Game update 07 Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tomahawk72, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Nocturnal7x

    Its like a ******* virus, spreading like the plague from the mouths of Maggie and Matt...

    Anyway, the patch does stuff that should have been done originally. GG soe, it only too you a year haha.
  2. BalogDerStout

    Low population numbers
  3. Prodigal

  4. travbrad

    Can anyone confirm if the VR loadout bug is still there? I'd like to try out those new pistols but don't want to spend 15mins redoing all my loadouts again.
  5. Tiedemann

    Not really sure that my Warden will be used as a result of this, but I will at least try it (numbers isn't everything).
    I like the fix for switching after dropping ammo etc. though.

    Still wish they added the mouse bind option on air vehicles though.
  6. PS2Freak

    Yes. it is still there. It seems also, that Suit change and utility/perfomance etc on vehicles is buged. dont change on the fly (delayed 20-30 seconds .)
  7. travbrad

    Yep I should have been more patient. The bug seems to be even worse now. I lost the loadouts on my classes yet again, and this time I can't even select a suit slot to re-equip it (so I am stuck with empty suit slots on 2 of my 3 light assault loadouts for example)

    EDIT: I found a "solution" to the above bug. If I click on a different loadout slot (explosives, ability, etc) then go back to the main loadout screen it lets me select my suit slot. If I don't do that though clicking on the suit slot does absolutely nothing.
  8. Zakuak

    Any pics of the new helmets?
  9. sustainedfire

    They should never stamp estimated time on the Patch Update- its never correct. Less then 2 hours? No.
  10. hostilechild

    Yep looks like you can get headshots with them. 8 in 148kills and 1858 hits(your stats). Not easy but possible, actually prefer them to slugs for airpad campers at biolabs
  11. Myka

    Clicking the certs button for that class will also unlock the unclickable loadout slots.

    As an FYI for the developers - the new Lasher firing animation is not present :(
  12. Jac70

    Loving the new VS outfits. Love the fact that we can now see what medals we have for vehicle weapons. I like the improved Phalanx turret defenses.

    Downsides, the weapons loadout screen is too cluttered with all the available weapons. I don't like the distracting shield gen icons on the hud - too large and distracting.
  13. Ogedai

    So, 4th faction to VS and lightassult ruined?
  14. PS2Freak

    Also, Look where compensator is on NS-11c...

    DO THEY TEST THE STUFF?????????????????
  15. Madwico

    I love the new pistol, grate work soe. Posting some spec for u soe.
    Win 64
    AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
  16. Xasapis

    The new LA sound is pretty awesome.
  17. FlayvorOfEvil

    The "fixes" to VS weapon damage has now made VS Shotgun slugs stronger than Semiauto and bolt action rifles from short to long range.

    VS PA shotguns are now just as strong as a bolt action rifle with no bullet drop, higher ammo count and much faster fire rate.
  18. Cirevam

    Let me guess, it's floating 10 inches from the end of the barrel? I can't get to PS2 right now, but I wouldn't be surprised...
    • Up x 3
  19. FlippyWarbear

    I dont like the fact that a lot of items that used to use camo patterns (helmets mainly in this case) are now totally off the rockers. I personally liked the look of the NC illuminated apex helmet having the facial part use the camo as well, now it is just black... Lame!

    Also I do not like that theres every single camo and weapon stuffed in my loadout menus. It makes it a big icky mess! I'd appreciate the system more if there werent every single buyable item stuck in my weapon/helmet/whatever selection. Not a fan. :(

    Oh and not to mention that now "single use" camo's that I had previously bought are available in my camo selection screen... why on earth?!
  20. Satanam

    Well it was 0.5~0.75 spinning time before... I wish they didn't change it, but buffed it with other things.