Says the Chez: GU07 Weapon Tuning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JGood, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. MurderBunneh

    NC have the lower bullet velocity overall I'm pretty sure.
  2. FischiPiSti

    I dont think buffing TR VS AI MAXes at this time is such a good idea, and this coming from a TR.
    Both TR and VS performs fairly well in mid range, only close range suffers, at least compaired to instagib shotguns. However with the introduction of flamethrowers, i think all of that will change, and the only ones who lose are NC...
    So IMO it would be more wise to wait out the effects of the upcoming flamethrowers, and give NC some medium range weapon(bigger magazine, tighter cof, slow firing, lower damage/pellet)
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  3. Laraso

    I never seemed to have any problems with the trajectory, unlike everyone else. Looks like I'm going to have to re-learn grenades.
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  4. nick779

    regarding the whole max situation, why dont we just give everyone the same weapons, then everyone will stop complaining.
    soe just castrated the nc max, and now theyre going to make it worse by buffing the other factions....
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  5. Killy80

    Wanna tell me where the screenshot indicates this was not a camping MAX in a biolab at a door to a teleport room? NC MAX are good at CQC. Better than the others. But that doesn't mean the others are bad at CQC and certainly doesn't mean the NC MAX is good at range.
  6. Laraso

    Yeah, nice try. That Killboard is filtered to only show kills. If I were to use a pistol continuously, regardless of how many times I died using it, my Killboard would end up looking just like the one in the image you posted.
  7. DayBreak998

  8. TintaBux

  9. pnkdth

    The TR/VS buff to MAX units are for the underperforming weapons. I doubt the Mercy or Cosmos belongs to this category, as they're the most frequently used and consistently put forth as the best weapons for their respective factions.
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  10. Laraso

    They are talking about buffing the "bad" choices for the MAX, i.e. Blueshift.
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  11. LowTechKiller

    First, what did you expect? The NC MAX will never get another buff; they generate too many complaints.
    Secondly, arm at least one Falcon. You'll be pleasantly surprised how effective "bang, bang, BOOM" is on mid range targets.
  12. Killy80

    Try Falcon in VR. In close combat it's totally ineffective since the shell passes the enemy to the left/right and doesn't hit him at all. Happens even at mid-range. At long range, the shell takes an awful lot time to travel. Impossible to hit moving targets.
  13. LowTechKiller

    I have. It is predictably accurate.
    All you have to do is aim just to the opposite side of the target. Just don't fire both Falcons at the same time.
    You'll hit every time.
  14. xGreedFuSioN

    You realize they do these things on stats? VS doing ****** in comparison, buff the vs.
    it's not even that big of a deal, the 3rd tier of dropoff hits at like 110m or something like that, which is virtually impossible anyhow.
  15. Frosty The Pyro

    People realy need to stop saying stuff thats not true

    VS do not have lower bullet velocities, in most catagories they tend to have slightly superior velocities.
    Commets do not have the lowest damage, or dps. They out DPS falcons.
    Regardless of what PS2Calc says, in terms of projectile velocity for a2a noseguns the concensous has been TR>VS>>NC
  16. DarkWeeble

    Honestly instead of trying to tweak variables like bullet drop and velocity that aren't practical for anyone who isn't at long range I'd love to see each faction's weapons (not all of them) have a special ability. The TR could have a small (very small) explosive radius that would deal 3 or 5 damage to clusters standing near your primary target, the NC could have a punch-through that is similar but in straight lines, and the VS could have some sizzle DoT on their bullets that could potentially kill a guy who would have gotten away.

    You'd have the option of engaging faction differently. Lines against NC, loose groups against TR, and quick assaults against VS before they wear you down. None of the abilities are enough to really make a difference to two guys who suddenly round a corner into each other, but it adds some delicious faction flavor to larger fights and you can play to your specific advantages by funneling enemies into corridors, tight spaces, or doing hit and run. This bullet drop, bloom, damage falloff stuff isn't something a newbie is going to notice. They will notice and appreciate their bullets acting like tiny railguns and punching through people. Please stop homogenizing the factions.
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  17. Strife_iH

    you are saying stuff that is not true, unless you prove it, the VS noseguns have a noticeable slower bullet speed, anyone that has played A2A with the 3 ESFs for a while can notice it, TR and NC speeds are similar
  18. DayBreak998

    you need to retake middle school math.

    Because obviously a velocity of 200m/s (for TR and NC) is less than a velocity of 167m/s (VS) right?
  19. Being@RT

    I really haven't seen this slower bullet velocity issue.

    Vanu range from 590 to 630, average to 611, median is (mean of the middle values) 615
    NC range from 555 to 650, average to 606, median is 600
    TR range from 550 to 620, average to 580, median is 580.

    Clearly Vanu have the advantage with Assault Rifle projectile velocity.

    Vanu 420 to 515, average 491, median 515
    NC 480 to 560, average 507, median 500
    TR 440 to 570, average 488, median 490

    Vanu median is by far the highest, but it's also the top of their velocity range (2/3rds of Vanu carbines are 515 velocity, which is well above the mean of the other two factions)

    Vanu 600 to 640, average 622, median 622.5 (mean of the two middle values)
    NC 570 to 615, average 593, median 595 (mean of the two middle values)
    TR 580 to 640, average 606, median 600

    Vanu clear winner.

    Regardless of who wins these contests, the differences are minimal, especially if you consider normal engagement ranges.
    A 570 velocity carbine hits a target at 100m distance (well beyond normal carbine engagement range) 0.06 seconds faster than a 420 velcotiy carbine.

    edit: you can obviously cherrypick examples from each faction where it seems like another faction is clearly superior. But on the whole the differences are minimal and Vanu seems to have the advantage.

    For a proper weighting of these values, you'd have to adjust the weight of results by how much a gun is used, something only the devs can do. Still, as I pointed out, the values are so close to each other in projectile flight time to target that it's not really worth discussing. The difference between weapon types can be significant, but all factions end up in similar velocity bands.
  20. siiix

    ok it they only buff useless infiltrator weapons to bring them up to specs fine, but trust me 30-50% snipers and that is the death sentence of any game, saw it happen before. lucky in other game snipers could just kicked from servers simply for being snipers, but here that is not a solution/option

    the max buff i'm fine with

    the granade i'm acctually happy with

    the normal weapons, i just hope your right, we dont need every shoot is a head shoot weapons