As an Infiltrator, you know you are doing a good job when...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by SinerAthin, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    ... when sniping, you get tells from the enemy accusing you of aim botting.

    I normally don't consider myself a crack shot, but during those moments... I can't help but smirk. :D

    Feel free to add to the list of stuff that confirms that you are doing a good job as an Infiltrator!
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  2. IshootRAW

    When they finally kill you and a whole Enemy Squad teabags your dead body
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  3. Whargoul

    I usually get accused of cheating by enemy infiltrators after I watch them cloak and then proceed to headshot them. My last on was yesterday, this NC infiltrator was capping a point at a bio lab. I was about 20m away and he was kneeling on top of the cap terminal. I see him and he sees me; He cloaks; I head shot him to death with my Nyx. Then he sent me a hate tell right away saying I was cheating and he reported me. I tried to explain to him that I saw where he was before he cloaked
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    Infiltrators are the one class I don't usually have to call out for hacks.. Sniping in this game is easy.
    It is them HA that get 6 headhsots kills in 10secs on running targets at 160m out that make me go o_O.
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  5. DFDelta

    Can I push this? :D

    As an Infiltrator, you know you're doing your job right if you are ratting out enemy Infiltrators infesting your tower by spamming recon darts everywhere. And if you're doing it really really really well then you get this tell:


    Just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside :D
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  6. Ztiller

    When you get locked down in a turret, and pulls off such an flawless escape maneuver that the enemy doesn't even realize that you've left it, and accuse you of hacking after you gun them down from behind.
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  7. Village

    Haha, that happens to me all the time.
  8. Syphers

    loll yeah
  9. m44v

    You're doing your damn job right the moment you hack that terminal and switch to medic/engineer/anythingelse.
  10. Spoprockel

    ...the same enemy ran into your mines again and again, because you kept planting new ones around the next corner after he blew up.
    ...that bunch of heavies switched to light assaults to hunt you down instead of continuing to rocket your ally sunderer to pieces. surprise those three snipers who managed to flank your guys and take them down one by one with your knife before even one realizes what's going on.
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  11. Ztiller

    Why do you even play the class if you are so bad at it?
  12. m44v

    What is your basis for you to assume that? I'm probably bad, but *so* bad? :(
  13. Astraka

    Your name isn't Ztiller. ;)
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  14. Dr. Euthanasia

    ...Are you not aware of the bug that stops players from rendering for a few seconds after they exit turrets, or is this a joke?
  15. Rohxer

    ...When you're behind enemy lines having fun and causing all sorts of havoc, and then your own faction's zerg rolls up to the base and you get TK'd in a fiery blast along with several enemies you were dancing with. :p


    ... You respawn at an empty tower meaning to grab a flash or ESF. Then suddenly an enemy squad drops in to take it over and you end up spending the next 20-30 minutes there denying them until all that's left standing are you and the Auraxis crickets after they give up in frustration.
  16. Mhyrria

    When an enemy Infiltrator with higher BR than you told you that you are a sneaky bastard.
  17. Sockpuppet

    When the most infamous enemy infiltrator on the server( that has 3 times your BR) and you spend 30 minutes fighting over an outpost and after the zerg arrives he messages you: "You're pretty good at this kid."
  18. Spoprockel

    Are you the same Sockpuppet who plays a little blue ball of death in DDO? Guess some people are born to play sneaky :p
  19. Van Dax

    or when on your first time playing infiltrator you sneak up behind the (enemy) zerg and knife/underboss/smg all the snipers who hide in the same predictable spots over and over again. So many hate tells, so little change in tactics.
  20. Sockpuppet

    sorry, no I cannot say I am. I stopped playing DDO about 6 months after Beta.