Population imbalance ruins being on Waterson.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SmokeMcCloud, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. UrMom306

    Not going to lie, i've invested too much time into my TR toon to roll a new VS one. They could nerf us more, give the vs more, etc. etc. I would just stop playing long before I started over at BR1.
  2. Tommyp2006

    I really do feel bad for the Vanu on our server. I miss you guys. I'm getting sick of fighting NC all day.
  3. Dark-Odin

    Exactly my point as of earlier and yet people assume the so called fourth faction players will run to Vanu due to changes, I highly doubt it considering they've invested so much time in NC/TR factions that they won't wish to change and do it all again. The fourth faction is literally a dead ideology as of now, it's been way to long since the changes that changed that balance have happend that it's all moot now. Vanu are lacking players and that won't change by so called drastic buffs to Vanu.
  4. Zakuak

    VS rallied last night, whooping *** on Indar and you had cap on Amerish, nice work!

    IMO VS does pretty damn good and uses what it has very effectively....can't say that for another faction I know of though heh.

    I'd flip out if they did some nonsense like you propose.
  5. chrisbeebops

    We VS would rather have the free XP bonus from being underpop than have the NC/TR zerg lemmings we are currently farming switch to us and flood our continent queues.

    The alerts are the best thing added since sliced bread, since even when we are underpop we can usually fill the alert continent fully (atleast for the hours I play) and gives us a nice break from fighting on Indar.
  6. Zerlu

    I'd xfer to Vanu if I could take all my certs/purchases with me. I'm not going to reroll though, sorry mate.
  7. Mythicrose12

    I love the alerts during prime time. Almost a dead even population spread. The only down side is that to get the 33% vanu, it means about 80% of our total population is on a single continent leaving the others ripe for NC/TR.
  8. Aegie

    I do not think that suggestion is going to fly.

    Also, just so you are aware- the only other way to get a stable 50% XP bonus is to pay $15 a month for 6 months (i.e. $90). That means you get for free what the players of the other factions would have to either spend $90 on today to have now or $15 a month for 6 months to have in 6 months. All in all, while it sucks to be underpopulated and I hope some of the tweaks they are making help address this issue, that does not seem like a terrible deal.
  9. Urban_Scorp

    As much as it is a gigantic pain in the neck to work around our lower population, I wouldn't give it up for the world.

    Everywhere we go there's either an even fight, or we are in dire straits. Rare are the moments in which we have the upper hand, much less for an extended period of time.

    ...also, smug self-satisfaction is one heck of a drug.

    The only things that annoy me about it are watching our Vanu kin decide to leave to play TR or NC out of frustration, and the almost condescending "you try really hard" "you guys are really organized" malarkey that spews forth whenever population issues are brought to light.

    That last bit may just be me reading into it a bit. I'm not the type that enjoys hearing "you fought well" after being battered and bruised by a group.

    Oh, and I agree the OP's solution just won't fly.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    I didn't want to re-roll either... but I did. It is just no fun playing NC when you outnumber your enemy 6 to 1..
    It took me 5 days to get my VS to BR30, where I felt like I had just about everything I needed to be an effective player.
    That second character leveling goes so much faster than my first one, and with the XP from pop it is not even a grind.

    I love my 50% XP boost for my VS on waterson. I hope to many don't come over to VS..
    Knocking out a generator on an alert was paying me 350XP for the set, and 850XP for the destruction.
    That is 1200XP per gen, 6 per amp station, is 7200XP for less than 10 mins of my time.
    My score per hour was like 35,000 playing VS this morning... made 280+certs in 2 hours.
    And it is not like I'm some MLG pro either... ↓
    • Up x 1
  11. Zakuak

    Liberty, you evil man!! LOL I didn't know you swapped to VS 0_o.
    Well right on man and see you in the field sometime, I dropped NC a month ago and rolled TR.
  12. Cirevam

    During the day I fight TR, and during the night I fight VS. But I too would like to see the VS have better numbers on Waterson. It gets boring fighting the traditional terrans all the time. I want to see the sky lit up with some pew pew lazer beams!

    Oddly enough, the other day I was fighting some VS on Esamir and doing really well in 1v1 situations. I'm not sure why, but it was fun. It's way more fun than farming in bio labs which is where half of the NC are at any given time...
  13. chrisbeebops

    The Biolab is the natural habitat of the NC MAX. Be quiet when attacking biolabs or you might disturb a hacksaw max in peaceful slumber.
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  14. 660/12

    I had an idea for a solution to the faction imbalance issue, but it's waaay too ambitious to see the light of day.

    Instead of three factions, there would be five or possibly more. BUT, based on local conditions, the factions would be "allied" to achieve the best possible balance. This would change based on population and (possibly) territory control. "Allied" factions would share ownership of resource and installation benefits. Alliances would be enforced with *much* stricter "friendly fire" penalties.
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  15. Eugenitor

    VS is similarly underpopulated on Connery, and yet, somehow, we still have the Indar lock.
  16. PhilDun

    We lost our Continent lock because during the mornings TR often has 55%+ WORLD population.

    There's just no way to keep a continent locked for any prolonged period against a faction which regularly outnumbers both of the other factions combined.
  17. Posse

    We actually had 32% server pop at some point during the Amerish alert, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

    Anyway, the OP is exagerating, we never had a 20% pop, the average is around 25-27 with NC and TR both around 35-40.
  18. Zagz

    VS are losing pop because the leadership was for a very very long time completely ********.

    If you want an even fight, pick them. While you may not have an equal share of the overall population, it is not rare that you can match a continent in numbers. The reason that your faction feels empty and disjointed is because half of the older crew don't want to fight their NC allies. So you go all out on TR and eventually, you wake up the sleeping giant.

    On any given night, you may not have an equal amount of people on all 3 continent but with ease, you guys can match 2. Your faction is not imbalanced to the point that it's 45% NC, 45% TR and 10% VS. At peak times, it is usually around 37%NC, 33%TR, 30%VS

    A 5% to 8% difference in population is trivial when split on 3 continents. (soon 4) - Just rally your troops and get some leadership going on in there. That's the one thing NC has over TR and VS.

    Loyalty comes with strong leadership or something along those lines lol...
  19. PhilDun

  20. NC_agent00kevin

    Population Imbalance isnt as bad as its made out to be. 25-27% VS with occasional spikes in the 30s. Thats a small difference spread out between 3 continents. When alerts pop, the population on that continent is typically even. If they implement this new lattice type system, thats when it will affect you more.