A reenactment of the horrors of the scatt max.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Phyr

    I wish they would post the average k/d for MAX's.
  2. Novmiech

    How does a podtard even know what the inside of a biolab looks like?

    You know nothing of the horrors of hacksaws - nothing.


    Very amusing - omg awful movie though.
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    No I avoided that death pit as much as possible. But the screams of SCATTMAX!!! on coms was good enough for me;)
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  4. FatSheriff

    How are the TR capping that base before the NC's influence has gone down o_O how old is that vid
  5. Kon

    i wishb they would just remove scatmaxes, and give gauss variants, solve all the problems ( this is coming from a extendo hacksawmax)
  6. Total_Overkill

    Judging by Rashnu having a D,E,F points? Early beta...

    ... and yes, Scatmaxes were still way OP then, and continued to be so... despite our best efforts...
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  7. Gary

    Whilst it may be the worst at putting out damage it was not designed to do that... It was designed to soak up incoming damage and keep the enemy focused on you whilst other venguards/team mates help clear up. Oh look it does what it was designed to do incredibly well.

    Scatmax also does what it ws designed to do incredibly well... A little to well, you get no chance to respond to it and they simply wait around a corner or in a room. They can kill another max before they even take a small margin of damage.

    Meanwhile the TR and VS maxes take just as long to kill the enemy at the intended ranges as other weapons, They take just as long to kill them at close range and they take way to long to kill them at long range. Another problem is vehicles are present at the ranges were VS/TR maxes are likely to be used and because of this they get killed off.

    Both the TR and the VS need desperate attention when it comes to the maxes, They need to be feared at the respected ranges like the NC max... This cannot happen since they will almost always have to face a vehicle.. I have never killed an NC max with my tank =/ Because i never see them outside of the biolabs or inside the buildings.

    One thing i am glad about is the NC max users don't seem to grasp the concept of shooting one weapon whilst the other is reloading.. They always fire both at once and then stand there for some time.
  8. DramaticExit


    Grinders are better...
  9. Fenrisk

    Well the music is from the 90's ;)
  10. SNAFUS

    Let us not get off of subject ladies and gentlemen. This is a time of rememberence of all of those who have fallen to the villainous scattmax. But instead of a sad day of somber thoughts let us rejoice as any basement dwelling neck beards should.

    Remember Allatum
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  11. Frigidus

    Wow, I'd heard the blood looked fake in Expendables, but I hadn't realized just how fake. That looked TERRIBLE!
  12. SNAFUS

    Did you not know when a anon on the inter webs says it is a proven fact then by god it is so!
  13. SNAFUS

    When you leave imagination land we'll be ready to hear what really happens.
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  14. Roland0077

    If the vanny got another offensive buff it would easily be the best mbt. Its only weakness would be the terrible acceleration. It needs to be a damage soak able but not be a complete monster in dps. Every vehicle is capable of extraordinary things in the right hands, even a battle gally. You just need to use them correctly.
  15. TheCakebuilder

    What VS weapons should do.
  16. Phrygen

    why cause of the extra rounds...?
  17. r1stormrider

    you do not recall the nerfing of the scatmax to where it became useless then. they fixed the RoF bug, decreased the magazine capacity to pathetic levels, and it was pretty much a 90% loss rate if we faced another A.I. max. not only that, but they also reduced the range further so we had to get closer. the devs saw just how bad the nerf hit the NC in this department, so they brought us back up to speed.

    as for the nerfs incoming to scattermaxes, i wouldnt be surprised if they over-nerfed again, then buff it again. after the balance changes come in, id still expect to get splattered across the walls regardless much to your disappointment. people are going to cry very hard when the nerf is not what they expected it to be, or if it sounds really good on paper but in actual combat its not what they wanted either.

    oh and btw, when flame unit maxes return you're gonna wish we used the hack/scattermax variants. just wait and see...
  18. Jalek

    This would be worth putting money on, between it being SOE and going through this on all of their games, and this game not having a public test server, it seems inevitable.
  19. DramaticExit

    14 round mag if you get extended...

    You're only ever going to use them at point blank range where the spread/movement penalty for accuracy isn't an issue... They're pretty much a direct upgrade on the scat cannon.
  20. Phrygen

    less accurate/damage i thought...
    though they are very similar