So how long before lockdown gets nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Apr 25, 2013.

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  1. Goretzu

    Why would you need to retreat when you can just kill a ScatMAX at range in a TTK it would be proud of at 0m?

    Lack of mobility in a position of cover with support (i.e. the postions that everyone whines about with ScatMAX) mean the mobility issue is pretty moot, you just slaugher everyone whilst being repaired you don't need to move.

    A coordinated squad will break such a position, but then they always could even with pre-nerf HackMAXs.

    In PS1 such positions could be a nightmare with Lockdown, but there were much few positions and the much higher TTK make it easier to deal with them.

    Lockdown with TR AI MAXs (and quite possible Berserk with VS AI MAX) is going to be the pre-nerf HackMAX issue only with massive ranges, not 0-8m. :eek:

    I struggle to see how SoE can balance it, at least against the NC Shield (it may be possible to balance Lockdown vs Berserk).
  2. Eclipson

    *Casually slaps a brick of C4 on the stationary Max*
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  3. Fafnir

    No, he won't because ZOE bursters will be even better.

    I don't understand this. Why are people focused so much on the lockdown? Because there's a video showing how it works? Record one about ZOE then.
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  4. gigastar

    Did you see how many people were whining for a Lancer nerf before the weapon was even revealed in Luperza's teaser video?
  5. XRIST0

    Lockdown should not affect bursters , same as zoe ..

    Coming from a tr player .. Flak is already too powerful as it is
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  6. gigastar

    Dont just think about ZOE bursters, also think about ZOE flamethrowers and ZOE grenade launchers.

    And for the record ive been calling for theese things to not work with NS weapons from the start.
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  7. Kaktwox

    NC crying for a nerf to the lockdown ability already, go figure. Deal with it like everyone has had to deal with the OP of the NC Maxes. We all had L2P, so maybe you should too. Having lockdown will finally bring balance to the Maxes.
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  8. Goretzu

    They were in fact massively nerfed and moved to be balanced around having extended magazines.

    I can't see how they can't end up either nerfing Lockdown or balance TR MAX for being IN Lockdown (same with VS Berserk most likely) as the reasons and reasoning pretty much exactly the same.
  9. Kaktwox

    They did nothing to the NC Max to effect it's ability to instagib everything which is what made and continues to make it OP.
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  10. Antich

    Yes, cause all empires except NC having the shotgun power without the shotgun range problems will be sooooo balanced. Go back in your fantasy world and stay there. Funny how you guys always end up crying about the NC MAX....
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  11. Goretzu

    Execpt nerf damage, damage per clip, clip size, and reload time.

    The basically shifted the state in why NC AI MAX are consider for balance to be having 2 x extended magazines.
    Which is exactly the same issue they will face with Lockdown, they are going to have to balance TR (and likely VS) MAXs for ideal situations in Lockdown, because if they go for a median balance, then Lockdown is going to be seriously overpowered in many areas.

    This is made worse by the very low TTK in PS2.

    I mean making the AA Burster into a genuine counter to Air (by increasing DPS enough) for TR and VS, but just leaving it as area denial for NC.... how is that ever going to work? :confused:

    Or the close cover AI senario (that the ScatMAX always gets whined about); TTKs close to NC ScatMAX range levels in Lockdown/Berserk, yet not giving NC any long-range alternative?

    I can't see how they can be balanced without being balance FOR being in Lockdown (and likely Berserk) which is going to result in a lot of nerfs (or Lockdown/Berserk themselves being seriously nerfed).
  12. Coldz

    It does work, what you do is run up next to the harasser and use lockdown, then get in and now you have it in the rumble seat. A bug, yes, but it works.
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  13. WalrusJones

    You could always test to see how well the sparrow farms infantry.
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  14. Taiji

    Sounds amusingly broken lol
  15. Goretzu

    The Falcon was in fact the best NC AI long-range MAX weapon before the change.
  16. WalrusJones

    Yeah... Someone smarted me with it a week ago...

    MANY times in the same base.
    It was terrifying.
  17. loleator

    NC already has the BEST Max, BY AN EXTREMELY LARGE MARGIN, gets an EXTREMELY OVERPOWERED ability to shredd either infantry (which didn't cause any trouble to him because of his instant killing weapons) or defend against air. VS gets an ability that instead of just letting you face a direction of 180º lets you move freely with as much firepower, and the complains goes only to TR.

    Pathetic. Just like our empire specific rocket . Does nothing since good pilots have realizet that they can lolpod then afterburn past the terrain even without using flares. It's an USELESS weapon but EVERYBODY complains about TR when NC is the most OP faction and stats with servers being close to 50% NC reflect that fact. A squad with these? Use flares lolpod and then afterburn past terrain. You stay like an idiot and get killed? Don't worry, they would have killed you with the other lock ons, Anihilator or Grounder too, since you can't stand a 3 mans worth of damage of any lock on. Was there just 1 guy? You have so much time with flares and his lock ons timer then get hit then afterburn... also after getting hit after so much time you would have to repair anyways then come for more so what's the problem? VS got the best antivehicle launcher, NC got the best antivechicle and anti infantry (which means no more enemies using theirs) in the end but nobody complains about NC or VS...

    This is exactly the same. NC maxes will be unkillable. They are OP now


    But it's ok. Nobody complains. They can be even better? OF COURSE NOBODY COMPLAINS

    Can VS get the ability to deal increased damage while retaining all it's mobility at increased damage taken cost (they don't get shot by planes anyways, they just run away)? Yeah why not? Nobody complains about VS after all lol. It's completely perfectif they get an OP ability against air!

    Can TR get the ability to deal increased damage while only being able to shoot on a 180º angle (which means you cant shoot planes who run past you)? NO, NEVER, EVER. THEY ARE TR WE MUST COMPLAIN, THEY MUST REMAIN INFERIOR. VS WILL GET A BETTER ABILITY AGAINST AIR BUT THREADS MUST ONLY BE CREATED AGAINST TR ABILITY.

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  18. PS2Freak

    Lets wait for final release gu8 ?! there is no sense to talk about balance now.
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  19. Goretzu

    That chart takes into account neither range nor reloading.

    Reloading time has a huge influence on DPS, especially with the tiny magazines for NC MAX.

    And range damage drop off with spread starts pretty much from 0m (which is actually what those numbers are from).

    With lockdown however several TTR weapons will be nearly up to NC AI 0m DPS levels, only without the reload issue, without the clip size issue or indeed without the range issue. :eek:
  20. Tilen

    Can somebody bring me up to speed as to what exactly this thread is about?
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