mercy nerfed, how about you nerf what really needed it?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Malishan, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. T8M7

    Completely agree with this!
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  2. Patrician

    Why do you consistently refuse to answer his question?
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  3. Taiji

    Because the premise was dumb.
  4. Patrician

    Not really; you've been claiming that the NC AI Max is OP so he is asking at what range you think it should be aloud to kill at? In other words at what range would you find it acceptable that the NC AI Max can kill you without you regarding it as OP? It's not a dumb premise when viewed within the context of this thread or your posts.
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  5. Taiji

    Yes really; it is dumb because it assumes I accept that this level of DPS is acceptable at any range despite the fact that the other 2 factions lack anything close to this capability and that the game design so strongly favors it.

    But I don't, so it makes no sense to ask the question, because the premise is faulty. So there's your answer.
  6. Patrician

    So as far as you're concerned a NC AI Max should never, at any range, out DPS another factions AI Max? Both VS and TR AI Maxs should always be able to defeat/out DPS an NC AI Max?
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  7. Patrician

    I've seen and been on the receiving end of both factions doing just this and just as effectively . Five or more Maxs of either factions will have just as much effect.
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  8. LameFox

    Yes, they are truly terrifying. With two of them, you even begin to surpass a CARV.
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  9. Taiji

    No, that isn't my concern. So much for answering your question - Didn't do me any good did it? None at all. You just made up something new and more ridiculous to be wrong about.

    Rubbish. 5 TR run into a room with 5 NC and you have 5 dead TR. End of.
  10. Patrician

    I can say that's equally "rubbish". End of!
  11. Taiji

    You can "rubbish" all you like with a mere 20% of the time I've spent playing PS2 :p
  12. Toten

    I have not played my 6000 cert NC max since they castrated it,would have to buy hacksaws cert Xtended mags because they made scatter cannons unplayable.Reap what you sow i say enjoy your new mercy's,cry for nerfs careful what you wish for...
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  13. SolLeks

    basically all of your arguments are fallacies =/
  14. Taiji

    I bet you can't even quote a fallacious argument of mine.
  15. SolLeks

    Need I go on?

    1. FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other.
  16. Keiichi25

    Again, I don't know what game you are playing, but the the Under barrel GLs do not give an indication. Nor does the MAX AV weapons. The only MAX 'grenade' that actually has a very 'tell tale' signature is the VS Comet AV gun which is basically one big flare along with the VS Default HA RL. While the other ES HA RLs also 'flare', they do not give any indication outside of render range, only at inside render range, and again, no 'red flashing'.

    And this is also matters, because if people are going to discuss MAX survivability and make it seem like they can see the C4 and back away, when you limit it to Vehicle/frag/sticky grenades, most of those don't kill with the Level 1 Flak armor, but C4 still does, Prox Mines do a serious amount of damage, which are generally the ones that do the severity of damage, versus grenades. The Grenade Launcher also does not do instant death killing, but they also do not light up or can be avoided either.

    RLs, with the exception of the Lancer, can be dodged. The lancer is more of a dependancy on whether or not the user is aiming properly when he is trying to snap shot it.
  17. Taiji

    You're just highlighting his demonstrated ignorance of the contents of my posts.

    Do you really want to go on?
  18. Armchair

    Yes, that's exactly what he's saying.

    How dare shotguns be better at point-blank range than a spray-and-pray chaingun that has a significantly greater effective range.
  19. Frosty The Pyro

    Okay I am going ro pretend you are not being intentionaly obtuse and go very slow for you.

    They (the devs) are working on a big MAX update, which will include max abilities and new weapons.

    During a preview (one of the friday night ops if I recall correctly) they showed off some of what they are working on.
    one of these new weapons is a common pool NS grenade launcher, that fires grenades on a fuse. Similar to the thumper of yore. In this preview the grenades launched by the common pool max grenade launcher (which is not yet in the game) had an indicator exactly like those on thrown frag/sticky/AV grenades.

    That weapon is what we were talking about. Everything you have said is, while true, COMPLETELY unrelated.
  20. Arkos

    TBH, I'm not entirely sure why the nerfed scatmax in the first place instead of just buffing the other MAXes to be comparable in their ideal range. That's the catch though: in their ideal range. Scattercannon should win in CQC. Period. End of story. It's a tri-barreled shotgun designed for a mech suit that I believe that the in-game description states is designed to mount heavy weaponry. Why then were the TR/VS weapons inferior to their faction's stock LMG? scattercannons were arguably where MAX weaponry should have been, but instead of looking at it from the angle of "Why isn't my MAX mounting the heavy weapons it's supposed to?" many took one look at how quickly scatmaxes killed in their ideal range and said "My MAX doesn't have an equally awesome CQC option. Nerf it!"

    Now, that's not to say that there were not design flaws to the scattercannons, however, I believe that it was not inherent to the gun, but inherent to the fact that MAXes take a bit too much damage from small arms (including MAX AI weaponry) and the fact that scattercannons got slugs. pre-nerf Mercies didn't quite insta-gib infantry the way scatmaxes did, but not many people complained about insta-gibbing infantry; they complained about the ridiculous TTK against another MAX. That was a problem, but IMHO a better solution would have been a buff to MAX resistance vs. small arms and a buff to TR/VS MAX weapons instead of the current "buff" disguised as a nerf and the outright nerfs to many MAX weapons.
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