Hate this game so much

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Jogido

    Only if they stand toe to toe.
  2. Duff_Chimp


    Really i have played a lot of FPS over the years, but skillful PS2 isn't. If i'm breaching a base i can run around with a shotty and annihilate so many people, even after the nerf. Twitch and reflexes =/= skill. Sniping in this game has to be the easiest i've ever experienced in FPS, the longer range gunplay is ok, but soon as you start hitting medium to short ranges you die in 2-4 hits which can happen almost instantly thanks to latency/hit detection.

    It really doesn't feel we have these so called shields, when they deplete when they get hit by one bullet. The problem is there aren't enough interesting gun battles over medium-long ranges. People mostly just rush in and start gibbing because its easy. Cover almost completely redundant in most CQC battles as i have died around a corner way too many times.

    Red Orchestra 2 isn't a great game, but go and play that game and compare how different the gun battles play out. I would prefer something more like that but less punishingly real. Make infantry combat important but make it interesting, at the moment it is just rush around deathmatch style.
  3. TomaHawk

    I agree, I've had these moments as well. Thankfully, they're just short periods that cause me to change what I am doing. I may hop onto another continent where my side has greater numbers, or I might roll in a Mossy, Prowler, or try stirring up trouble as an Engy in fully cert'd explosives suit option.

    One tip I'd like to give, dunno how many others do this. Don't EVER let your infantry resources hit 750. Notice how you can stockpile 40 grenades, 40 claymores, etc? Stock pile stuff. Grenade Bandolier 2 + 40 grenades in the bank = lolz. As a Heavy, you can carry 3 grenades on each reload. It's wonderful when I come up with a room full of bad guys just buzzing with fresh meat. If you have the Engy explosives suit full cert'd you can carry lots of explosives. 3 claymores lets you set up some fun booby trapping around a hotly contested tower or space.

    The point is, change rolls, try out other vehicles, etc. The variety in PS2 and the ways I can play each role with different certs is the thing that keeps me from going away.
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  4. ent|ty

    Indeed. I don't rage in games, but I do when it starts to be a gamble, and not a clash of skill and tactics.

    Welcome to modern gaming. I think this will be my last FPS, because this style of play just isn't a lot of fun.
  5. KodanBlack

    ... Then get OHK by a sniper rifle > respawn > OHK by a Zephyr > respawn > OHK by a tank round > respawn...

    I feel your pain, but you can simply respawn somewhere else, collect your stuff and go kill those things by attacking from unexpected angles.
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  6. HadesR

    Yeah but some day's it doesn't seem to matter where you spawn lol .. Just have those day's that seem to be a OHK fest .. I imagine even if you go and ghost cap you will trip over a rock and get OHK :p

    *spawns at remote location > Get's run over by own team mate *
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  7. TheBillOf3D

    This is what I don't understand about the complaints. Most complainers are upset that it only takes one or two shots to kill them (oddly enough often at the same time they brag about running around killing people). Why do you need to sit there and dance with each person you shoot at in order to be considered a good game? It's not a shooting game then, it's just crappy projectile kung fu. You are wanting a game that compares twitch reflexes then. You want to be able to take a shot to the face and then use that 'warning shot' to go square off with your opponent and compare abilities to stay on target and slap mouse buttons until one of you falls. That's stupid. There are already games where you can go do that. Why the desire to dance with each clown in this game? The one who gets the drop on you gets the reward and gets to focus in the next target. Not waste their time giving you warning shots so you two can unrealisticly dance and shoot. Oh sure the guy shot me in the face but I can keep my cursor on him better! Yes that's real skill, or less lag. Either way, this game doesn't need more projectile fu. It promotes teamwork and watching each others backs as it is. Which is lacking in most other shooters. Last night I somehow wandered into a good team. We all saved each other from respawn numerous times. They didn't even talk that much other than say what the next objective was. That was fun. I will admit that type of group is hard to find but really makes the game.
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  8. Jokkie

    You're mad that you couldn't go god mode in your max suit? You were killed by rockets or c4? Props to the heavy killing you with rockets, and you should have saw that LA coming and press the F skill button to run away. You say you're a "seasoned FPS player" but the way you're talking, you don't sound like it. Or maybe you're just not very good at FPS games in general despite your experience.
  9. Codeak

    everyone hates it.. but WE STILL PLAY IT.
  10. DoomMaze

    What other games do you play?
  11. DoomMaze

    You may not realise it but when you start getting frustrated you start to play badly ...you start making poor decisions etc. I think you just need to take a break from the game. The skill to this game isn't just about who can shoot the other in the face first....its about what situations you put yourself in....the decisions you make etc
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  12. omega4

    Generals Patton, Montgomery, and Rommel would respectfully disagree with you.
  13. EvaJones

    Killing noobs =/= skillful gunplay lol.
    When you encounter someone else that knows how to aim and compensate for recoil, in close quarter combat it's usually the person that shoots first that wins.

    The skill of gunplay in this game is odd. It has a slightly higher floor than most modern military shooters due to recoil, bullet drop and non-hitscan weapons, but the skill ceiling is very low at the same time, mostly because the majority of combat takes place in situations where those things are irrelevant, and recoil is linear and therefore easy to compensate for.

    This is deliberate, it means that the skill of an individual player is pretty irrelevant, and the game is focused more on tactics and numbers. If you're looking for a skillful FPS game, you're looking in the wrong place.
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  14. Marinealver

    That is what I do. I have been playing Planetside 2 less and less and more and more of other games. There is a lot of good games coming out there. StarCraft HotS is out, or go on steam and look up other exciting games.

    I have come to accept that Planetside 2 is not Planetside and it will not achieve the legendary status and longligivitey its predecessor Planetside (1) had achieved. Yeah it is a shame and sad reality but the game is nothing more than a Battlefield shootout. Maybe EA and Sony should do a merge.
  15. Marinealver

    Yup this is nothing like Planetside so quit ******** everyone and go play your Battlefield MMO ;)!
  16. TheShrapnelKing

    I can tell you for a fact that if you're at just greater than close range, but not really midrange, have a resist shield up, and get the first shot in, you can kill an enemy MAX in a straight shootout with a Gauss SAW if you just hold the trigger down. Done it many times. May be part of the problem plaguing the OP.
  17. Lucidius134


    just sitting here enjoying forumside 2 with my tea
  18. Poacher

    I find that playing this game only 2-3 times a week makes it much more palatable. ;)
    Of course I recently found a great show called "Justified" that is taking my former game time as I watch via Amazon Prime for free....except for season 4.
  19. ViXeN

    I'm loving the direction this game is going right now. They make some mistakes along the way but they are taking positive steps to make the game better.
  20. Goretzu

    It can be effective, certainly, whether it should be is a different kettle of fish.