be exploitable anymore because no matter where the opponents hit in a 5 metres circle around him will be consider as a valid hit ;) so hell die
  16. Stew360

    ive test it out with friends and there is no need to use macro , to exploits it but its also can be deeply improove and make thing worst if someones macro it !

    ADADAD strafing in ps2 mess up the hit registration since techtest and never as been fix yet the strafe warping is there since beta and never been fix its exploitable and all that mix with LAG compensation mechanics and packets lost become a HUGE uncompetitive mess
  17. Saintlycow

    Usually I disagree with Stew, but I'm with him on this issue. Strafing really messes with the hit boxes, and ADADAD ing is really messing up infantry fights.
  18. Ender

    You mean like our good friend here? I'd like anyone to try and replicate that strafe speed without a macro.... oh wait, you can't. Get this **** out of here
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  19. Bluedragon

    I do agree with you then, that if it is in this poor state.
    But not with making hit boxes larger. I mean if they have this problems, just imagine if someone messes up with increased hit boxes, this idea is stupid. I hope they'll fix warping, as far for damage registration i think there is a major part that server plays in it.
  20. Saintlycow

    This is exactly it. It's plain Uncompetitive, and toxic to the game
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