So how long before lockdown gets nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Apr 25, 2013.

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  1. Flashtirade

    And people complained about NC in bio labs.
  2. Zakuak

    Interesting. I do see a pattern with SOE. Not cool if truth.
  3. Ghosty11

    The point is we should be talking about them now while they are still on the PTS, so that these weapons and abilities don't get released in their current broken state. Hopefully the devs will continue to release regular updates to these weapons and abilities to the PTS over time so that the playbase can evaluate them until they are properly balanced so they can be released live in a good state.
  4. Slaidd

    Whatever, if they put something like this in the game it will completely smoke any remaining shred of balance this game has left. They already made it so the G2G lockon rockets won't target maxes, and if you're going to try to get close enough to hit reliably with a decimator or another dumbfire, you're 9/10 times dead before you even get a shot off.

    Making maxes even stronger will put the last nail in the coffin of any infantry play people tried to have in this game.
  5. Zan_Aus

    That is so completely ridiculous, are they trying to end their own game?
  6. Fenrisk

    So everything on the test server is currently over powered?

    Sounds balanced to me.
  7. Slaidd

    Man, wake up. It's a F2P game, how else do you think they make their money? Introduce something that's ridiculously overpowered and is a guaranteed cert farming machine, everyone that wants to farm said certs buys it, then in a week or two or four, nerf it oblivion based on the entire community railing against it.

    CHA CHING! It's raining MONEY!
  8. Flaeb

    The bursters ARE Terran weapons. You NC and VS stole our technology. I welcome our power of the Terran Republic. Muhahahaha.
    • Up x 2
  9. SizeDoesMatt

    lol. you can buy it with certs too. So it comes down to how much you play.
  10. Ghosty11

    FYI, you won't be able to fire your weapons when the shield is active.

    Also, I saw in the command post stream that the draw back of the lockdown mode for the TR would be a limited firing arc, this might not have made it to the PTS yet.

    I hope we get to see these abilities in their finished form on the PTS before they go live.
  11. Bape


    FYI- MY test client keep crashing even today so i just deleted it.
  12. Ghosty11

    Well for one, the VS MAX ability is not even on the PTS yet.
  13. TheBillOf3D

    I like it. Make them sticky grenades. With nuclear tips.
  14. Eugenitor

    More random spam. More forced fights with masses of people in tight corridors.

  15. Razzyman

    Indeed. I'm thinking flash bang, C4 is going to be the way to deal with them. I won't lie though, I'm jealous, just the burster video alone is enough to make me want it :).

    What PurpleOtter said is relieving as well, they're going to have a nice blind spot which will limit their use. Going to have to put them back to back or in a corner to guard its back, it should be interesting to say the least, effective AA and good for defending points.
  16. smokemaker

    I can not wait.
    Will buy them ASAP.
    But there will be much TK'ing... Imagine these in CQC with friendlies and enemies and nades bouncing all over....
  17. Selerox

    Oh you are ****ing me. Really? Really?!

    It's like someone at SOE decided "I know, let's give NC MAXes hacksaws, but with AOE! Everyone will be fine with it!"

    No, we really won't be.

    The Empire specific launchers were a fiasco and still are. Now you want to do the same that, but with MAXes? Get a grip for god's sake SOE.
  18. MaxDamage

    First Burster MAXes, now our traditional grenade launchers...

    There is no way they will be implemented in this form. lol.
  19. OddChelsea

    Why would I spend 2000 certs or 1400 SC on spammy nade launcher arms instead of proper AI or proper AV? Grenades are already wildly unpredictable in this game and very easy to harm friendlies or yourself even (the OP even hurts herself in the video). Scatters, mercies and sparrows, that's all I need. (Bursters too of course but everyone needs those.)
  20. BlueSkies

    This is going to be really amusing with about 50 MAXs on each side at a Biolab using these....

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