Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. bNy_

    I'm VS and can't agree with much you saying...

    However one thing I think we definitely could agree on is that we all hate those NC.
  2. WalrusJones

    The powerful points are in line with the classes and features that rarely see use in the standard FPS level metagame.

    Their assault rifles are over the top incredible.

    Their MBT faction specific top guns are borderline overpowered, but are rarely, if ever mounted on the MBT (If the MBT bothers to go 2/2.)
    I have seen the vulcan twice, with every time I have pulled an MBT counting as one of the two times.
    The marauder I have see twice, same circumstances.

    Their carbines have some very interesting options that allow accurate fire at any range, at the cost of damage output.

    Their rocketlauncher is bugged, but rather.... Nice when not bugged.

    The main things people go to a faction for are somewhat meh:

    TR LMG's lack variety, and have only three main patterns of recoil-damage-rof, and lack attachments in comparison to their NC challangers.

    Their fighter is very fast and manuverable outside of afterburners, but lacks firepower (Having the weakest rotary, basic gun, and rocket pods from testing. The unique AG gun is somewhat ineffective, but not as limited as the vanu one.)

    Ultimately, if the game was less HA and 1/2 tanks centric, nobody would call TR underpowered.
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  3. Ganelon

    I just roll LA equipped with an Uppercut now, at least PA's have the same stats for every faction.
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  4. Radec594

    Wouldn't go as far as saying TR is "underpowered", right now no faction is; the VS used to, before the removal of the damage drop-off and the latest buff to the Maggie.

    I'll agree with the OP on the fact that TR equipment seems to get the less attention overall; mostly bland models, uninteresting sounds and so on.

    But the stats are there, which at the end of the day, is all that matters for a loyal TR player.
    This kicks in as a problem when it's about attracting new players though, but we don't seem to have an issue with that, for now.
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  5. daskleineviech

    But we don't really have that adventage. The VS has some of the fastest weapons, it's no use to us that our weapons are faster on average. You don't shoot bullets with a magical average gun, you shoot with the one you've got. So if the VS has just one faster weapon, they have the ROF advantage.
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  6. Caydn

    TR have no problem killing up close the nc
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  7. Poka

    If you're able to hit the turret with a phoenix, you're close enough to hit it with a decimator and do damage 3 times as quickly. Phoenix is a joke.
  8. Astealoth

    change your sig if this is your attitude. tactics>guns anyway. who cares, nerf all my guns 40% and i'll still have a good time and make kills xD
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  9. Jrv

    All this TR whine.

    Never change.
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  10. daskleineviech

    If it's HA vs HA, then yes. But not everyone is running around as HA.

    The lock-on range on the Striker isn't that amazing, you are better off with an Anni in most cases. And it's still stupid, if the concern was that the Striker is too strong against flyboys, which is still laughable, why "nerf" it against targets that can't run away anyway? The Striker doesn't do more damage to turrets than other launchers, same goes for the Anni, so why shouldn't they be able to attack those damned things?

    You don't shoot people with tactics, you shoot them with guns. If we are the high ROF faction, I want the highest ROF guns, simple as that. They can still nerf the Jaguar for all I care, that thing is ridculous up close.
  11. phreec

    Only claymore point is correct. Everything else is just L2P issues.
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  12. Joram

    Lol you are so funny, now the prowler is the worst mbt? Some VS and NC weapons outperform some TR weapons and vice versa, i call that balanced, you call that "We suck at everything". You just said that the NC kill you in CQB and the VS kill you at long range, let me tell you something, if you die constantly in CQB or long range probably you are using a weapon that dont perform well at that distance or you are worst than the guy that killed you.
  13. Fenrisk

    I think what some TR want is a mid to long range automatic weapon with low recoil and a good time to kill that is on par with what other factions have access too. I'm talking from ranges 50-150 meters.

    The TMG-50 for all its strengths isn't up to that standard.
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  14. Ghosy01

    after trying all factions i can safely say NC has by far the best guns , vanu second and tr last , after you go over all the spray and pray when you start the game you fin out that tr sucks , they will get outgunned most of the time especially at anything greater than mid range nc simply destroys everyone at mid long range and are really respectable at close range , this is mainly due to the versatility of their guns they have so many different variations whereas tr guns all fells the same with the exception of the tmg 50
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  15. daskleineviech

    The Prowler isn't the worst MBT, it's just not better. Right now all MBTs are pretty much on the same level, and all of them are rather lame. And yes, the VS tends to perform better at long range, that's what the faction is supposed to do, that's why we are the mediocore faction. We're not bad, but not really specialized either. We're the "meh" Republic, hence the "some weapons are better" comment.
    If you've read my post as "we suck at everything", you should try to read again.
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  16. Joram

    He said "so high recoil", if he complains about the first shot multiplier he is right, the Saw has 0 and is kind of dumb. I dont have on hand any weapon spreadsheet but i think the VS as the highest first shot multiplier overall.
  17. Poka

    I agree, I have no problem with the striker taking out turrets. I was just saying using the phoenix for that is garbage compared to the decimator.
  18. Ganelon

    ROF isn't an advantage anymore, why do you think the TMG-50 is our best LMG currently?
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  19. daskleineviech

    That's true, anything else than stock launchers or Deci is really a waste of time. It's not like I need the Striker against turrets, it's just illogical to not have the option anymore on all lock-ons.
  20. Farlion

    Agreed on all points. Just a couple of points because I don't want to answer to every post.
    1.) A high RoF sounds nice in theory, but is completely ruined by our ridiculous recoil.
    2.) Prowlers are very good at farming infantry, but absolutely horrible in a tank v. tank battle. Overall I'd say the tanks are balanced right now, more or less.
    3.) The starting weapons are joke in comparison as of right now.
    Merc and TRAC-5? You're having a laugh.
    Gauss SAW and CARV? Biggest joke of all...
    Sniper I have no idea, same goes for Medic.

    So as TR, in 3 out of 5 cases I have to get a 700 SC or 1k Cert weapon to keep up with both NC weapons.
    4.) Constant brainless nerfing by the dev team. Examples? Rocket Launcher at turret nerf. Prowler nerf. Claymore nerf (I'm still laughing my *** of at that one). Carv nerf etc.

    Oh and before anyone even brings the most useless argument of all times in FPS up:
    DPS is not relevant. Don't even try to make a post "BUT U HAZ HIGHEST DPS"
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