Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. Awass

    I was never intending to get into an argument here. My "pedantic argument" isn't an argument at all. I initially thought that one of the TR guys on this thread was saying that the T9 had higher vertical recoil. That is wrong, but he was actually talking about horizontal recoil, in which case he'd be right. It was a misunderstanding.
    The T9 does have a .05

    I liked the CARV when I tried it out, but I'm willing to admit it's not the best at mid-range and beyond. Does this make the entire TR underpowered? No.

    Despite its clear inferiority, does the Reaver make the whole NC underpowered? No.

    Talk about pedantic arguments. This is one weapon. Although at this point, page 21, I can't tell if you or the TR people in this thread are still trying to prove that the TR is underpowered or if you are just trying to prove that the CARV is worse than the SAW at longer ranges. If the latter, then I concede that you are right. If the former, then I completely disagree.
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  2. Awass

    But any faction can access them, so they aren't a factor. Faction specific weapons are all that matter in an argument like this.
  3. xGreedFuSioN

    There's no reason to use a pistol other than them though, so they eliminate that factor entirely.
  4. Awass

    *page 22 :)
  5. Awass

    Yes, but they cost 1000 certs, so not that many people have them. I bet most people still have and use the default empire specific pistols.
  6. Fenrisk

    Our entire outfit has Commissionaire's. We hear Commissionaire fire all over Cobalt.

    Uppercut + Commissionaire 4tehwin.
  7. Awass

    Well that doesn't prove that a lot of people have them. They have a very distinct firing noise, so you'd recognize them.
  8. EnviousCipher

    Actually there is. The chance of missing the target is far greater with these pistols, and you can't put a silencer on them. I still use the mag-shot some of the time, and after trying out the VS standard pistol in the VR i'd still be using that a fair bit.

    Wouldn't use anything other than the 'Boss on TR though, the Repeater and Emporer ironsights are utterly pathetic. The other pistols do have a place, but it is true that they're bloody popular. Its actually more "unique" to use an Underboss lol.
  9. Awass

    I would like to argue that the TR pistol iron sights are a little better or at least as good as the others'. The NC have standard pistol sights that obscure a lot of the screen, and the VS have those weird sights with the pointy things on each side that also obscure the user's view. The TR has a nice ring+front sight, but it's kind of personal preference.
  10. Fenrisk

    Getting certs is easy and you can't use the cert argument now when TR has no default weapons worth a damn.

    The fact is most TR players don't use TR specific guns because they have no advantages in 90% of fights. The current standard loadouts for most TR players include a Uppercut or Nighthawk or if your a infiltrator a SMG. None of which are unique to TR or have any difference between factions.

    When it comes to the 10% of long range fights TR have few options. The TMG-50 is the best of the worst for heavys and most of the time i don't even bother using it because it sucks past 50m due to first shot recoil + high recoil in general. It's a 20m to 50m weapon while a SAW is a 20m-150m weapon due to its low first shot recoil, low recoil in general and advanced foregrip.
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  11. Pat Cleburne

    Try the bull now. I have went back to it recently and I find it much better to use in more situations than the TMG 50.
  12. Fenrys

    That's true for some players, but as a faction the TR still have an edge in the pistol selection.

    In the hands of a pro, a revolver is a beast.

    For everybody else in TR, you can pick between a short or medium range pistol.
    The other factions just have 2 flavors of medium range pistol for the non-pros to choose from.
  13. EnviousCipher

    And now we know you're ************ on purpose.


    A peephole iron sight the size of what we have that blocks out the immediate left/right section of screen so you simply don't know if theres anyone else there, and can't compensate for movement, is vastly inferior to the flat top of the Mag Shot. There is absolutely no clutter on screen when using the Magshot, or even the Beamer which has a peephole sight of its own yet is so gloriously thin it barely has a effect on personal gameplay.

    TR players use their pistols ONLY when they're out of ammo or can reliably hip fire their weapon, an NC and VS can go into a fight with their pistol out with confidence and not just in a last ditch attempt to knock off a few health points of the enemy.
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  14. Awass

    Certs are easy to get. 1000 certs aren't. Especially for new players. Without any boosts or a membership, it would probably take the average player about 30 hours to get 1000 certs, and they're probably gonna get a primary or rocket pods or something before they get the new revolvers. So I will say again that most people probably use the default pistols.
  15. Awass

    I forgot about that giant plate on the Repeater. :) Fine, they all suck.
  16. Awass

    And I don't think any faction has too much "confidence" in their secondaries. They're all pretty mediocre at best.
  17. EnviousCipher

    I was talking about the Secondary you dunce.
  18. Awass

    Typo. I edited it, so you're the dunce now :)
  19. Kogmaw

    and this thread is still going
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  20. EnviousCipher

    Why, because you edited after i pointed out your error? Yeah, real dunce here.....
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